Friday, October 18, 2019

Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing Essay

Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing health policy related to this childhood obesity. Include resources available in child hood obesity - Essay Example Since a nurse’s profession is related to health and well being of a person, they can guide the health policy makers in a right manner A nurse has knowledge about the growing stage of a child and knows what is needed and what is not needed by a child in terms of food and physical activity. As Per (Nurses together,2012)â€Å"The primary concern related to childhood obesity stems from the fact that obese children tend to grow into obese adults, with the host of associated health problems†. Actually the nurse can help the policy makers understand the inadequacy in the food consumed by obese kids and give an alternative for that with less calorific and more nutritional food. The nurse can inspect whether the policy makers have included the right physical activity requirement for the child. The activity must be appropriate for the child and not burdensome.In order to prevent upsurge in child obesity, nurses must suggest the policy maker to motivate the schools in persuading children to eat healthy food and accept a healthy living style. ANA.Fighting Childhood Obesity Taking a stand to control an epidemic one child at a time (2010). In Retrieved June 17, 2012, from

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