Saturday, October 5, 2019

Controlling Cyber Deviance in the Workplace Assignment

Controlling Cyber Deviance in the Workplace - Assignment Example Cyber deviance is on the rise in many workplaces as most employees engage in Internet abuse unrelated to work. Employees use the Internet for other purposes including sending personal emails and chatting with friends and family members. According to Kimberly (2014), several studies have confirmed that the majority of employees in many companies abuse the Internet (P. 194). Among the most common cyber deviance recorded include, surfing the Internet during work hours, accessing pornography, online chatting, gaming and shopping at work. New studies show that cyber deviance among employees during working hours, costs corporations many cash in lost revenues, reduced productivity, draining network resources, adverse publicity and possible legal liability (Kimberly, 2014). As such, it is paramount for employers and companies to develop strategies to deal with cyber deviance among employees to reduce the loss. This paper will focus on the possible reduction of workplace cyber deviance among employees in a travel agency. In such a company, employees are equipped with the Internet access for various work purposes. Travel orders and payments for such a firm are done online. Some employees are mandated with the role of ensuring travellers buy their tickets on time and are put on the right vehicles. Due to widespread Internet usage for such a company, chances of possible cyber deviance among the employees are very high. As discussed earlier, cyber deviance and consequent Internet abuse can result in enormous losses for this travel company. The company needs a comprehensive action plan to ensure that cyber deviance among its employees is minimal. This paper proposes a holistic action plan to deal with cyber deviance for the company. The action plan to reduce cyber deviance for the enterprise is the Internet Acceptable Usage Policy (IAUP).  Ã‚  

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