Thursday, October 31, 2019
Marting L. King JR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Marting L. King JR - Research Paper Example However, in recent age leadership concept is applied on the basis of intellect and not on intuition as well as on knowledge and expertise and not on power or wisdom. Due to which, maximum extent of the leaders in this age are extremely successful as compared to others. This research paper mainly highlights on the importance and definition of administrative leadership style along with its pitfalls. It also focuses the differences of administrative leadership styles followed by Martin L. King JR as compared to others. Apart from this, it also highlights the relationship between leadership and management in this recent age. Leadership is recognized as the concept of organizing and managing a group of individual in order to achieve the objective of the organization. It may also be described as the style with the help of which the followers or employees of an organization or group become motivated to attain the common goal or objective. However, according to varied researches or studies, it might be depicted that leaders comprise of varied traits such as promising behavior, power, vision, values, challenges, personality and intelligence so as to cope up with various situational interactions. Thus it might be stated that the employees or follower would follow only that individual who comprises the ability to guide or direct others. Leadership is directly proportional with the concepts and aspects of social power or administration. This is because administration is also described as the process to manage and control a specific group of individual within an organization. So it is also quite similar to the features of social power. Administrative leader is recognized as an individual who leads a team and also in-charge of the supervision of the duties and responsibilities of his or her team members. Apart from this, an administrative leader includes the power of communication and effective management of the ideas and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Death Of Ivan Ilych Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Death Of Ivan Ilych - Essay Example It appears that Tolstoy’s main point in writing this story was to illustrate the concept of death. Death is usually portrayed as a very mysterious and frightening aspect of life. However within The Death of Ivan Ilynch, Tolstoy shows death in a different light. In the first chapter, Tolstoy really captures how utterly mundane death is, especially for those left behind. This is shown in the reaction of Ivan’s coworkers. For example, as soon as Fedor Vasilievich hears about Ivan’s death, he starts to think about the possibility of being promoted as Ivan’s spot in the court has now opened up(Tolstoy, 1886). Additionally, many of the men, particularly Peter Ivanovich feel a bit irritated or put out at the thought that they are now obligated to go pay their condolences to Ivan’s wife and family(Tolstoy, 1886). At the house, a man named Schwartz even communicates with Peter about an upcoming game of bridge at Fedor Vasilievich’s house(Tolstoy, 1886 ). This entire chapter illustrates how death can become a rather mundane event, and, even if someone is no longer living, the lives of other people continue on. In addition to addressing the mundane aspects of death, Tolstoy also looks at how drawn out illness and death can be. For much of the story, Ivan is battling a mysterious illness, and every doctor he visits appears to have a different opinion as to what it could be(Tolstoy, 1886). Eventually the illness becomes so severe and painful that Ivan is unable to live his life in a normal fashion and must be given powerful drugs like morphine in order to stave off the pain(Tolstoy, 1886). The medication does little to help him; however and Ivan becomes unable to care for himself at all. This period lasts quite a while in the story. At the end of his life, he screams for three days as the pain becomes too great(Tolstoy, 1886). Finally, he is able to die. Ivan’s death presents a more accurate take on the expiration of a human.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Clement Attlees Government
Clement Attlees Government Whether or not one agrees or disagrees with the policies of Attlees government, which was in power for 6 years, it is undoubtedly one of the most influential governments the UK has been governed by in the 20th century. Attlees policies were controversial, but his legacy has been claimed proudly by the Labour party and many of his policies remain in place even after several Conservative governments were in power. By far the most famous of the achievements of Attlees government is the health care reform that created the National Health Service, providing free health care to all Britons. It was masterminded by Aneurin Bevan, the Minister of Health. He was a Welsh Labour politician, and a left-winger within the Labour Party. Eventually he would resign from his post as the Minister of Labour and lead a group of left-wing Labour MPs. The National Health Service Act dates to 1946. While it is hugely popular today and Conservative governments have not repealed it due to its popularity, there are disadvantages which in those days were more apparent. It was attacked by the Conservatives when it was proposed. Before the National Health Service was established, free treatment was available from some hospitals, and there was national insurance which was introduced by the Liberal government earlier in the 20th century. Although the introduction of the National Health Service created more jobs in the health care industry, and life expectancy increased, in addition to the elimination of the embarrassment of not being able to afford a doctor, the plan needed an increase in tax in order to have been able to be funded. Also, people misused and/or overused the service. This was colloquially called the Dandruff Syndrome, as people went to the doctor for cases that were not medical emergencies. Doctors were overworked and were not granted the freedom they traditionally enjoyed, which caused a lack of incentive for the doctors to work harder now that they had so many more customers. The British Medical Association shared this view and stated that it was against public interest that doctors would be viewed as salaried officers. They have maintained that they were not critical of a public health service, as they have been said to be before. Another issue facing Britain in the post-war years was the issue of housing. In fact, at that time it was considered the single most important issue facing Britain. Many houses had been destroyed during World War II and little houses were built during the war. In 1945 the number of homes had decreased by 700,000 since the beginning of the war in 1939. 157,000 prefabricated houses were built, although they were disliked by Bevan. By 1948, 750,000 new homes had been built. The two housing acts emphasised quality over quantity. This can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. Considering the alarming and urgent situation of housing in Britain in that time period, I consider it a disadvantage as it meant that the target that was set was not met. However, the construction of such a significant number of new houses is very impressive and could be considered a success in general. Again, the main issue at hand was the funding of such huge projects, which meant increases in tax we re needed. It must not be denied that although gains were made, the target was not met and therefore it is a failure. This is especially true as the Conservative government under Churchill that succeeded Attlees government did achieve these goals, although they were building upon the successes Labour had already achieved and did not have to initiate the new housing projects. The Education Act was passed by a Conservative called Butler, but Labour was in charge of implementing the reforms that this Act proposed. One of the immediate successes of the Labour government was the installment of a female Minister of Education over 30 years prior to the election of Margaret Thatcher as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. However, the actual achievements of this act are not universally considered to be successful. 35,000 new jobs for teachers were created and almost 1,000 new primary schools were built. This granted opportunities to bright working class children who might have been destined to have a job that didnt utilise their intelligence to the full potential. This improved social mobility and therefore caused the gaps between different classes to become narrower. The school leaving age was raised to 15, which can be considered a success as it was opposed by the treasury. The Act provided opportunities for bright working class children because it recommended a tripartite system of secondary education, encouraging pupils to join technical schools, grammar schools or secondary moderns. Although it succeeded in providing those opportunities, the government failed to implement to the recommended degree the technical schools, which may have meant that there was a lack of skilled workers available for technical jobs in the long run. One of the main reasons why the implementation of this Education Act is often considered as a success is because there was little money to spend on education. However, this in itself can be counted as a failure, especially considering that taxes were increased and that therefore the government may have failed to assign their budget to the right areas effectively enough. One of the aspects of the introduction of the Welfare State was the nationalisation of part of the British economy. The Labour Party wanted to keep true to its party constitution and to its working class roots. The Labour Party Constitutions fourth clause set one of the objectives of the Labour Party to be that workers are sufficiently awarded for their labour, and that therefore the government should control the industry through common ownership. In 1945 it was announced that 20% of the economy would be nationalised. It seemed much more radical than it was. The nationalised companies were often already partially nationalised and the nationalisation rarely affected the internal structure of those companies. It also did not create as much controversy as other aspects of the Welfare State, as Conservative governments had also previously nationalised some companies. The only part which created disagreement between the two main political parties was the nationalisation of iron and steel industries. The government set up the National Coal Board as a public corporation to run coal mines. This created a lot of jobs. While in other times it could have lead to huge disagreements, many capitalists were grateful to the government for funding companies which were not doing well at that time. Other nationalised industries were mainly monopolies, and therefore the government was hardly criticised for it. Although it is arguable that the reforms to the economy changed little, working conditions did in fact improve, especially for miners and farmers. Farmers were given grants to modernise and were guaranteed minimum prices. This allowed output to increase, another success of the governments policy. Another possible success of Labour in this area is its increased appeal to the working class. Another huge factor that made some people view Attlees government as a failure is the winter of 46-47. This winter was extremely cold and there were huge shortages in food and fuel. After a normal December, there was a rapid rise in temperature in January, which caused massive floods, before the temperature started to fall again, causing temperatures of around -20ÂÂ °C. In March, the country was hit by a terrible blizzard. While it is not Attlees fault that this occurred, the minister of fuel and power, Emmanuel Shinwell, was blamed. He had cut electricity and had rations decreased. Another of the solutions of the government was to import large amounts of snoek fish from South Africa. It was disgusting and the governments campaign was very unpopular. Eventually, snoek was used as cat food. The winter of 1946 is often seen as a turning point, as Labour was starting to lose its popularity. The damage had cost the government millions of pounds which could have been used to develop the welfare state. There are some legitimate criticisms of the government about its handling of the crisis, however. For example, the cutting of electricity was not very effective in decreasing power supplies, but it had a huge negative effect on the morale of the people. The governments handling of the crisis is a clear example of Labours policy of austerity, which meant that spending had to be cut and sacrifices had to be made. This policy was introduced in 1947 and marked a turning point for the Labour government. The government was also criticised for not doing enough to fix the damage the crisis had done. Instead, the government continued to believe in Britain as a superpower, and spent a large percentage of its GDP on defence. This also caused controversy within the party, particularly as Britain became more involved in the Cold War, which was opposed by many leading figures within the Labour Party, such as Bevan, the Minister of Health. From a left wing perspective, the foreign policy of Attlees government can be viewed as a failure. Peace did not return to the world completely after World War II. The Cold War was occurring, and there was a serious risk of war with the Soviet Union. While the USA was determined to defend its capitalist allies, Britain wanted, as it still believed itself to be a superpower, a defence of their own. Britain had a nuclear programme since 1940, but its first testing of nuclear weapons occurred in 1952. Although Labour was not in power anymore at that time, it was Attlee who made the decision to develop an atomic bomb. This is normally seen as a message that Britain was strong enough to confront the Soviet Union. However, some have suggested that the Soviet Union approved of Britain having a nuclear bomb because they could then have sovereignty and the power to bargain with the USA. On other points, Attlee also contradicted earlier Labour foreign policies. In 1944, the party had supported the fight against Greek communist guerrillas. It had also contradicted its policies of anti-imperialism by helping France and the Netherlands regain control of regions it lost to Japan in World War II, namely Indochina and the East Indies. At the same time, some of the governments arguable failures in policies were the decolonisation of the British Empire. India and Palestine were partitioned, which caused huge political problems for decades to come. Ernest Bevin, the Labour foreign secretary, did not support Zionism and supported an Arab Palestine. It is therefore a failure of the government that it didnt achieve its partys goals. Britain had to yield to American pressure over Palestine and allowed the United Nations to take a decision on what to do with Palestine. Bevin was a strong supporter of the USA and against communism. He made Britain a founding member of NATO and Britain received Marshall Aid from the USA. He was a proponent of becoming involved in Korea, and this is the most controversial aspect of Britains foreign policy in the years that Labour was in power. Although his pro-American sentiment had already angered some Labour MPs before, British involvement in the Korean War almost ended in the Labour Party splitting. Britain now spent even more of its GDP on defence. Aneurin Bevan eventually resigned from his post after dental care was not provided for free anymore in order to be able to spend more on defence. Harold Wilson, the President of the Board of Trade followed and later Prime Minister, followed. Britains foreign policy in the years that Labour was in power has been said by Peter Hennessy to show that Britain was still determined to be a great power, even if that meant spending a huge percentage of the budget on defence and less money being available for the development of the welfare state. The foreign policy, to me, is a failure because it meant the development of the welfare state was slowed down and the government failed to fully recognise that Britain had lost its power and that it was not in the economic position to be such a power. Also, it weakened their party and according to many, such as Jenna Philips, foreign policy was a decisive factor in the loss of the general election by Labour in 1951. Arguably the most disadvantageous aspect of the Attlee government was the fiscal policy. The huge extent of the reforms required huge government spending and therefore tax had to be raised substantially. The new tax policy of Attlees government, however, was effective in making tax non-regressive by taxing the rich substantially more than the poor and the middle class. This policy made the Labour party very popular with the working class, as thousands did not have to pay any tax. However, it may have become unpopular with the upper class and upper middle class, not only for financial reasons but also because Attlee was trying to bridge social gaps and get rid of the class system. However, taxes were not enough to finance Britain. The effect of World War II was devastating. Britain devoted all its resources to fighting the war. As it could hardly import or export anything, it relied heavily on the Lend-Lease agreement for food and other vital resources to keep it going. At the end of the war, Britain was almost bankrupt. Lives had been lost, homes had been destroyed and Britain would never be the same again. It seems strange that, at that time, Attlee would want to introduce an expensive welfare state, when there are obviously other things to worry about. But where World War II destroyed so much, there was a desire for real change, and for Britain to become a new Jerusalem. However, this could never be achieved by Britain in its economic state of the time. John Maynard Keynes, a famous economist, was sent to negotiate a new loan from the USA. Eventually, it was given, but it was much smaller than the loan that was desired. It was a loan of over 4 billion pound s (which would be worth much more today) which had to be paid back with 2% interest. It wasnt until 2006 that Britain finally paid off its debt to the USA. Britain had expected a subsidy from the USA as recognition of Britains help in defeating Nazi Germany, especially from the years before the USA was involved in the war or at least an interest-free loan. Keynes wanted the Sterling to be convertible to the Dollar, but this was not granted, making the Sterling weaker than the Dollar. Therefore, the loan was a disappointment. According to Alan Sked, a historian, the US didnt truly realise that Britain was virtually bankrupt. It is hard to call this a failure of the British government. In fact, I believe it to be a success of Attlees government to have made so much progress in times of such economic hardship and where the US had not given sufficient financial aid, in addition to the harsh winter of 1946-47. In conclusion, I believe that the Labour government was successful in implementing its reforms, and these reforms and projects had positive results, even if the initial target had not been met. Labour was unlucky to be in power in a time of economic hardship and cold weather. Also, they managed to implement changes without sufficient financial aid from the USA, which can be considered an achievement. The successes of the welfare state for me far outnumber the failures. It was so popular that the Conservatives did not repeal it when they were in power. Labour had created a new type of politics: the politics of consensus. This allowed Britain to remain stable and preserve the great successes of the Labour government and their prime minister Attlee, who is regarded as one of the best prime ministers Britain has had in the 20th century.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay examples --
my enjoyment of Business Studies at AS level. For me, Business Studies has proven to be an extremely interesting subject, one that offers many opportunities. I would like to study this course to broaden my knowledge about all aspects of running, managing and marketing a successful business. I believe that the business profession requires individuals with good interpersonal skills, who are committed and quick thinking, all of which are attributes that I have identified within myself. Whilst at university, I will be looking forward to participating for a year in a business to gain first-hand experience, which I believe, will give me an edge over other business graduates. Academically, I have always been a very committed and determined student, willing to go beyond the basic requirements. This is demonstrated through the enthusiasm that I have shown towards my Physical Education A-level, not only have I completed what was expected of me, I have also stayed behind after school, attended sessions on days off and given up lunch hours to ensure that I achieve the best result possible. My Ps...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Positive Accounting Essay
Positive economic theory and accounting practices are objective and based on fact. Positive accounting focuses on analyzing the economic statistics and data at hand, and deriving conclusions based on those figures. For example, if corporate growth allows a company to increase shareholder dividends over previous dividend payments, positive accounting theory would conclude that corporate growth causes a rise in stockholder dividends. Most bookkeeping and data collection involved with accounting relates to positive economic theory. Normative Accounting Normative economic theory is subjective and aims to describe what the economic future should be for a company or investor. As a result, normative accounting practice is a form of value judgment that can introduce subjective morality into accounting. For example, if a company that increased dividend payments could use some of those funds to improve corporate sustainability measures, a normative accounting statement would indicate how much money should be invested in those measures to sustain corporate growth. Normative accounting also deals with future events rather than past data, which is the domain of positive accounting practices. When to Use Positive accounting practices are best used to explain past financial events, as well as the causes of a business’s or individual’s current financial standing. Determining why a company is operating at a net loss requires the positive accounting practices of comparing actual revenue to actual expenses over the course of a year. These accounting practices are typically used to construct financial documents, such as balance sheets or cash flow statements. Normative accounting practices are best used when trying to set future economic policy based on theory. A company’s mission statement or the market strategies included in business plans can be viewed as normative statements  they reflect the business ideals that a company wants to accomplish. Working Together Proper financial planning for any business or individual requires the use of both positive and normative accounting practices. On a large scale, economists indicate financial policies through normative accounting statements, but these normative statements must be based on the financial realities found through positive accounting practices. The factual-based practices of positive accounting provide a foundation for companies to engage in normative accounting, and a more idealistic view of how the company can operate while still earning a profit. – See more at:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Burt’s bee – an American company
Burt’s bee is an American company that deals into personal care products. It has differentiated its self on the basis of ‘Earth Friendly, Natural Personal Care Company’. Their products are being made from beeswax, natural oils, herbs and minerals (Smith, Dulcinea Norton, 2008, March). This company begun its operations in the year 1984 when Roxanne Quimby and Burt Shavitz an ex-couple living in Maine started making candles. They were made from they by-product of beeswax obtained from Burt’s honey business. This invention made sale up to $20,000 by the end of first year. Soon they product earned recognition and got orders form a boutique in New York. They added many organic beauty products to expend this line. In the year 1991 they added their best seller product lip balm. Soon they discontinued their famous candle production and concentrated on personal care items. Currently their product line includes face, body, men’s grooming, baby care, hair, lip care and outdoor remedies product. Their products are being sold in different countries of the world including United States, United Kingdoms, Canada, Ireland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Retail Experiment Burt’s bee distinguished itself on the basis of organic and eco friendly products. It created a niche for it’s product by targeting people who are more inclined towards purchasing and using less chemical oriented products. Retail business can be explained as sale of goods or merchandises directly to customers through a fixed point. Availability of logistics and expansion plans play a vital role in deciding either a company should move into retail business or not. When a profit bearing company like Burt’s Bee plans to expand its operation they have to make an appearance in shelves of different departmental stores, malls, grocery stores even drug stores to be more visible over other competitor products. Making such strong appearance is not possible by limiting it’s self to being a manufacturer and a direct seller. Looking at online shopping websites (which is also a part of retail business) it brings products at a click of one button. It also saves human resource and middle man profit. It gives endless shelf-space to a manufacturer to display its products. Burt’s bee was already selling their product through QVC and making handsome amount of profit on it. It was time to get into physical retail business to increase their profitability. Retail business has many different advantages. If one person is out to buy grocery for home might also want to purchase any product that he sees on shelves. We all try to experiment with new products. This experimental nature is at peek when we go out of the house to do a week’s shopping. Instead of going at one particular shop to buy a specific product we all prefer one place stop that has all the products. It’s an era of expediency and we enjoy taking advantage of it. Retail business aids in saving time for a lot of customers. People are so busy in their personal and professional lives they prefer buying all what they need from one places rather than visiting different shops for specific products. Retail business also gives an edge over all those strong products available only at their dedicated shops. Their presences can be easily overlapped with a product that is available at every nook and corner. People usually go out with friends to malls for shopping. Strong word of mouth can also play a heavy role in increasing sales. Burt’s bee has a reputable name in the market and a loyal set of customers. Changing brand habit should not be a difficult task for them once the presence of their product becomes prominent. Appearance of Roxxane Quimby at different retail shops once in a while will add to customer satisfaction. When she started the business by selling beeswax candle she realized that most of her customers looked at the bottom of it to check its finishing. Costumers are very particular about quality maintenance. Heavy marketing can attract more customers to meet the proud owner of the product they are using. The fear of being discontinued from the end users can also be minimized through this strategy. This can also be done through comment cards. People can fill them and send it to her to give her. Retail business enables a customer to compare products at the location. This comparison can be made on the basis of ingredients, prices and packaging. Burt’s bee has the competitive advantage of being organic and less chemically treated product over others. It has gain popularity for being made from natural oils unlike other products available in the market. Conclusion Thus opting for a retail business will help them achieve desired target in a given time period. It becomes difficult to be a direct seller and expend to different countries. Though sales and revenues increase can not be separated from good marketing campaign. Promotion incentives like free samples can also be used to help purchase of new products and attract more customers. Heavy ATL (Above The Line) and BTL (Below The Line) marketing can also increase product awareness and spread the brand name amongst non users. Product availability will have a proportionate effect on increase sales. With higher demand price can also be increased. People are ready to pay a high amount but do not believe in compromising in quality. They will always choose convenience of purchasing ten things from one shop then roaming around 10 shops to buy one thing.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Filing Federal Timber Income Tax
Filing Federal Timber Income Tax Congress has provided timberland owners with some favorable tax provisions. Here are five tips designed to help you make the most of these provisions and avoid paying unnecessary income tax or making costly mistakes. This report is only an introduction. Consult the references and links provided for complete information on the topic. Also understand that we are discussing Federal income tax here. Many states have their own taxing systems which can be dramatically different from federal taxation and is usually an ad valorum, severance, or yield tax. Remember these five points when filing your Federal income taxes on timber: Establish Your Basis Its key to establish your basis as soon as possible and to keep good records. Basis is a measure of your investment in timber as opposed to what you paid for the land and other capital assets acquired. Record your cost of acquiring forestland or the value of inherited forest land as soon as possible. When selling your timber in the future, you can use these costs as a depletion deduction. Adjust or step up your basis for new purchases or investments. Step down your basis for sales or other disposals. Keep records to include a management plan and map, receipts for business transactions, diaries, and landowner meeting agendas. Report basis and timber depletion on IRS Form T,â€Å"Forest Activities Schedule, Part II. You are required to file a Form T if you claim some timber depletion deductions or sell timber. Owners with occasional sales may be excepted from this requirement, but it is considered prudent to file. File your years documentation using this electronic version Form T. Know Whats Deductible If you own a forest to make money, ordinary and necessary expenses incurred for managing forest land as a business or an investment are deductible even if there is no current income from the property. This includes if youve performed reforestation work or established significant timber stand regeneration costs. You can deduct outright the first $10,000 of qualified reforestation expenses during the taxable year. In addition, you can amortize (deduct), over 8 years, all reforestation expenses in excess of $10,000. (Due to a half-year convention, you can only claim one-half of the amortizable portion the first tax year, so it actually takes 8 tax years to recover the amortizable portion.) Do You Quality for Long-Term Capital Gains? If you sold standing timber during the taxable year held for over 12 months, Yyu may be able to benefit from the long-term capital gains provisions on timber sale income which will lower your tax obligation. When you sell standing timber either lump-sum or on a pay-as-cut basis, the net proceeds generally qualify as a long-term capital gain. Remember, you can qualify for this long-term capital gains treatment on timber only if you hold the timber over one year. You do not have to pay self-employment tax on capital gains. Did You Have a Timber Loss? If you had a timber loss during the taxable year, you can, in most cases, only take a deduction for (casualty) losses that are physical in nature and caused by an event or combination of events that has run its course (fires, floods, ice storms and tornadoes). Remember that your deduction for a casualty or qualifying non-casualty loss is limited to your timber basis, minus any insurance or salvage compensation. Make Required Reports to the IRS If you had federal or state cost-share assistance during the taxable year via receiving a form 1099-G, you are obligated to report it to the IRS. You may choose to exclude some or all of it but you must report it. But if the program qualifies for exclusion, you can choose either to include the payment in your gross income and make full use of beneficial tax provisions or to calculate and exclude the excludable amount. Excludable cost-share assistance includes the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP payments only), Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP), Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (WHIP) and Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP). Several states also have cost-share programs that qualify for exclusion. Adapted from USFS, Cooperative Forestry, Tax Tips for Forest Landowners by Linda Wang, Forest Taxation Specialist and John L. Greene, Research Forester, Southern Research Station. Based on a 2011 report.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Critical Thinking Application Essays
Critical Thinking Application Essays Critical Thinking Application Essays Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a very important tool to use in any situation that occurs in life, whether it is while you are at home, work, or out with friends and family. By using critical thinking one can have a better understanding of what outcomes certain decisions will have and how to make the best decision. This can definitely benefit everyone in their lives especially when it comes to work decisions. If the goal at work is to advance and work up the corporate ladder then critical thinking is a must. Personal Experience There are several different personal experiences I have had of using critical thinking in the work place and how it still today helps me progress. The one that sticks out in my mind the most is a problem that I was able to solve at my current job. I am now working at MINI of Murray as a Service Advisor and at the moment we have had tremendous growth which has made it so that we are under staffed for all of the work that we need to get done. Do to this the communication with our customers has suffered a bit since many of the service advisors do not feel like they have the time to call all of their customers and let them know what is going on in the shop. This in turn puts out bad surveys on the service advisor which affects their pay. Now when this problem came up for me the first thing I realized was that since I have so much work the most important thing I can do is manage my time properly so that I can fit everything into the day. To do so I wrote down everything that I would need to get done each day and took into account any problems that may arise such as cars not being finished on time. I then came up with the idea of setting up certain times each day that I would touch base with my customers and let them know the status on their cars. Then I started writing down any information that I knew I would have to use several times throughout the day. By doing this I did not have to waste time looking up the information every time I needed it. I then set up a plan on how I would react if a car was not finished on time and how to best approach the customer about it. By fully laying out a plan that I could follow day to day I now save a lot of time not having to decide what should be done next whenever I finish a task. Due to this I am able to get everything that I need done every day finished and can even help other advisors. I am now getting great surveys because I understood that even if when I call the custom at 11 a.m. and tell them that their car has gone into the shop yet they still appreciate the heads up so they know what is going on with their car. This is just a small example of how
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How and When to Use the French Preposition Sur
How and When to Use the French Preposition Sur The French preposition sur, one of the most common in the French language, usually means on, but it has a few other meanings as well depending on what its used with. Here they are. Location un livre sur la table a book on the tablesur ma route on my waysur la photo in the photographsur le stade / le marchà ©Ã‚ at the stadium / marketsur la chaussà ©e, le boulevard, lavenue in the road, boulevard, avenueIl neige sur tout le Canada. Its snowing all over Canada. Direction tourner sur la gauche to turn to the leftrevenir sur Paris to return to Paris Approximate time arriver sur les six heures to arrive around 6 oclockElle va sur ses 50 ans. Shes going on 50 (years old).sur une pà ©riode dun an over a period / the course of a year Proportion/Ratio trois fois sur quatre three times out of four​un enfant sur cinq one child in fiveune semaine sur deux every other week Subject/Topic un article sur les roses an article on rosesune causerie sur là ©galità ©Ã‚ a talk on/about equality After Some Verbs Followed by an Indirect Object Sur is also required after certain French verbs and phrases that are followed by an indirect object. Note that there is sometimes no equivalent preposition in English but the French usage is idiomatic. Such verbs and phrase include: acheter quelque chose sur le marchà ©  to buy something at the marketappuyer sur (le bouton)  to press (the button)appuyer sur (le mur)  to lean (on the wall)arriver sur (midi)  to arrive at around (noon)compter sur  to count onconcentrer sur  to concentrate oncopier sur quelquun  to copy from someonecroire quelquun sur parole  to take someones word, to take someone at his worddiriger son attention sur  to direct ones attention todonner sur  to overlook, open ontoà ©crire sur  to write aboutsendormir sur (un livre, son travail)  to fall asleep (over a book, at work)sà ©tendre sur  to spread out overfermer la porte sur (vous, lui)  to close the door behind (you, him)interroger quelquun sur quelque chose  to question someone about somethingse jeter sur quelquun  to throw oneself upon someoneloucher sur  to ogleprendre modà ¨le sur quelquun  to model oneself on som eonequestionner quelquun sur quelque chose  to question someone about somethingrà ©flà ©chir sur  to think about, reflect upon rà ©gner sur  to reign overrejeter une faute sur quelquun  to place the blame on someonerester sur la dà ©fensive  to stay on the defensiverester sur ses gardes  to keep ones guard uprevenir sur (un sujet)  to go back over (a topic)sauter sur une occasion  to jump at an opportunitytirer sur  to shoot attourner sur (là ©glise, la droite)  to turn (toward the church, right)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Macro and Microeconomics Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Macro and Microeconomics Issues - Essay Example The analysis of price and income effects based on the estimated demand system has suggested that with the increase in food price inflation, the demand for staple food (rice, wheat, and sugar) may not be affected adversely but, that of high-value food commodities is likely to be affected negatively.†The increase in the price of orange due to supply constraints would lead to increase in prices of other fruits in general. Poor people tend to spend more on bread, a staple food item in spite of price increase by reducing their consumption of other food which cost more. This phenomenon is called as ‘Giffen’s Paradox’. Giffen’s paradox is not applicable in the case of orange, as it is not a staple food in poor households. Demand for the orange cannot be considered inelastic. Silberberg and Walker(687) observe â€Å"When the price of the Giffen good changes, therefore, not only does the income term outweigh the substitution term for the Giffen good, but a similar result is produced for the cross effect on the other commodity.†Therefore, increase in the price of orange will lead to increase in the price of other fruits like grapes or apples due to the substitution effect. The increase in price or orange induces farmers to increase the area under crop for oranges which are expected to increase the production of oranges to the normal level of demand in the economy. However, when the farmers have other alternatives of producing corn or other grasses, may be at a lesser cost of production for manufacture of ethanol, the scenario with regard to supply pattern changes drastically. President George W. Bush called for the United States to reduce its gasoline consumption by 20% in the next decade. Considering the growth rates in consumption of gasoline, reduction in consumption of gasoline is very difficult. He proposed an increase in ethanol produced from corn and the stalks and leaves from corn and other grasses.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Worlds Leaders Press the United States on Fiscal Crisis Article
Worlds Leaders Press the United States on Fiscal Crisis - Article Example The paper "World’s Leaders Press the United States on Fiscal Crisis" investigates World’s Leaders Press the United States on Fiscal Crisis. The country’s key economic partners, for example, China, are worried about the economic situation in the United States. If the United States would not revise its debt ceiling, the global economy would slow down in terms of growth. This is because the United States is a key consumer of goods produced across the world. It is as well a key supplier of goods. Failure by U.S to review its national debt ceiling would mean that the level of consumption within the economy would go down. In turn, this would adversely affect the economy in terms of the economic growth. Failing to raise the national debt ceiling would lead to the country defaulting on its financial responsibilities i.e. financing the recurrent expenditure. Defaulting would adversely affect the country’s credit rating. This is because of the fact that the risk ass ociated with the government bonds would go up. Therefore, it would be costly for the economy to borrow in the future. There is a direct relationship between risk and the rate of interest. In other words, when the level of risk goes up, so does the rate of interest. This means that it would be costly for the U.S government to borrow in the future, if it will not review the debt ceiling. The country’s is one of the leading across the world in terms of the credit rating. This means that other countries are always willing to lend to U.S.... By raising the debt ceiling the country would be able to meet its short-terms financial obligations i.e. payment of wages to its employees. The country may get back to another financial crisis, if it would not review its current debt ceiling. Critique/ analysis It is important for the United States government to review its national debt ceiling. This is not only important in terms of meeting its financial obligations, but also because of the fact that the level of consumption and government expenditure would go up. According to the Keynesian economists, there is a positive relationship between consumption within an economy and economic growth. Therefore, increasing the limit relating to the level of the national debt would substantially contribute towards the growth of the economy. Both consumption and the government expenditure would go up. Through the multiplying effect an increase in government expenditure or consumption, would result in more than proportionate growth in the level of the gross domestic product. On the other hand, if the government would not review its debt ceiling, consumption and government expenditure would go down, and through a multiplying effect, the GDP would go down by more than proportionate. The article focuses on the short-term solution of the national debt crisis. However, it does not focus on the long-term solutions to the crisis. Although it is important for the government to revise the ceiling, this would only be in the short-run. A long-term solution to the U.S. problem would be important to the country because it would prevent the problem from recurring. One of the long-term solutions would be cutting the budget deficit gradually. In other
Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing Essay
Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing health policy related to this childhood obesity. Include resources available in child hood obesity - Essay Example Since a nurse’s profession is related to health and well being of a person, they can guide the health policy makers in a right manner A nurse has knowledge about the growing stage of a child and knows what is needed and what is not needed by a child in terms of food and physical activity. As Per (Nurses together,2012)â€Å"The primary concern related to childhood obesity stems from the fact that obese children tend to grow into obese adults, with the host of associated health problems†. Actually the nurse can help the policy makers understand the inadequacy in the food consumed by obese kids and give an alternative for that with less calorific and more nutritional food. The nurse can inspect whether the policy makers have included the right physical activity requirement for the child. The activity must be appropriate for the child and not burdensome.In order to prevent upsurge in child obesity, nurses must suggest the policy maker to motivate the schools in persuading children to eat healthy food and accept a healthy living style. ANA.Fighting Childhood Obesity Taking a stand to control an epidemic one child at a time (2010). In Retrieved June 17, 2012, from
You can decide the topic (following the instruction) Essay
You can decide the topic (following the instruction) - Essay Example While there are no real guidelines on how to write a Letter to the Editor, a reading of the five letters (Bigbee; Little; Blumenthal; Allen and Huskey; Margelish) shows that such letters must contain an introduction (which connects to the article or issue that the writer is responding to), a body (which contains the writer’s position and the rationale behind it), and a summary or conclusion (which typically states the call to action). The introduction in this case is very important because it has to capture the audience’s attention and ensure that the topic being discussed is relevant. Letters to the Editor typically have strong introductions, which in turn dictate the tone style of the letter. For example in the first letter, Dean Bigbee said,†Every keystone argument leaves out the same major facts: Tar sands oil is not intended for United States consumption, but for shipping to the highest bidder†. Even if the readers did not read the February 7 column, th ey will know that this letter was opposing some assertions of the Joe Nacera article. One can see immediately that this letter will show objective evidences that will debunk some of the claims made in the Nacera article. Meanwhile, the second letter (Little) starts out with the following words: â€Å"Although Joe Nocera is probably right to lay most of the blame for the Keystone pipeline fiasco on our intractable political situation, President Obama is supposed to be the grown-up in the room†. From this introduction, one can already deduct that this letter will criticize the President Obama and that much of its claims will rely mainly on his personal opinion. One will notice, however, that while this second letter is written in the form of a criticism, it does not use abusive language. Because such letters are printed on a newspaper whose main audience are professionals, name calling will not help. Reader are more interested in the proof behind the claim, and while the letter is
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Feasibility of Foreign Retail Firms Entering India Case Study
Feasibility of Foreign Retail Firms Entering India - Case Study Example While formulating the strategies, the organizations’ leader and the management team will firstly look at the factors that may aid them to make a successful entry. After analyzing the positive factors, the firms will or should have to analyze the challenges that may impede their entry. As every foreign market or country will have different political, social, economic and legal conditions as well as different customers, competitors, prospective employees, etc, etc, there will be many challenges, which will block the firms’ success. Also, there will be country specific challenges as well as industry-specific challenges in those foreign markets. For example, the Asian country of India has some distinct aspects, which will surely act as an advantage as well as a challenge for the new firms, who are planning to enter it. Likewise, the retail industry in India also has some inbuilt favourable factors as well as impediments particularly in the political, social, legal and economic spheres, which may facilitate or impede foreign-invested retail firms’ entry. This paper will analyse India and the opportunities and risks, it presents for the retail firms. Globalization is having major impacts on the economic sphere of many developing countries like India, working as a catalyst for economic development. Globalization turned out to be a godsend opportunity to these countries. That is, these countries opened up their markets and invited foreign companies with a slew of schemes and benefits. India has also become part of the global plans of many organizations mainly due to globalization. That is, when globalization or liberation made its entry into in the early 1990s, it opened the door for foreign companies including retail firms (but with caps) to reach India, benefiting both the Indian people and the companies. India has been pursuing the Mode 1 globalization strategy since the economic reforms began under P.V. Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh in 1991. Despite several changes of government and difficulties in implementation, the essential aspects of this international economic strategy have been maintained (Sen 2000).Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8
Research paper - Essay Example The detective raid Irene’s home severally and even bribes her servants but no pictures were retrieved. In an eventuality, the princess family acquires the information concerning the scandal and calls off the wedding; hence, the king loses both the princess and Irene who eventually flees with his lawyer lover to America. During her departure to America, Irene sends Holmes a letter telling him how he foresaw his schemes in his detective mission and leaves her picture portrait to be given to the king. This paper will analyse the general overview of the short story and how femininity is portrayed as the main theme in the story. Analysis The short story contains four characters namely Walton, Holmes, the king and the only woman named Irene. However, the narrator brings out the woman Irene as the main character who takes the central point in the story. In this case, the author tried to bring out the contrast between the woman character and the expected woman character in the 19th ce ntury also referred to as the Victorian era. Unlike the usual Victorian woman perceived to be naive and submissive, the author brings out the character Irene in a different perspective (Doyle 11). To begin with, the author depicts the secretive nature of Irene because she secretly hid the much-wanted photo from everyone and eventually runs away secretly with his lover to another country. In addition, the author depicts Irene’s nature of instinct because somehow, she knew that the king was marrying a Scandinavian princess and more still, her instinct showed her that her precious picture portrait was needed; hence, she hid it. The other amazing fact about her instinct is that she knew that the king was planning for her arrest and that is why she run away in time with his lawyer lover to America. More so, Irene knew that Holmes would visit her home in an attempt to arrest her. On a more interesting note, she exactly knew that Holmes would come looking for the picture where he ha d previously seen it; hence, Irene kept a letter in the same place for Holmes to read and her portrait picture of the king to possess. However, Irene possesses the Victorian woman values because the author depicts how women valued their homes, children and other domestic valuables because in the 19th century, the woman was a homemaker who got married and took care of her home. Irene Adler portrays such a character by rushing home to hide her most valued items, the picture of her, and the king after she learned that the king needed the precious picture portrays (Doyle 11). Moreover, the author depicts how women of the Victorian era were victims of love because they had no authority over the male decisions in terms of love affairs. Irene, who is entangled in a past affair with the king, and uses the picture as the weapon to fight and protect her love right depict this weakness. Nevertheless, Irene Adler’s intelligence surpasses the few portrayed weaknesses, because prior to her instinctive and secretive nature, she goes ahead to show her intelligence by keeping the portrait of his former lover, as a weapon that will protect her from future steps that the king might take, which shows that she has strong intensions of controlling rather than destroying. Ideally, Irene Adler’s beauty and brains lays a platform for admiration. The admiration is in a puzzle concept because at the end of the story the
Feasibility of Foreign Retail Firms Entering India Case Study
Feasibility of Foreign Retail Firms Entering India - Case Study Example While formulating the strategies, the organizations’ leader and the management team will firstly look at the factors that may aid them to make a successful entry. After analyzing the positive factors, the firms will or should have to analyze the challenges that may impede their entry. As every foreign market or country will have different political, social, economic and legal conditions as well as different customers, competitors, prospective employees, etc, etc, there will be many challenges, which will block the firms’ success. Also, there will be country specific challenges as well as industry-specific challenges in those foreign markets. For example, the Asian country of India has some distinct aspects, which will surely act as an advantage as well as a challenge for the new firms, who are planning to enter it. Likewise, the retail industry in India also has some inbuilt favourable factors as well as impediments particularly in the political, social, legal and economic spheres, which may facilitate or impede foreign-invested retail firms’ entry. This paper will analyse India and the opportunities and risks, it presents for the retail firms. Globalization is having major impacts on the economic sphere of many developing countries like India, working as a catalyst for economic development. Globalization turned out to be a godsend opportunity to these countries. That is, these countries opened up their markets and invited foreign companies with a slew of schemes and benefits. India has also become part of the global plans of many organizations mainly due to globalization. That is, when globalization or liberation made its entry into in the early 1990s, it opened the door for foreign companies including retail firms (but with caps) to reach India, benefiting both the Indian people and the companies. India has been pursuing the Mode 1 globalization strategy since the economic reforms began under P.V. Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh in 1991. Despite several changes of government and difficulties in implementation, the essential aspects of this international economic strategy have been maintained (Sen 2000).Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Essay Example for Free
Ethical and Socially Responsive Business Essay As the CEO of the Cheesecake Factory Incorporated based in Philadelphia, I would like to touch base on our code of conduct which outlines many different key areas for employees and employers. However, I wanted to stress some particularly significant points to discuss and review, with all members of Cheesecake Factory Incorporated. First off, I would like to touch on part B of section 2 under YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES ‘Compliance with Laws’, particularly, our laws relating to sexual harassment, drug and alcohol abuse, diversity and nondiscrimination. Recently I was made aware of an incident involving an employee related to discrimination. Every employee of the Cheesecake Factory Incorporated, whether it be in our restaurants, Corporate Center, Bakery Production Facility and any other company facility, has the right to come to work every day and be treated fairly, and with respect. Our company will not tolerate any form of discrimination to any employee. An employee which is involved in the ‘harassment’ of another employee will be instantly terminated. To help abide by the rules, regulations, and laws of The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated, my suggestion to all employees is to re-read the most up to date Code of Conduct and Guidelines about our business and re-familiarize yourselves with the significant aspects that outline our day to day activities. Next I am touching base on part H of section 2 under YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES which is ‘Posting Messages Regarding the Company on Internet Message Boards or Chat Rooms. It has come to my attention that employees are currently posting their comments and concerns regarding the company on Facebook and Twitter either from the company’s resources, or on their own time. Quoting this section on social media, â€Å"†¦personal opinions regarding the Company, should be wary of the danger that such opinions may imply inappropriate access to and dissemination of confidential, sensitive or proprietary information. Opinions concerning the Company that are expressed should clearly ind icate that they do not reflect the opinion of the Company, its officers or management.†I understand social media is becoming a dominant force in advertising and expressing opinions, however you must be careful that your opinions do not help in destroying the company’s well known reputation. If you have a concern about the daily activities in your job, the best thing to do is approach management with your concerns and opinions in substitute of posting them on the internet. Our company values its employees and we encourage everyone’s opinions and suggestions because we are always looking for ways to make this company better. We would like our employees to have a trusting and open communication with management and feel that they can approach management with any type of concern. On a brighter note, I would like to take this opportunity to mention some of our charities which our company has added. We are holding a charity dinner and fundraiser in the upcoming weeks. Tickets will be sold soon and all employees and family are welcome. This dinner’s proceedings will be donated to the Children’s Hospitals of Philadelphia. As you all are aware, our company hosts many charitable events and are involved in the community and we always do our part to be social ly responsible. Your donations will be much appreciated and you will learn more on this event as it becomes near. Also, in addition to our long list of charitable events, our activity committee is adding a special for senior citizens on a weekly basis where we will offer seniors a 20% discount on their lunch or dinner bill. Lastly, in accordance with our successful growth in revenue, we will donate on a quarterly basis, free lunch meals to our local hospital in the city of Philadelphia. Lastly this company could not be what it is, without its employees. You all are the foundation of this company and you all are great people. I would like to continue to have people in this company who have the desire to learn and grow. Have the trust in your management to support your opinions, treat your co-workers with respect and decency, and stay involved in the company activities and help our reputation become stronger and better. References (2002-2014). Charitble Events. Retrieved from (2002-2014) Code of Ethics and Code of Business Conduct Retrieved from
Monday, October 14, 2019
Aspects of ICT
Aspects of ICT Introduction Development of computers in the modern society and associated with it computerization of education is characterized by a massive proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs). ICT can be used for information exchange and interaction between a teacher and a pupil in the modern education system. As such, not only the teacher must master the ICT technology, but also to be an expert in applying it in his or her professional activities. It is a technological world in which children are often more comfortable than their parents and teachers.[1] Computerization of educational achieves two strategic objectives. First, it improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the use of ICT tools and technologies. Second, it improves the quality of training enhancing it with a new type of thinking which is relevant to the requirements of the information society. Using methods and means of information, future professionals must be able to get answers as to what information resources are available, where they are, how they can be accessed and how they can be used to improve their professional activities. In our research paper we will cover the following aspects of ICT Positive and negative aspects of using information and communication technologies in general education Review the role and place of ICT in the building of the information society Review the areas of effective application of ICT tools Review methods of ICT application to address appropriate needs of the educational process, monitoring and measurement of learning outcomes, extracurricular activities and research, in primary school educational institutions Review requirements for ICT facilities Review the market of available ICT tools and products. What is ICT? Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a combination of the hardware and software designed to implement information processes through the utilization of the computers and network technologies. The purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarise students with the use and workings of computers, and related social and ethical issues.[2] The main focus of the research however will be dedicated to the electronic means of educational purpose, which are a subset of software tools of ICT. These include application software and electronic media, specifically designed for the educational use: a system supporting the process of learning (electronic textbooks and encyclopaedias (including network), electronic laboratory etc.). There are several venues of ICT tools utilization in the education system: In general educational institutions (primary schools, high schools, etc.) In the supplementary education (instructor-led language schools, etc.) In home-based learning (extracurricular activities, etc.) To further narrow down the topic of the research the main accent will be applied to the area of general Primary school education with emphasis on the general education of the primary education processes. According to Andrew A. Zucker who writes in his Transforming Schools with Technology: How Smart Use of Digital Tools Helps Achieve Six Key Education Goals 2008, the ICT will be successful if technology is aligned with six major education goals. Those goals are to: increase student achievement make schools more engaging and relevant provide a high-quality education for all students attract, prepare, and retain high-quality teachers increase parental and community support for students outside of school require accountability for results ICT methods and techniques Methods and techniques of ICT in teaching are aimed at developing skills in information activities of pupils and their information culture. There is a number of different teaching methods that could be employed in this area, some of them are: illustrative, reproductive, research based, corrective knowledge, incentive, motivational, etc. These methods could be tremendously enhanced by the use of ICT techniques. For example, the illustrative methods could be enhanced by using multimedia which can distinctly improve the mental activity of students due to increased visibility and emotional richness (animation, sound, video and other multimedia effects). When a teacher develops the multimedia instructional materials, he/she may use Irish local history material that enhances the educational lesson as pupils would be able to relate more to the topic which is familiar to them. Reproductive methods of education benefit through the use of learning systems offering the high level of customization on a personal-oriented education in which pupils are able to build individual educational path depending on their personal skills and abilities (perception, memory, thinking, etc.). Through the utilization of the ICT the studying process can be enhanced without adding extra burden on the teachers/their schedule. The effect of novelty and overall attractiveness of the computers to the pupils serve as an additional means to stimulate and motivate learning, improve pupils interest in studying. ICT allows and provides a venue to enhance further training thought the utilization of the gaming form of training. The value of these games is very high. Indeed, the skills of non-verbal communication channels (facial expression, gesture, posture, etc.) are important in the daily lives of pupils, and will have even greater significance in future active social and professional activities. The ability to correctly convey the meaning of the message, not only in a form of words but also in a general expression of the body is very useful to pupils in life. ICT and Students General Education and ICT Usage of ICT in teaching of general education courses aimed at improving the learning process within a given scientific field of knowledge. ICT ultimately improves the quality of instruction in schools by increasing the interest of pupils, providing the ability for a highly customized and personalized curriculum, ability to intensify the learning without the increase of working hours of the teachers. It also should be noted that there is a trend of increased usage of project team work especially in the area of research assignments. ICT is an instrumental tool in this area, with its interlinked computer technology and networking capabilities, creating a unique real time integration of sub-projects, making it possible to enhance interdisciplinary links between the general education courses. Usage of ICT tools in the management of the educational process is oriented at improving the governance process. There are several areas that could be managed by ICT; personnel management, management of logistics, management of the educational process, management of information resources. ICT modules where developed for the each of these areas. To improve the process of personnel management a human resource module, to improve the management of logistics a warehouse module, schedule module for the education process, etc. Supplementary Education and ICT Within the area of the supplementary education ICT covers two main areas: ICT as an object of study and tool aimed at enhancement of the mental abilities of children and as means of governance process improvement. The main difference between the system of the supplementary educations of children and primary education system is the lack of mandatory uniform educational standards. This feature brings a qualitative change in the methods of application of ICT, and provides teacher/school with the choice of the educational means/tools. Given that children come willingly to the supplementary education organization (as opposed to schools, where children come on a mandatory basis), the teacher pays special attention to methods of stimulating and motivating of learning. In selecting of the right content of the education, the teacher addresses the needs and interests of pupils more actively in response to innovations in the field of ICT development. Thus, the content of education does not dupl icate the primary-school science, but rather broadens and deepens it. Of course, the teacher can use all known methods of teaching, but priorities are given to the stimulating and motivating learning, research activities and games based learning techniques. ICT tools used in the management of the educational process in institutions of supplementary education oriented to improving the work with gifted children in different areas. Albeit this area boosts special features worth mentioning, specifically the fact that the organizations that provide a supplementary education are in its vast majority are of a commercial nature. As such they naturally imply a more active cooperates/collaboration with the social environment: children and their parents. In each such institution many teachers develop their own programs and techniques which are worthy of compilation and distribution, which may contribute to the further ICT tools development and, above all, the networking technologies. Home-based education and ICT ICT tools in its home-study application are oriented on individualization of the learning process of pupils and their social adaptation. Embedded training technologies in such systems are reproductive in nature, their main purpose is to help pupils to prepare for all sorts of tests/quizzes or exams and basically directed at repetition of school material. In addition, by having a computer at home, the pupil is able to more efficiently complete homework (preparing research for instance, etc.). In this case, ICT tools are the means of individualization of learning and improving the educational activities of students. As a means of social adaptation of pupils, ICT tools fulfil the need of social adaption of pupils while students communicate with each other over the Internet. Networking technologies is a powerful tool of social activity, mobility and responsiveness. Having a home Internet access and computer equipped with the ICT client allows children to receive an opportunity to partici pate in online projects, gain access to various research and data resources as well as an opportunity to demonstrate social activity. The student must be prepared to accept and assess information and develop a correct perception of any information he/she runs into, which helps developing critical thinking which should be given a particular attention by teachers and parents as this is one of the ultimate goals of any educational system. To summarize the use of ICT tools in general education is primarily aimed at improving the existing teaching technologies and management. It should be noted that ICT bolsters pupils ability in the area of data mining, analytical thinking and strengthens their research abilities while working with vast amounts of information available and given a timeline for the completion teaches pupils to effectively manage their own time and the value of team work collaboration. ICT tools are effective in improving interest of students and creation of individualized leaning methods. Application of ICT in the educational process, especially at home, requires development of critical thinking, which should be monitored and encouraged by teachers and parents. Application of networking and distributed technologies in the general education facilitates the integration of various types of best teaching practices under the ICT umbrella. ICT Computer-assisted education With every passing day Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is being adopted into various fields of educational activities. Both external drivers related to overall advent of ubiquitous informational society and internal factors such as wider adoption and spread of the computer technology in schools contribute to this adoption. Steps are taken by the governments to further encourage the adoption through appropriate funding, standard setting and training. In the vast majority of cases, the use of this technology positively affects productivity of teachers as well as the effectiveness of the learning process. The word technology is of Greek origin and means the science, the collection methods and techniques for handling or processing of raw materials, semi-finished products and convert them into objects of consumption. Current understanding of the word includes the application of scientific and engineering skills used to solve practical problems. In this case, information and telecommunication technologies can be considered as such technologies, which aim to process and transform information. Information and communication technology (ICT) is a general term describing various techniques, methods and algorithms for data collection, storage, processing, presentation and transmission of information. This definition intentionally does not include the word usage. Usage of information and communications technology presents yet another facet of technology a set of information and telecommunication technologies in education, medicine, defence and other fields of human activity that is part of overall concept of information technology. Each of these areas of information technology imposes its own limitations and peculiarities. This concept includes the full range of techniques, methods, techniques and approaches to achieve the objectives of computerized education. The cornerstone of the ICT tools is a personal computer equipped with a set of peripherals known as a hardware platform and a set of educational programs known as the software or applications. The main categories of software are system programs, applications and tools. System programs are operating systems (OS) as well as various utilities or service programs. Applications are the tools of the information technology software that enable user to work with text, graphics, tabular data, etc. With the advent of computer networks, students and teachers have a new unique opportunity to receive/send information anywhere in the world. A global telecommunications network of the Internet makes it possible to instantly access information resources (digital libraries, databases, file storage, etc.), the most popular of which is of course the World Wide Web. The internetworking capabilities allow people to communicate and exchange data using e-mail, instant messaging clients, mailing lists, news groups, chats, VoIP and teleconferencing technology. The latest development introduced tools for collaboration and cooperation which are instrumental part of the distributed computers enabling students to interact virtually with each other anywhere in the world. Technology continues to evolve and we as a society seem to be entering the age of ubiquitous computing. It is impossible to assess at this stage how cloud computing and the development of the concept of ubiquitous computing would affect the area of education, but there is no doubt that many of these technologies have the potential to significantly improve the quality of training and overall students education. At the same time, however, despite of the massive positive impact, in some cases, the use of the information technology has no effect, and in rare cases, such use has a negative effect. Concept of the information society, which includes education, gained significant boost in the early 90-ies and was taken seriously by the governments of the developed nations. Albeit the concept is not new, and was first introduced by Fritz Machlup in 1973, in his book The production and distribution of knowledge in the United States, which suggested that the information society is the highest stage of societal evolution. Positive and negative aspects of computerized education It may seem that the use of ICT is always warranted in all areas of educational activities. Certainly, in many cases it is. However, it has a number of negative aspects. Positive and negative factors of ICT should be taken into account by pedagogues. Pros are improving methods and techniques of selecting and shaping the content educational material introduction and development of new specialized disciplines and fields of study associated with the informatics and information technology changes in teaching of the traditional school subjects improving education of pupils by increasing their level of individualization and differentiation introduction of new forms of interaction into the learning process that changes the content and nature of the teacher and pupil relationship creates tools assisting in optimization of the education management creates and supports the integration trend of subject areas and the environment, Allows high level of customization. Raises level of activity of the student develops the ability of alternative thinking, building skills to develop a strategy to find solutions Allows predicting the results of decisions based on the simulation of the studied objects, phenomena, processes and relationships between them. Cons are: In spite of the obvious pros the use of ICT can lead to several negative consequences. In particular, most often one of the benefits of ICT is referred to the individualized learning. However, along with the advantages there are also major shortcomings associated with the total individualization. It limits to the minimum the live interaction between teachers and pupils, pupils with each other and surrogates it with interaction with the computer. Due to limitations of the current technology the only interface of this communication is a keyboard rather than speech. The main interface of the human mind ability to speak gets shutdown. The lack of practical dialogic communication hampers the development of the language and overall affects negatively development of the thinking process. Another significant drawback of this surrogate relationship is the curtailment of social contacts, the reduction of social interaction and communication, individualism. Certain difficulties and negative aspects may arise from the use of the ICT tools that provide teachers and students considerable flexibility in finding and using information. Often confusing and complicated methods of presentation may cause the diversion of the pupils from the studied material due to various inconsistencies. Moreover, the nonlinear structure of information exposes the student to the temptation to follow the suggested links that which can derail the purpose of the exercise in its entirety. The use of information resources published on the Internet, often leads to negative consequences. Most often, the use of ICT tools triggers plagiarism cut and paste of the readily available projects, essays, reports, research papers, etc. which does not enhance the effectiveness of learning process. ICT tools can be not only a powerful tool for the formation and development of children but conversely, promote a standard pattern of thinking and inert attitude to work. In many cases, the use of ICT and real time availability of data deprives and prevents students from conduct real experiments by their own hands, which adversely affects the learning. And last but not least, the health aspect of pupils must be taken into the most serious consideration as the excessive of ICT equipment could negatively affect the health of a child. Methods of ICT application in the education process ICT tools can be used as a mean of support in the traditional methods of education. In this case, ICT enhances the training process, provides a venue for certain level of customization of learning and allows for partial automation of routine work of teachers related to accounting, organization and grading. On the other hand, ICT could lead to a drastic change of educational process, forcing the revision of methods and forms of organization of educational process. Induces the construction of integrated courses based on the use of information content in each school disciplines. The need for specific knowledge which is either not available in a single individual subject, i.e. interdisciplinary knowledge is needed or there is a need for a deep dive research a need to explore a number of concepts, theories and laws that cannot be obtained in a standard teaching. The need for the reproductive abilities. A need to prepare for the quiz which has time limitation. The need for creative thinking. Development of the optimization skills. Most cost-effective solutions or the most optimal variant of process The need to develop tailored personalized qualities. Formation of students sense of responsibility towards others, towards themselves. All of the above reasons and factors suggest that the use of ICT tools in teaching students on a bigger is better principle may not lead to visible improvement in the efficiency of education. ICT use requires a balanced and well-reasoned approach. Information Society and ICT Using the amount of knowledge as a criterion it was determined that the amount of human accumulated knowledge is skyrocketing and is doubling[3] every 5 years since 1970. Using this figure as the amount of accumulated human knowledge as a criterion for awarding the public status of the information society is justified, because according to some estimates, since the beginning of our era, the first doubling of the accumulated knowledge of mankind took place in 1750, the second the beginning of the twentieth century, the third already by 1950 year. Since 1950, the total amount of knowledge in the world doubles every 10 years, since 1970 every 5 years. The history of the information society contains the history of the origin and development of new types of human activities associated with computers. Such growth resulted in an appearance of a specialized group of people employed exclusively in the information industry (operators, programmers, system analysts, designers, etc.). Obviously, the emergence of new scientific and professional areas requires specialized training with not only the specialized content but also particular methods and means of educ ation. Therefore it is not a coincidence that computer based education achieves two strategic objectives. It improves the efficiency of all types of educational activities through the use of ICT and improves quality of training through a new type of thinking the relevant requirements of the Information Society. The computer-based education is an integral part of the information society. The transition of modern society to an information era of its development advances as one of the major challenges facing education, the task of forming the foundations of an information culture of the future specialists. Societys need for skilled personnel possessing a necessary skillset becomes a leading factor in educational policy. Today, it is virtually impossible to find a school which would not have ICT implemented in some form. In todays world everything is interconnected. It is obvious that computer-based education and information society development are closely linked, constantly affecting each other. Here are several of these areas of overlap changes in content and functions of education, forms and methods of teaching activities positive impact of ICT tools and information on the development of creative abilities educational impact of information technology the emergence of the possibility of using multimedia technologies in education further development of continuing education in the information society Development and widespread use of electronic models of learning the establishment of developmental education based on the information resources of society a combination of traditional and innovative ways of learning in the information society formation of information culture of teachers to work in all forms of educational process generation of new approaches to the management of the institution and assessing the quality of teacher work globalization and integration of educational services in the information society Information technology in school education Types of audio-visual and technical equipment used in teaching. The birth of ICT did not happen overnight and was preceded by a rapid development of various non-computer devices known as technical and audio-visual training aids. For the extended period of time, technical means of training were attributed only to the hardware: slide and movie projectors, television sets, tape recorders and CD-players, as well as specially designed teaching materials and aids such as filmstrips, cassettes and compact discs. These learning tools at different stages of development of the education system were the main tools for improving the efficiency of storage, processing, transmission and presentation of educational information. In the absence of computer equipment they have played the role of information and communication technologies. A hundred years ago, with Thomas Edison invention of phonograph, the first incarnation of ICT was born. A that time with the advent of the ability to record, store and playback audio all the problems of education were seen to be solved; today of course, it is obvious that not all such problems have been solved completely. Throughout the last century a variety of teaching tools were introduced; each time resulting in more advanced informational support system of the learning process, which in turn a positively impacted the effectiveness of teaching. At present, any educational institution possesses a subset or a full set of the following: audio recording and playback (tape, CD-players) voice/data transition systems (telephone, fax, teletype machines, radio communication systems) video/radio broadcasting equipment (television, radio, educational television and radio, DVD-players) optical and photographic equipment (cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors) Printing, copying, scanning and other equipment designed for documentation and reproduction of information (copiers, microfilm, microfiche) computer facilities used for the electronic submission, processing and storage of information (computers, printers, scanners) telecommunications systems for the transfer of information through communications (modems, network wire, satellite, fibre optics, microwave and other communication channels) Analogue Equipment: Audio tape recorders, microphones, amplifiers, speakers, recorders, radios, language equipment, tapes, records) Graphic and photographic tools cameras, slide projectors, overhead projectors, filmstrips, slides, images on the tapes Projection equipment cameras, projectors, films Movies and TV facilities TVs, monitors, cameras, camcorders, VCRs, video players, video projectors, video tapes). Digital equipment: Audio digital voice recorders and players, digital CD-ROMs Graphic and photographic tools digital cameras, laser and magnetic disks, storage memory card Projection Technology multimedia projectors Movies and TV facilities digital video recorders, DVD-players and DVD-players, laser and magnetic disks, electronic memory card) Computer tools Computer multimedia tools to record, process and playback sound, recording processing and visualization of text, graphics and photographic facilities; recording, processing and playback. With the advent of the internet the computer serves as a cornerstone of the ICT and enables a number of features which were unavailable in non-internetworked world; telecommunication between people, real time collaboration and real time access to information resources. Computer technology gives unique opportunity to combine different technologies and different means such as sound, text, photos and video into one cohesive venue of delivery. However, introduction of computer technology brings an interesting point. At first glance, it would be logical to include other technologies and tools of relevance to the processing and presentation of information used in education. However, at the same time, the universality of the computer brings the educational technology to the whole new level and questions the usage of all non-computer based tools with the exception of the book perhaps, as they are losing relevance. Today, for obvious reasons, it is practically impossible to find a modern educ ational film-strip or phonographic disks. As such, the implementation of computerized education will lead to increased use in of advanced information and communication technologies. Therefore, our research was concentrated on all aspects on the ICT: computer hardware and software, as well as their practical content. Hardware Computers and devices, commonly referred to as hardware, is a platform of any ICT system and should be carefully selected with the idea of being part of the educational process behind. Despite its apparent youth, computers have a fairly rich history. The idea of automating calculations which gave rise to the creation of the first computing devices is not new and has been entertained for a long time. The first operational summing machine was built in 1642, Blaise Pascal, a French physicist, mathematician and engineer. Despite the fact that the initial calculations were performed by mechanical devices and tools, such devices can still be considered as tools of information processing and, consequently, the predecessors of the computers used in various fields of human activities, including teaching. Even four decades ago the computation was widely done by mechanical calculators, and electro-mechanical proto-computers. However, because of its bulkiness, difficulty of use, high cost, low-speed of information processing and a number of other reasons a computer could not find a proper application in the field of education at that time. A rare exception is higher education, the availability of computers in which justified the need for training in a number of professions such as computer science. Moreover, teachers and students work usually with one computer. It is in these universities sprung up first experience of computerized education. However, the real large-scale introduction of computers into all educational activities took place in the early 80-ies of the last century; PCs stressed the word personal i.e. one computer one person approach; its compactness, speed, relatively low cost, availability of a large number of devices that extend the capabilities of personal computers, all that contributed to the raise of PC in every facet of our lives, including education. The main direction of PC development was on expanding capacity to process information. Gradually, the hardware evolved and allowed people to create, store, process and transmit text, graphics, photos and video clips and sound. Due to its versatility personal computers provide maximum amount of benefits for education purposes. Most of the teachers and students are working with personal computers available in every school. Through personal computers held theoretical lessons and practical exercises, measured the level of knowledge, and conducted research, distributed workload, and planned extra-curricular activities, carried out educational projects and self-education activities. In this regard, c
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Technology and the Future of State University :: Technology Education Essays
Technology and the Future of State University In the future, State University will be tremendously affected by technology. Through computers, State University's technology will expand. Every student will own a laptop. There will also be a finger print security system installed, and an honor code will be enforced. Finally, the sports facilities and buildings at State University will be redesigned so that they will be state of the art buildings. We live in a world of electronic writing. In the future, every student enrolled at State University will have to purchase a laptop computer. With this new program, teachers will have to have more education to teach these classes and students will benefit from this better education. The Internet will be available to all students in every classroom. I am already being trained to be knowledgeable of computers. Luckily, this will help me for job interviews. Many classes will not meet in the classroom but rather online in the comfort of each student’s own dorm room. This self-teaching method of the future will interest many high schoolers and cause many positive decisions pertaining to whether or not they will attend college. Birkerts states, â€Å"The fate of the book must be considered side by side with the fate of the electronic chip and screen based technologies†(p.479). Just as he explains, through increases in technology, students will all have access to computerized testing, and this luxury will be more convenient for both teachers and students. Teachers will be able to post tests and daily assignments over the Internet. This will be another luxury for students in the future. These availabilities will allow for grades to be posted via email daily, and this will encourage students to navigate the Internet. Obviously, the promptness of this advancement will benefit the test takers. Getting scores back from taken tests soon after they are checked and graded by the computerized system will enhance each student’s learning experience. This new grading system will not only give the students their grade, but also will list the incorrect answers that each student chose along with the c orrect answer. The accurateness of the grading system dealing with information pertaining to correct and incorrect answers will also benefit the student while he or she prepares for the cumulative exam. Needless to say, the fate of the book and paper copy tests is slowly diminishing.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Katherine Patterson’s Bridge to Terabithia Essay -- Bridge Terabithia
Katherine Patterson’s Bridge to Terabithia All children can relate in someway to Katherine Patterson’s Newberry Medal-winning children’s novel, Bridge to Terabithia. The characters are realistic people who could be one’s next door neighbors. From the shy and demure Jess to the vivacious and carefree Leslie, every kid can relate to one of the characters in this novel. The themes in this novel vary as much as the characters. Bridge to Terabithia is a good coming-of-age book that captures our imaginations and our hearts. Bridge to Terabithia is a story about a lonely boy, Jess Aarons, who grows up in a house where he is the only boy surrounded by four sisters and his mother. His father is there but always gone either working or looking for work. His greatest hope is to become the fastest runner in the fifth grade. All summer long he practices running but on the first day of school, he gets beat by the new girl, Leslie Burke. At first, she repels him. However, they soon become inseparable. Leslie and Jess are complete opposites. Jess is scared of a lot but Leslie is fearless. Leslie has imagination and inspiration and Jess envies that. Leslie’s family has money and gets along. Jess’ family is always scraping by and nearly dysfunctional. But nonetheless, they become best friends. In the woods, they create Terabithia, their own secret kingdom where they rule together. Leslie and Terabithia change Jess. He becomes a stronger person, less afraid of the world. But one cruel mor ning, tragedy strikes and Leslie dies. Jess must come to grips with her death and the world. Except now he has to do it alone. Symbolism is a literary element that stands out most in this novel. Patterson uses symbolism so well in this story. The title itself symbolizes Leslie. In chapter seven, Jess’ thoughts bring this symbol to light. â€Å"Jess tried going to Terabithia alone, but it was no good. It needed Leslie to make the magic. He was afraid he would destroy everything by trying to force the magic on his own, when it was plain that the magic was reluctant to come for him.†(65) We see this a second time in chapter eleven. The only way to enter Terabithia was to swing from the hanging rope, which was their bridge. Leslie died because the rope broke, causing her to fall and hit her head before landing in the stream, causing her to drown. The bro... ...r and the schoolyard bullies, and he realizes that he doesn’t need Leslie to protect him anymore and he does not need to take refuge in Terabithia because he can face his obstacles. â€Å"He thought about it all day, how before Leslie came, he had been a nothing-a stupid†¦It was Leslie who had taken him from the cow pasture into Terabithia and turned him into a king. Now it occurred to him that perhaps Terabithia was like a castle where you came to be knighted. After you stayed awhile and grew strong you had to move on.†(126) In the end, Jess builds a bridge to Terabithia and takes May Belle there and he becomes to May Belle who Leslie was for him. Jess does not need Leslie to enter Terabithia because although Leslie is gone, Terabithia will remain and live on with May Belle. There are a lot of children out there like Jess who are alone and scared and they just need to find their own Terabithia to give them courage to face the antagonists of their world. That is why Bridge to Terabithia is an excellent book for young readers. It gives them hope that they can face their world too. Works Cited: Patterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terabithia. New York. Harper Trophy. 1977.
Friday, October 11, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird: Notes and Quotes
Quotes in To Kill a Mockingbird by theme Pride| * ‘†¦I suppose he loved honour more than his head†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ – talking about Jem when he ran up to the Radley House on a dare. A childish example of the much more complex idea of pride explored in this book * When asked why he is defending Tom Robinson, Atticus reponds that ‘†¦if I didn’t, I couldn’t hold up my head in town†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ * ‘It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ – Scout refuses to fight Cecil Jacobs even though he insults Atticus, because Atticus had asked her not to fight.She gave up her pride for the respect of her father. * While Scout is proud that ‘Atticus is the ‘deadest shot in Maycomb County’, Jem takes more pride in the fact that Atticus is no proud of this talent and does not use it unless he has to, and that ‘Atticus is a gentleman, like me! ’ This is a great example of the way ideas chan ge with youth. * ‘She said she was going to leave this world beholden to nothing and nobody. Jem, when you’re sick as she was, it’s all right to take anything to make it easier, but it wasn’t all right for her.She said she meant to break herself of it before she dies, and that’s what she did’ – About Ms Dubose, who was too proud to die a morphine addict * A major aspect of pride in this novel if family pride. An example of this is when Jem and Scout withstand all of Ms Dubose’s insults and taunts, until she insults their father. When she exclaims that ‘‘your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for! ’ Jem loses it and destroys her garden. * ‘It was a sad thing that my father had neglected to tell me about the Finch Family, or to install any pride into his children’.As we have already seen, the Finch children are certainly proud of their father and themselves. However, Aunt Alexandra considers family pride upmost – they should not pride in Atticus for his bravery, but pride in him for upholding certain family traditions. To Alexandra, the best families were those who had lived on a certain plot of land longest. | Perspective/understanding other people| * ‘There’s some folks who don’t eat like us’ Another childish example which explores the much deeper idea of perspective * ‘If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view†¦ until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. ’ * ‘You children last night made Walter Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute. That was enough’ (after the mob scene) * ‘They could never, never understand that I live like I do because that’s the way I want to live’ – Mr Raymond – the Ã¢â‚¬Ë œdrunkard’ – who claims he can tell them ‘because you’re children and you can understand it’ unlike the adults. Atticus stands by his beliefs and is even able to see Mr Ewell’s point of view; ‘Jem, see if you can stand in Bob Ewell’s shoes a minutes. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢| Femininity| * ‘Sometimes you act so much like a girl it’s mortifyin’’ * ‘†¦Jem told me I was being a girl, that girls always imagined things, that’s who other people hated them so†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ * ‘I declare to the lord you’re getting more like a girl every day! * ‘I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress she said I wasn’t supposed to be doing things that required pants’ * Aunt Alexandra claims she moved in to provide Scout a ‘feminine influence’ * ‘I felt th e walls of a pink cotton penitentiary closing in on me†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢| Growing up/youth| * ‘†We shouldn’a done that tonight, Scout. †It was then, I suppose, that Jem and I first began to part company. ( after the shooting at the Radley house when they tried to peek in the windows) * ‘†¦I was far too old and big for such childish things, and the sooner I learned to hold it in, the better off everybody would be. ’ (About fighting) * ‘When a child asks you something, answer him for goodness’ sake’ – reveals Atticus’ unusual attitude about children; he treats them with much more respect than most adults in the novel. Another good quote for this idea is ‘this is their home sister†¦We’ve made it this way for them, they might as well learn to cope with it’ – after Alexandra questions whether it was advisable to take the children to the hearing * While Scout is proud that ‘Att icus is the ‘deadest shot in Maycomb County’, Jem takes more pride in the fact that Atticus is no proud of this talent and does not use it unless he has to, and that ‘Atticus is a gentleman, like me! ’ This is a great example of the way ideas change with youth. * ‘Jem said I had to grow up sometime’ (about facing Ms Dubose) * ‘It’s time you started being a girl and acting right! – While in the past Jem had used ‘girl’ as an insult, accusing Scout of becoming ‘more and more like a girl every day’, as he matures his perspective on this changes. * As Jem grows up, he develops a sense of ‘maddening superiority’, and considers himself part of the ‘grown folks’ of Maycomb. * Jem ‘†¦broke the remaining code of our childhood’ when he valued adult rules more than children’s unspoken code of friendship and informed Atticus that Dill had run away from home. â €˜They could never, never understand that I live like I do because that’s the way I want to live’ – Mr Raymond – the ‘drunkard’ – who claims he can tell them ‘because you’re children and you can understand it’ unlike the adults. * ‘So far nothing in your life has interfered with your reasoning process†¦ There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads – they couldn’t be fair if they tried. ’ * When Scout tell Jem that she thinks there’s just one kind of people (she, like Atticus, believes in the inherent goodness of humanity) he responds; ‘That’s what I thought too†¦ when I was your age.If there’s just one kind of folks, why can’t they get along with each other? ’ * ‘If Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I’. Far from the fist fighting youth with little control of her emotions, Scout has matured over the course of the book and learned how to hide her feelings * ‘†¦had our classmates been left to their own devices, Jem and I would have had several swift, satisfying fist fights apiece and ended the matter for good.As it was, we were compelled to hole our heads high and be, respectively, a gentleman and a lady’| Morality / good vs evil / the inherent goodness of humanity| * Atticus Finch is unique in this novel in the way that he has seen evil without losing his faith in the human capacity for goodness. This is a major theme throughout the novel, and he tries to teach this lesson to his children by encouraging them to step into the shoes of others. He takes Tom Robinson’s case because of this belief, he knows that he is very unlikely to win, but he believes that it is possible to change the minds of the jury.He, unlike the others in this novel, believe that the jury are possible of the kind of goodness and bravery required to acquit Tom. * Whe n Scout asks if they will win it, Atticus plainly says ‘no, honey’. He fights anyway. * ‘Simply because we were liked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win’ * ‘I think maybe he put his gun down when he realised that God has given his an unfair advantage over most living things.I guess he decided he wouldn’t shoot till he had to, and he had to today. ’ * ‘Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man’ * ‘I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin abut you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.Mrs Dubose won’ * ‘I was drifting into sleep when the memory of Atticyl calmly folding his newspaper and pushing abck his hat became Atticus standing in the middle of an empty waiting steep, pushing up his glasses. ’ – Scout links these two events together for a reason * ‘Mr Cunningham’s’ basically a good man†¦ he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us’ – A nice insight into Atticus’ mind, a good quote to evidence his belief in the inherent goodness in humanity * ‘You children last night made Walter Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute.That was enough’ (after the mob scene) * Scout compares the court day to ‘watching Atticus walk into the street, raise a rifle to his shoulder and pull the trigger, but watching all the time knowing that the gun was empty’ * ‘So far nothing in your life has interfered with your reasoning process†¦ There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads – they couldn’t be fair if they tried. * Ms Merriweather believes that many of the people in Maycomb are †˜good, but misguided’ * The novel is concluded with a final moral debate – whether or not to persecute Bob Ewell’s killer. When Atticus thought that Jem had stabbed Ewell in self defence, he was adamant that Jem should go through the proper process in court rather than have rumours circulating about him his whole life. However, when Heck Tate finally convinced Atticus that it was in fact Arthur Radley that killed Ewell, Atticus finds himself in a moral dilemma.He finally concedes that ‘Mr Ewell fell on his knife’, and asks if Scout could possibly understand. She does, explaining perfectly that persecuting Arthur Radley would be ‘sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it? ’ Arthur Radley was already destroyed once by the evil in humanity, and Atticus and Scout agreed that it would be wrong to make someone as innocent and shy as him to defend himself in court, even if he did not do anything wrong. | Racism| * ‘ He’s ruining the family’ * He’s nothin’ but a nigger lover! * ‘Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand’ (Atticus) * ‘Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for! ’ This blatant racism comes from Ms Dubose. * ‘They got their church, we go our’n’ – The racial divide in this novel goes both ways. This is further explored when Jem explains to Scout about ‘mixed’ children, and how ‘they don’t belong anywhere’ * ‘Mr Finch. If you was a nigger like me, you’d be scared too’ ‘The witnesses for this state†¦ have presented themselves to you gentlemen†¦ confident that you gentlemen would go along with them on the assumption – the evil assumption – that all Negroes lie, that all Negroes are basically immoral beings, that all Negro men are not to be trusted around our women’ * ‘In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black mans, the while man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life’| Innocence| * The children believe in goodness because they have not yet confronted evil. When they do, they respond differently.Dill cries (eg courthouse scene) and prompts the memorable quote ‘it seems only the children cry’. Dill makes the reader long for youthful innocence and belief in human goodness. Jem copes better with the shock initially, but after Tom’s death loses much of his faith in humanity and the justice system. He gets furious at once point, exclaiming ‘I don’t ever wanta hear about that courthouse again, ever, ever, you hear me? ’ Scout deals better with the shock, and despite the court’s decision, people like Atticus and Miss Maudie help her retain her faith in human goodness. * ‘Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’ – Ms Maudie. A wonderful metaphor for one of the book’s main themes – the loss of innocence. This situation is replicated in a real life situation in the last scene, where Atticus and Heck Tate decide it immoral to convict Arthur Radley of manslaughter when all he was trying to do was protect the Finch children. * ‘Tell him hey for me, won’t you? ’ – Scout’s moving talk with Mr Cunningham proves the power of innocence. It was Scout’s youthful innocence that made Mr Cunningham and the rest of the mob reconsider the position they were in.Her speech broke the mob mentality and brought Mr Cunningham back to morality * Jem compares the reveal of evil in society to ‘like bein’ a caterpillar in a cocoon, that’s what it is†¦ I always thought Maycomb folks were th e best folks in the world, least that’s what they seemed like. ’ * ‘He likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Mr Underwood)| Society| * ‘She has committed no crime, she has merely broken a rigid and time-honoured code of our society†¦ she tempted a black man’ * ‘This is their home sister†¦We’ve made it this way for them, they might as well learn to cope with it’ – after Alexandra questions whether it was advisable to take the children to the hearing * While society shuns and hates the black people living near them, the Missionary Tea Parties give insight into how hypocritical society is when they pity the ‘Mrunas†¦living in that jungle†¦ the poverty†¦ the darkness’ * The hypocritical society is further explored in the brief reference to the Holocaust in the comments of Scout’s teacher (Miss Gates) that ‘ove r here we don’t believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced. ’|
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