Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sexual Predator Prosecution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Sexual Predator Prosecution - Research Paper Example In order to further prevent their predatory activity, the registered sex offenders are prohibited to own or have in their possession a certain type of motor vehicle such as the ones used for the retail sale of frozen desserts which can hide children in it (New York State, 2006). These laws are constantly reviewed. A sexual offender that is registered and under surveillance who refuses to provide the necessary information demanded of him such as any change of address or address of the work location may be charged with class E felony once convicted. This means that he is bound to stay in prison for a period over a year. This also applies to the sexual offender that fails to comply with the laws on telephone use with special numbers or the internet restrictions on certain websites. If the offender commits the same crime twice or is convicted for the second time, then he will be charged with class D felony making him go back to prison for another term of not less than a year. If the sexual offender violates the section of the act on the issue of motor vehicle used, he is charged with class A misdemeanor which means he will go to prison for a term of not more than a year (New York State, 2006). The mandatory conditions given to sexual offenders and which is specified under several of Congress laws such as 18 U.S.C. 3583(d) and U.S.S.G 5D1.3 (a) specify that the defendant should not commit another offense while he is under supervision by the parole officer. He is also to avoid from use of control substances unlawfully and this may necessitate drug testing on an impromptu basis. The defendant is to also try and make restitution with the victim of the offense he committed which will under the supervision of the parole officer or even a police officer depending on the victim’s request but never alone (Brown & Campbell, 2010). The discretionary conditions imposed by the court only take place when there is

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