Monday, September 23, 2019

Cite and Correct Using Risk Assessment Assignment - 2

Cite and Correct Using Risk Assessment - Assignment Example zards as they can hit employees and injure them badly, that is in case they are opened while an employee is walking towards the point where the gate or door is swinging moving. The dust, gas, vapor and fumes produced are hazardous as they may damage parts of the body exposed to the substances. This may cause burns. Additionally, the chemicals may attack some organs, for example the lungs or liver, when the body absorbs some chemicals. An employee may touch bare wire, equipment that ungrounded properly or wet surfaces, which may lead to the employee being shocked. This may cause burns especially when the clothes are get fire. This may even lead to death. Some machinery reduces the levels of oxygen and this is hazardous to anyone in around as it may lead to suffocation. Employees deprived of oxygen for long periods may lead to brain damage and in extreme scenarios, death. For the walking work surface, any person entering the company is at risk. This is because any one can fall and get hurt since everyone is using the same polished floors. Additionally, doors swinging while being opened may hit anyone. Every single individual in the company is at risk of exposure. This is because the chemical produced, dust, gas, vapor and fumes, not excluding the noise, radiation and extreme temperatures, will not spare anyone. However, those people who spend more time in the company are more at risk than the visitors due to longer periods of exposure are. Everyone in the company is at risk in case the oxygen levels are low. This is because everyone needs oxygen and nobody will be spared. This also includes hazardous chemicals increasing to levels beyond the Permissible Exposure Limits. Impacts = the risk is only localized to the polished floors and the risk only increases when the floor is wet. Slipping may cause injuries but the probabilities of the injuries being serious are quite low. Impacts = the risk is only localized to a specific door being opened while an individual

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