Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Science blessing essays
Science favoring papers In the beginning times of human advancement, man used to be terrified of the common powers like thunder, tempest and lightning. He used to adore each object of nature like sky, earth, trees, air, sun and moon and even creatures were loved. It was on the grounds that man couldn't comprehend the regular phenomena1. He was, reliant on nature. Today, man has expanded his insight thus has his capacity. The moon and different items no longer fills man with dread. The earth has not many insider facts that are not known to man till date. How this enormous change has come to fruition? Logical investigations have altered everything. Power is one of the numerous blessings of logical creation. Each of the one needs to do is to press a catch and the room gets lit up, the fans give reviving air, a forced air system transforms the room into a slope resort. Different sorts of machines are controlled by power: room-radiators, broilers cooking ranges and a few other family unit apparatuses. Huge mechanical units and industrial facilities which produce innumerable things of our every day use are run on power. Headway in the field of clinical sciences has decreased the pace of mortality. Today, numerous illnesses like cholera, little pox and even tuberculosis are effectively reparable with the assistance of medications. Medical procedure can expel tumors and set the human body straight is numerous different ways. Disclosure of anti-microbials has made the fix of irresistible infections simple. Open heart medical procedure and treatment of even malignancy have become a chance. Invulnerability against specific sicknesses like plague, cholera and little pox can be guaranteed with the assistance of inoculation. Nuclear vitality is being utilized to fix infections like malignancy; radio-dynamic isotopes are progressively utilized for this reason. Today, we are nearly cloning of various species. Voyaging has gotten quick, protected and agreeable. Significant distances can be secured by aero planes, and quick moving trains, vehicles, transports, cable cars and bikes have ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Business Accounting Essay Example
Business Accounting Paper Part 1 Accounting: An Overview and Analysis MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 41. Bookkeepers allude to a financial occasion as an a. buy. b. deal. c. exchange. d. change in proprietorship. 42. The way toward recording exchanges has become progressively effective in light of the fact that a. less occasions can be measured in monetary terms. b. PCs are utilized in handling business occasions. c. more individuals have been employed to record business exchanges. d. business occasions are recorded uniquely toward the year's end. 43. Correspondence of financial occasions is the piece of the bookkeeping procedure that includes a. recognizing financial occasions. b. uantifying exchanges into dollars and pennies. c. planning bookkeeping reports. d. recording and grouping data. 44. Which of the accompanying occasions can't be measured into dollars and pennies and recorded as a bookkeeping exchange? a. The arrangement of another CPA firm to play out a review. b. The acquisition of another PC. c. The o ffer of store hardware. d. Installment of annual duties. 45. The utilization of PCs in recording business occasions a. has made the account procedure progressively productive. b. doesn't utilize indistinguishable standards from manual bookkeeping frameworks. c. has incredibly affected the recognizable proof phase of the bookkeeping procedure. . is prudent just for enormous organizations. 46. The bookkeeping procedure includes the entirety of the accompanying aside from a. distinguishing monetary exchanges that are applicable to the business. b. imparting monetary data to clients by getting ready money related reports. c. recording nonquantifiable financial occasions. d. investigating and deciphering money related reports. 47. The bookkeeping procedure is effectively sequenced as a. recognizable proof, correspondence, recording. b. recording, correspondence, distinguishing proof. c. recognizable proof, recording, correspondence. d. correspondence, recording, recognizable proof. 48. Which of the accompanying procedures are not utilized by bookkeepers to decipher and report money related data? a. Charts b. Unique notices for each class of outer clients c. Graphs d. Proportions 49. Which of the accompanying would not be viewed as an inner client of bookkeeping information for the XYZ Company? a. Leader of the organization b. Creation director c. Product stock representative d. Leader of the workers trade guild 50. Which of the accompanying would not be viewed as an outside client of bookkeeping information for the XYZ Company? a. Inner Revenue Service Agent b. The executives c. Loan bosses d. Clients 51. Which of the accompanying would not be viewed as inside clients of bookkeeping information for an organization? a. The leader of an organization b. The controller of an organization c. Loan bosses of an organization d. Sales reps of the organization 52. Which of coming up next is an outside client of bookkeeping data? a. Trade guilds b. Fund executives c. Organization officials d. Supervisors 53. Which one of coming up next isn't an outside client of bookkeeping data? a. Administrative organizations b. Clients c. Financial specialists d. These are outside clients 54. Accounting contrasts from bookkeeping in that accounting fundamentally includes which part of the bookkeeping procedure? . Recognizable proof b. Correspondence c. Recording d. Examination a55. The entirety of coming up next are administrations offered by open bookkeepers with the exception of a. planning. b. examining. c. charge arranging. d. counseling. a56. Which list beneath best portrays the significant administratio ns performed by open bookkeepers? a. Accounting, mergers, financial plans b. Worker preparing, inspecting, accounting c. Inspecting, tax collection, the board counseling d. Cost bookkeeping, creation planning, enrolling a57. Getting ready government forms and taking part in charge arranging is performed by a. open bookkeepers as it were. b. private bookkeepers as it were. c. both open and private bookkeepers. . IRS bookkeepers as it were. a58. A private bookkeeper can perform numerous exercises in a business association yet would not work in a. planning. b. bookkeeping data frameworks. c. outer evaluating. d. charge bookkeeping. 59. The starting points of bookkeeping are for the most part credited to crafted by a. Christopher Columbus. b. Abner Doubleday. c. Luca Pacioli. d. Leonardo da Vinci. 60. Money related bookkeeping gives monetary and budgetary data to the entirety of the accompanying with the exception of a. loan bosses. b. speculators. c. chiefs. d. other outer clients. 61. The last advance in unraveling a moral predicament is to a. dentify and investigate the foremost components in the circumstance. b. perceive a moral circumstance. c. distinguish the other options and gauge the effect of every option on partners. d. perceive the moral issues included. 62. The initial phase in unraveling a moral issue is to a. distinguish and break down the important components in the circumstance. b. recognize the other options. c. perceive a moral circumstance and the moral issues included. d. gauge the effect of every option on different partners. 63. Morals are the principles of lead by which ones activities are decided as a. right or wrong. b. onest or deceptive. c. reasonable or uncalled for. d. these. 64. Proper accounting rules are a. annual assessment guidelines of the Internal Revenue Service. b. guidelines that show how to report monetary occasions. c. hypotheses that depend on physical laws of the universe. d. rules that have been demonstrated right by sc holarly scientists. 65. The cost guideline necessitates that when resources are obtained, they be recorded at a. evaluation esteem. b. trade cost paid. c. selling cost. d. list cost. 66. The expense of an advantage and its honest evaluation are a. never the equivalent. b. a similar when the benefit is sold. . immaterial when the advantage is utilized by the business in its activities. d. the equivalent on the date of procurement. 67. The assemblage of hypothesis fundamental bookkeeping did not depend on a. physical laws of nature. b. ideas. c. standards. d. definitions. 68. The private division association engaged with creating bookkeeping standards is the a. Plausible Accounting Standards Body. b. Monetary Accounting Studies Board. c. Money related Accounting Standards Board. d. Money related Auditors Standards Body. 69. The SEC and FASB are two associations that are principally liable for building up proper accounting rules. The facts confirm that a. they are both administrative offices. b. the SEC is a private association of bookkeepers. c. the SEC regularly commands rules when no bookkeeping standards exist. d. the SEC and FASB seldom participate in creating bookkeeping norms. 70. GAAP represents a. By and large Accepted Auditing Procedures. b. Sound accounting standards. c. For the most part Accepted Auditing Principles. d. For the most part Accepted Accounting Procedures. 71. Which of coming up next is definitely not a trait of the cost rule? a. Dependability b. Subjectivity c. Objectivity d. Obviousness 72. We will compose a custom exposition test on Business Accounting explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Business Accounting explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Business Accounting explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The ACE Company has five plants across the nation that cost $100 million. The present market estimation of the plants is $500 million. The plants will be recorded and detailed as resources at a. $100 million. b. $600 million. c. $400 million. d. $500 million. 73. The entirety of coming up next are points of interest cost has over different valuations with the exception of that it a. is solid. b. can be impartially estimated. c. can be confirmed. d. is important. 74. The ownership type of business association a. must have at any rate three proprietors in many states. b. speaks to the biggest number of organizations in the United States. c. ombines the records of the business with the individual records of the proprietor. d. is described by a legitimate differentiation between the business as a financial unit and the proprietor. 75. The monetary element suspicion necessitates that the exercises a. of various substances can be consolidated if all the elements are enterprises. b. must be accounted for to the Securities and Exchange Commission. c. of a sole ownership can't be recognized from the individual monetary occasions of its proprietors. d. of a substance be kept separate from the exercises of its proprietor. 76. A business sorted out as a partnership a. is certainly not a different lawful element in many states. . necessitates that investors be actually subject for the obligations of the business. c. is claimed by its investors. d. ends when one of its unique investors kicks the bucket. 77. The association type of business association a. is a different lawful substance. b. is a typical type of association for administration type organizations. c. appreciates a boundless life. d. has constrained risk. 78. Which of coming up next isn't a bit of leeway of the corporate type of business association? a. Constrained risk of investors b. Transferability of proprietorship c. Boundless individual obligation for investors d. Boundless life 79. A little neighborhood hairstyling parlor that is worked by its proprietor would almost certainly be sorted out as an a. joint endeavor. b. organization. c. enterprise. d. ownership. 80. Joan and Sara met at graduate school and choose to begin a little law practice after graduation. They consent to part incomes and costs equitably. The most widely recognized type of business association for a business, for example, this would be an a. joint endeavor. b. association. c. enterprise. d. ownership. 81. Which of coming up next is genuine in regards to the corporate type of business association? a. Companies are the most predominant type of business association. b. Corporate organizations are commonly littler in size than associations and owner boats. c. The incomes of organizations are more prominent than the consolidated incomes of associations and ownerships. d. Enterprises are independent legitimate substances composed solely under government law. 82. A fundamental supposition of bookkeeping that requires exercises of an element be kept
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Top 10 masters dissertation writing tips
Top 10 masters dissertation writing tips Top 10 masters dissertation writing tips 1. Research objectives It is essential to consider all aspects from which the strength of the piece will be assessed, when dissertation writing at master's level. Original, relevant, manageable research objectives must be formulated â€" and stated with precision â€" in order to signal the serious and considered nature of the work you are to undertake. 2. Critical review It must be shown that your precisely stated research objectives were not snatched out of thin air but emerged as important questions from a thorough critical review of existing research and background literature. Your consummate ability to analyse critically a large volume of material must be coupled with an alert mindfulness of the relevance for your own avenues of research. 3. Deficiencies Develop the confidence to turn your analytical gaze to existing research in order to identify shortcomings in your chosen field. Identification of deficiencies in existing knowledge is necessary to justify the particular direction of your research objectives, which aim to address such deficiencies and make a valuable novel contribution to the field. 4. Scope It is not enough that the content of your novel findings be excellently communicated; you must also articulate the scope and position of your work in its broader academic context. Demonstrate your mastery of the subject area by clearly signposting how your dissertation fits in, as well as the limits of its scope. 5. Originality Originality is, needless to say, a core component of extended pieces of work at master's level. Having created suitable objectives, gained a thorough understanding of deficiencies in existing knowledge and remained mindful of the scope of your work, you have laid the foundations for making a genuinely original contribution to the knowledge base of your subject area. 6. Methodology An absolutely key aspect of any dissertation is a thorough discussion of, and justification for, the methodology you have selected. Compare and contrast competing alternatives and thoroughly analyse each to make a convincing rationale for your final choice. Data collection methods should be described in detail such that your research can be reproduced by others. Qualitative research tools such as questionnaires should be put in the appendix. 7. Analysis Irrespective of the type of research you have undertaken, an extremely important aspect of your final dissertation will be the quality of your analysis. For investigations with a heavy quantitative component, sophisticated statistical analysis will need to be in evidence. Bear in mind also that even more qualitative methods can generally be found to have some statistically analysable numerical component. 8. Findings The final stages of your master's dissertation must include a detailed discussion of your findings and the conclusions that you have drawn from these. All conclusive statements should be diligently and precisely crafted to leave no room for ambiguity. Each should also be entirely defensible either empirically or by sound reasoning. A summary of results and conclusions should also appear early in your abstract. 9. Significance of your work For a master's dissertation, a proper concluding chapter is not complete without the serious consideration of the academic significance of your findings for the subject area. This area of discussion should directly recall material from the critical review of current literature and aim to place the present findings in a wider context. 10. Academic conventions A short reminder where, at this stage, one should not really be necessary: be impeccably faultless in your fluent use of standard academic conventions, including appropriate use of appendices, bibliographies, abstracts, title pages, in-text referencing and footnotes. Dissertation help â€" where can you find it? No matter your study level or subject matter, our dissertation writing service can help you get the grades you need. And our on-call support from our academic consultants gives you total piece of mind. Find out more You may also like... Top 10 tips for writing a dissertation methodology Advice for successfully writing a dissertation How to do your dissertation secondary research in 4 steps custom dissertationcustom dissertation examplesdissertation helpdissertation writingdissertation writing servicemasters dissertations
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay about Clothing and Gender in Virginia Woolfs Orlando
Clothing and Gender in Virginia Woolfs Orlando In her novel Orlando, Virginia Woolf tells the story of a man who one night mysteriously becomes a woman. By shrouding Orlandos actual gender change in a mysterious religious rite, we readers are pressured to not question the actual mechanics of the change but rather to focus on its consequences. In doing this, we are invited to answer one of the fundamental questions of our lives, a question that we so often ignore because it seems so very basic - what is a man? What is a woman? And how do we distinguish between the two? It seems that in ordinary life, we are most likely to distinguish between a man and a woman by clothing. This is more difficult to do in the present day, in which†¦show more content†¦Perhaps the Turkish trousers, which she had hitherto worn had done something to distract her thoughts; and the gypsy women, except in one or two important particulars, differ very little from the gipsy men. (153) Clearly, it is much easier for a sex change to take place in an androgynous culture such as the one Orlando is leaving - by an androgynous culture, I mean a culture in which there is little difference between the roles of women and men - than in a culture like the English one to which she is returning, in which a much stricter set of rules govern social interaction. This is why the attempts of Orlando to pass (to borrow the term used by the transgender community) as a woman are so amusing. Socialized as a man, Orlando at first has no idea how to be a woman. The symbolic value of clothing, however, extends well beyond its use to differentiate the genders. Clothing in itself - pants, shirts, dresses, and the like - has in this novel little symbolic value other than to tell male from female. But jewelry also plays a significant role here - and it is in the jewelry that Orlando wears that she is truly able to pass for a member of the nobility. We must recall that she undergoes two transformations during the novel. The first, from male to female, is quite obvious. The second is a bit more subtle - it is the transformation from a member of the nobility to something resembling a commoner. (Of course, it seems that Orlando never officially leaves theShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality By Virginia Woolf s Orlando Essay1179 Words  | 5 Pages Virginia Woolf’s Orlando offers a pointed critique of gender inequality through its usage and portrayal of androgyny and fashion. The common perception of gender is threefold; people define gender t hrough physical difference, behavior, and a visual perception of sex. Gender is inherently unstable because it is dependent more upon an onlookers’ reality than scientific difference. Woolf uses androgyny and fashion in order to illustrate the insignificance of physical body: If a woman acts like a manRead MoreVirginia Woolf s Orlando Is A Work That Bends The Rules Of Multiple Ways1859 Words  | 8 PagesVirginia Woolf’s Orlando is a work that bends the rules in multiple ways. It plays with the idea of biographies, it questions the nature of fiction writing, it incorporates humor in bizarre ways. And on top of all that it brings into view certain controversial topics, and certain prejudices of Woolf’s time. The two prejudices this paper will be focusing on are homophobia and sexism. By looking at the character of Orlando and examining his/her relationships, romantic feelings, and place in societyRead MoreOrlando by Virgina Woolf2043 Words  | 8 PagesIn V irginia Woolf’s novel, Orlando, she flawlessly interlaces the realism of biography with elements of science fiction. In a time where every work of fiction was subject to the discerning eye of obscenity law, the discussion of sensitive topics, which went against the grain of public acceptance were susceptible to censure. The insertion of fantastical elements allow Woolf to fly under the radar of obscenity law, and experiment with the deconstruction of gender and the uprising of androgyny, as wellRead More Womens Roles During Times of War and Virginia Woolfs Three Guineas2915 Words  | 12 PagesWomens Roles During Times of War and Virginia Woolfs Three Guineas With the prevalence of war goddesses in most traditions from China to Greece to Ireland, women have been separated from the front lines of war for centuries. The goddesses, the divine representations of women in the ideal, are torn between dual roles: that of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and just war, and that of Vesta, goddess of hearth and home. These two roles, warrior and mother, are not necessarily as very differentRead MoreJudith Butler in Media Studies3516 Words  | 15 Pagesbiography of Judith Butler, a person would typically see a discussion of a highly intelligent philosopher of feminism, political theory, ethical and moral responsibility or gender studies. Her bibliographies are commonly describes as have a career focused on â€Å"research ranging from literary theory, modern philosophical fiction, feminist, gender and sexuality studies, to 19th- and 20th-century European literature and philosophy, Kafka and loss, mourning and war. Her most recent endeavors include an exploration
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Brief History of the Low-Carbohydrate Diet Free Essay Example, 2500 words
Anthropologists believe that early humans were hunter-gatherers thereby consuming diets that are high in both protein and fat but were mostly low in nutritive carbohydrates. In fact, until now, there are certain isolated societies which continue to consume these types of diet. However, the advent of agriculture brought about the rise of civilization and the gradual increase in the inclusion of carbohydrate in all human diets. More specifically, the modern age has seen a particularly steep rise in refined carbohydrate levels amongst societies in the Western Hemisphere (Wexler, 2006 and Zahensky, 2007). It was in 1863 when William Banting, an obese English undertaker and coffin maker published his Letter on Corpulence Addressed to the Public wherein he described a diet for weight control (Allen and Lutz, 2000). According to him, it is only through the giving up of bread, butter, milk, sugar, beer and potatoes that a person would be able to successfully control his or her weight. In 1 967, the so-called Stillman Diet became popular which eventually highlighted the need to shift to a high-protein, low-carbohydrate and low-fat diet in order to guarantee one s weight loss. We will write a custom essay sample on Brief History of the Low-Carbohydrate Diet or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Dr Atkins was basically one of the most popular advocates of the low-carbohydrate diet because he believes that obesity was caused by the consumption of refined carbohydrates such as sugar, flour, and high-fructose corn syrups.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bioethics of Euthanasia Free Essays
string(198) " with the terminally ill, and particular moralities strongly advocate for the right to die under certain circumstances, as illustrated by Kevorkian’s rash threats of a hunger strike if convicted\." As biological organisms, humans design patterns of how to live by way of autonomous lifestyle choices, only after being born into a subjective realm of existence with social opportunities and limitations suggested by how one is nurtured and raised. A sense of a connection to objectivity is gained depending on how closely one associates themselves with an organized institution such as religion, or other form of moral code. The idea that knowledge learned from a moral superior at a young age can suggest, or sometimes in early adulthood, coerce decision-making is indicative of a set of parameters or expectations that one must achieve so to honor the objective family belief. We will write a custom essay sample on Bioethics of Euthanasia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, the family is also an institution which generates the same attachment to objectivity that encourages a certain set of goals. Ultimately though, it is one’s subjective experience that has it’s own social, physical, mental, and spiritual habits and attachments that cause the mind and body to perform and exist in a particular way. The overarching illegality of euthanasia across North America is supported by religious institutions which act as the sole moral platform for questioning the professional conduct of medical practitioners. The hegemonic belief that is fostered views euthanasia as a breach of non-maleficence, though doctors have and will likely continue to comply with life-ending aid in North America, regardless of recent deliberation regarding legislation. A legalization of euthanasia could ease tensions for physicians and patients dealing with chronic fatal health conditions, but would require specific criteria for legality. The debilitating suffering from a terminal illness should be the first criteria, as well as an autonomous request made by the sufficiently competent patient. Those who advocate for the legalization of euthanasia are part of a particular morality that sees beyond the mystical value of medical non-maleficence and opposes overarching institutional moralities that forbid life-ending decisions. Also of concern is the slippery slope argument, whereby any level of legal euthanasia would likely incite requests for more flexible criteria, publicly bringing into question the intangible value of human life. A central notion of biomedical ethics that stands as a major contender against the legalization of euthanasia is non-maleficence. To generally adhere to the principles of non-maleficence, physicians should not provide ineffective treatments to patients as these offer risk with no possibility of benefit and thus have a chance of harming patients. In addition, physicians must not do anything that would purposely harm patients without the action being balanced by proportional benefit (Beauchamp, 155). This benefit is not necessarily beneficial to the terminally ill individual who has requested euthanasia. The benefit referred to in the medical field is generally an extension of life and a restoration of health, which is not a reality for the terminally ill, rather a benefit might be an end to incurable suffering. Because many medications, procedures, and interventions cause harm in addition to benefit, the principle of non-maleficence provides little concrete guidance in the care of patients, and acts as a fairly weak argument against euthanasia. A helpful distinction when debating the validity of physician assisted suicide is that of ‘killing’ and ‘allowing to die’. If a patient is too frail to undergo restorative treatment, it can be said that the withholding of that treatment is allowing the patient to die. On the other hand, ‘killing’ entails taking action that would hasten the onset of death. There is considerable overlap between these two concepts, to the point that a clear distinction is not readily discernible (Beauchamp, 172). The prima facie nature of allowing a patient to die, as expressed by Beauchamp is acceptable under certain conditions whereby a medical technology is considered futile, or ineffectual, or a patient and/or surrogate decision maker has validly denied a medical technology (173). In the case that a patient is suffering unnecessarily, and has denied or been denied the opportunity for treatment due to severity of illness, should euthanasia not be an acceptable option? This action would undoubtedly fall under the category of ‘killing’, but if the nearest solution is the imminent death of a terminally ill patient, the concept of non-maleficence should not apply to a deliberate hastening of the patients’ biological shutdown. It can also be argued that fading to death in palliative care with little to no cognition is of little value, and coming from a strictly utilitarian perspective, in some cases, may be unnecessary. If an elderly patient has no immediate family, and is in the final stages of a degenerative disease, the option of the patient to deny extended care and hasten the imminence of death should ot be considered immoral. The approval of certain cases such as the example above would definitely introduce a ‘slippery slope’ argument whereby the notions and parameters of conducting euthanasia would be challenged, inflated, and publicly scorned. The infamous example of Dr. Kevorkian is indicative of the demand for physican-assisted suicide, and the flexible moralities of perhaps many physicians who are faced with the challenge of allowing a patient to pursue a hastened death. Michigan doctor Jack Kevorkian was convicted of second-degree murder for delivering a lethal injection to a 52-year-old man suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease. It was the first time in five trials that Kevorkian was found guilty of a crime after participating in, by his count, at least 130 assisted suicides. Likened to â€Å"a medical hit man†by the prosecution, Kevorkian compared himself to Martin Luther King and told the court he was no more culpable than an executioner. The 70-year-old doctor had dared prosecutors to charge him and threatened a hunger strike if convicted. â€Å"Suicide†). The case of Kevorkian’s assisted suicides shows that public hegemonic belief places all burden on the physician involved, for it is technically legal to carry out or attempt suicide, but not with the aid of any other person, especially a clinician. These laws tend to make sense in every realm except the medical world, where euthanasia is an issue that arises with the terminally ill, and particular moralities strongly advocate for the right to die under certain circumstances, as illustrated by Kevorkian’s rash threats of a hunger strike if convicted. You read "Bioethics of Euthanasia" in category "Essay examples" Obviously viewing himself as a liberator, Kevorkian’s particular morality quickly earned him a reputation, and having participated in over one hundred assisted suicides, he stands not as a reputable opposition to hegemony, but rather a moral pariah. Kevorkian’s comparison of his ‘moral fallacy’ with the conduct of an executioner is an interesting philosophical idea, and also illustrates the exclusivity of moral professionalism within the medical world. This is mostly apparent in the United States where there is a domination of privatized health care, and plenty of capital punishment. The application of morality is varied when it comes to death and dying, in a society where a 20 year old can be put to death for committing murder, and in the same society, a terminally ill, suffering patient cannot decidedly seek a peaceful death without moral intervention. In both cases, strong moral impositions are made, and guide the fate of both individuals. The convict has a chance at rehabilitation, and renewing his moral adherence and contribution to society, but is not rewarded the chance because his actions stripped him of his dignity. On the other hand, the dying patient is not permitted to seek assistance in death because common morality forbids it, much like the same common morality denies the convict a second chance. The patient is denied euthanasia because the hegemonic function of the medical field is to avoid non-maleficence, so according to the same morality, the criminal is denied rehabilitation and put to death because the function of the law is to appropriately punish offenders. This paradox shows how two distinct versions of the same common morality are stamped like a ‘cookie cutter’, yielding the anticipated results of the societal function: the patient can’t die because medicine is designed to keep him alive, and the criminal can’t live because capital punishment is designed to eliminate him. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the application of euthanasia in the medical field should be acceptable in certain circumstances, and that exclusive clinical moralities should allow deliberation on the subject, and not continue to function in a ‘cookie cutter’ fashion. In Canada and the United States, laws distinguishing ‘active’ and ‘passive’ categories of euthanasia are divided into four sections: â€Å"deliberately killing persons who wish to die or assisting them in suicide (active voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide), deliberately killing persons whose wishes are unknown or opposed to such treatment (active involuntary euthanasia), withholding or withdrawing life-preserving means from those who do not want them used (forgoing treatment of competent individuals), and letting persons die by withholding or withdrawing life-preserving means when their wishes are unknown or when they want, or would tolerate, such means to be applied or maintained (forgoing treatment of incompetent individuals)†(Dickens, 136). According to these legal parameters, it would seem that active and passive euthanasia should only occur when indicated by the patient, living will, or a surrogate, such as active voluntary euthanasia, an d the forgoing of treatment to competent individuals. These two forms provide the patient with the moral decision to adopt the institutional values of their choice and affect their course of longevity and suffering. In the cases of active involuntary euthanasia, and the withholding of treatment from incompetent patients it can be said that, morally, the physician has no right to change the course of the patient’s treatment without clearance from a living will or surrogate. To conduct active involuntary euthanasia, or withhold treatment for no apparent reason indicated by the patient or surrogate, negligence would necessarily apply and represent the justified fault of the attending physician. Dealing with death is a subjective experience that generates fear, and causes humans to seek comfort in institutional beliefs, whether that be family, religion, other forms of spirituality, or modern medicine itself. Death reminds humans of their biological capacities and fleeting opportunities for experience in life, and generates a desire to medicalize suicide. â€Å"We want physicians to provide the means to end life in an antiseptically acceptable fashion. Knives, guns, ropes, and bridges tend to be messy. We seek a more aesthetically pleasing way of terminating life, one that leaves the patient looking dead, but not disgusting. For this, as in so much else in the 20th-century quest for happiness, we turn to the physician†(Paris, 33). Much like we seek aesthetic modifications from plastic surgeons, and mental stability from psychologists, we turn again to professional doctors for a method of dealing with the harsh reality of death. Though euthanasia may be an acceptable option for some people in certain sets of dire circumstances, it is the fear of death generated by the triumphs of medicine that provide the illusion that death and suffering are something a physician can cure. Medicinal miracles and the rise of technological medicine give people the impression that old losses are new triumphs, at least insofar as one can be kept alive for longer with chronic diseases. This notion sparks the fear of suffering before death, and that morbidity will be extended instead of compressed. Essentially then, it is the physician who bears all weight of the laws pertaining to euthanasia, which seems unjust when there is little more that medicine can do for a terminally ill patient than aid in their peaceful departure from life. The argument that legalized euthanasia would initiate the slippery slope, and â€Å"hospitals would become cruel and dehumanized places†are refuted by the suggestion and observation of the exact opposite (Schafer). As Schafer suggests, â€Å"experience has shown that what happened was exactly the opposite of what was predicted by the naysayers: Doctors and hospitals have become kinder and gentler, patients’ wishes are better respected than previously and society has come to accept the importance of individual autonomy at the end of life†(3). Clearly, the legalization of euthanasia would not entirely disrupt the nature of medical care in Canada, and with current debates indicating the possibility of change, society may undergo a change of ideas in the near future. The idea that euthanasia may provide a patient with more dignity at death than what is often referred to as ‘sedation to unconsciousness’ is becoming more common, and should not be deemed unacceptable next to palliative care. With the right safeguards in place, euthanasia should be one of many life-ending options available to Canadians near the end of their life, with palliative care being a morally adjacent decision. The subjective experience of death is one’s own, and even familial institution can only do so much to comfort the process of being terminally ill. Therefore it should be a decision of the patient to seek medical help, either in the form of sedation and longevity, or immediate peace. How to cite Bioethics of Euthanasia, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Persuasive Business Communication Letter for Group -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about thePersuasive Business Communication Letterfor Target Group. Answer: Ms. Claire Hunter, Manager of Marketing Communications, Tourism Calgary, 1290 West Trans Highway, Calgary, AB, T3 0G5 April 4, 2018 Dear Ms. Hunter Subject: Suggestions on marketing strategy for the target group This is in response to your request regarding the marketing suggestions to expand the customer base of Tourism Calgary. Firstly I would like to extend my gratitude on behalf of Creative Marketing for the Modern Tourist, for approaching the firm. I have made certain observations regarding the current marketing strategies of you company. The current marketing strategies definitely demonstrate your company towards the company and we value your sincere endeavours. However, with the changing undercurrents of the society, there needs to be an adaptive approach that would expand the customer base of the company. I observed that till now the advertising campaign of the company was targeted the rodeo and Calgary customers. Retaining a loyal customer base is definitely a good strategy but there is a need to reach out to the wider audience so that the other travellers feel equally welcomed. The wider customer base of travellers who travel with Calgary Tourism belong to the under 50 age group. This group prefers to bring their family during the travel. Apart from that, the characteristics of this group are also important to devise the adequate marketing strategy. This group demonstrates environmental consciousness, have inclination for organic food and are passionate towards health and consciousness. On the contrary you marketing material advertises on the local bars and restaurants and the conference centres in the city that might be of little or no interest to this targeted group. It is important to reformulate the content of the advertisement that takes into account the specific interests of this targeted group. The advertising campaign should include information and details about the local farms especially organic food market in different cities, elaborated outlook on the extensive outdoor trails like hiking, trekking, camping and rock climbing. There should also be information on the different historical and cultural activities in the city. Since the targeted group is environment conscious there should be information on events and workshops that are compatible with their taste. There can be a brochure suggesting the list of shopping destinations to purchase eco-friendly apparel, jewelleries and accessories. There should be a list of restaurants that serve healthy food and healthy beverage. There can be a pictorial and video campaign that may involve the loyal customers of the company as it will render a greater appeal. The company can extensively make use o f technology like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Youtubers and travel bloggers can call on-board who can reach to a wider audience and generate excitement about the new venture of the travel and tourism company. The company can also approach renowned celebrities in Canada and promote the vision of the company. We would be truly happy to extend further help in this matter. In case you have enquiries, clarifications or further discussions you can write to us. Sincerely, Sarah Betty Wilson SARAH BETTY WILSON Senior Marketing strategist, Creative Marketing for the Modern Tourist
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress Essay Example
Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress Paper I have chosen two poems by Robert Browning, Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess, and one by the earlier poet Andrew Marvell, To His Coy Mistress. In this essay I plan to compare the contrasting approaches to love in these three poems, and how the poets achieve their aims through language. This can be done using poetic devices such as enjambment, rhyme scheme and meter and language including diction, metaphors and similes. My last Duchess is a dramatic monologue. This means that only one person is talking and therefore only his point of view is shown. This point of view shows his personality and how he feels towards his wife. The poem begins, Thats my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call. That piece a wonder, now: Fra Pandolfs hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. This gives the reader the impression that the man does not care about his wife, but more about the value of the painting and how a famous painter spent lots of time painting it. Straight away the reader can see that this man is cold and not passionate towards his deceased wife. We will write a custom essay sample on Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Two easily impressed: she liked whateer She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. Here the man believes that his wife was too easily impressed and affectionate towards others and other things. He wants his wife to adore him and no other, and therefore is a selfish man. This also includes enjambment which makes the dramatic monologue seem more like a speech which he is dictating and shows him as very egotistical and self absorbed. The speech becomes very disturbing when he says: Then all smiles stopped together. Here he is morbid and cold hearted as he is saying that because she did not completely adore him, he killed her, or at least that is the impression the reader gets. His selfish personality has become disgustingly evil as he is willing to kill his own wife just because he did not have her complete admiration. How horrid and mean must a man be to do that? Together down, sir, Notice Neptune, though Taming a sea horse, thought a rarity, Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! Here he has moved on from showing his guest the painting to another one of his prized objects, and that is what he sees her as, an object. Just like an object she was disposed of just as easily as she was obtained. The reader by the end of the poem understands that the man has no passion towards his previous wife, only the disgust of how his wife was too easily impressed, which to most people would be seen as a good quality. This is in great contrast to Porphyrias Lover as this shows no passion at all, and Porphyrias Lover is all about passion and emotion. The rain set early in to-night, The sullen wind was soon awake. The rain and hard wind show the mans mood, and this is an unhappy and loveless one. This mood however is completely reversed, When glided in Porphyria; straight She shut out the cold and the storm. Now the cold and storm have gone, showing his previously discontented mood has been rid of , and he is now full of love and happiness due to a beautiful damsel fleeing from the storm and seeking shelter. This poem is inclusive of the weather and another character unlike My Last Duchess which includes only one character, the rich man. This poem may be less egotistical but still just as sinister, unpleasant and inclusive of death. He falls deeply in love with Porphyria and wishing that time would stand still he took her hair in one long string, and wound it Three times her little throat around, And strangled her. Unlike seeing her as an object, he sees her as a wonderful woman, on a higher level, but the twist is whilst they are in such deep love with each other he kills her. This may be seen as selfish as in the last poem but she loved him too so in his twisted mind it was fine to keep this moment where they love each other forever, and to do this he kills her. He still is in just as much praise of her as before and believes she is such a brilliant woman. Like the last poem this is sinister, but is very passionate. To His Coy Mistress is also very passionate, but is not cold like the others. It is more for comic purposes as the way in which the man talks to the mistress to get her in bed with him is comic. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise. He rudely and comically uses vegetable love as a metaphor for his penis erecting and then says how he wants to praise her. The first stanza therefore is all about the lustful man saying that if there was time enough he would spend it praising her. This is all very comic and would seem so to the coy lady. I believe it would make her laugh and blush and the man to her would seem witty and appealing. However, unlike in the last poem where the woman is seen as a wonderful woman who is on a higher level, here he is trying to reduce her and bring her down to his level and in to his bed, literally. It retains however the passion. This passion is in the form of lust and Porphyrias Lover is more passion in the form of love, however disturbing it may be. In conclusion love in these poems is portrayed in a number of different ways. My Last Duchess is very cold poem where the woman is objectified and there is a distorted view of love. There is also little passion shown. Porphyrias lover is quite a passionate poem, which portrays the woman as respectable and brilliant. However the love becomes sinister as in My last Duchess. To his Coy Mistress is much more light hearted than the others and is comic. The poem is quite passionate, but lust is the form of passion and that is not true love, but a love that like in My Last Duchess objectifies the woman. Also the women in the two poems are seen as less important as in Porphyrias Lover which represents the woman as the most important thing in the world. Therefore Browning poems are more sinister and different to Marvell which is more like Donne as their poems are more co mic and lustful.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Investors Protection in Corporate Governance
Investors Protection in Corporate Governance The adoption of corporate governance ensures that investors are protected in an organization. Corporate governance provides guidelines in which business objectives are realized through ethical and lawful means. For this reason, investors’ protection needs are stipulated, which increases an organization stakeholders’ confidence and benefits in the long term.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Investors’ Protection in Corporate Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Based on the recent global financial crisis and corporate financial scandals, it is vital to understand the issues addressed by corporate governance. In this case, the adoption of corporate governance influences the behavior of investors and the overall performance of the business (Colley, 2005). Therefore, investors evaluate their investment decisions based on the annual reports published by the companies. Investors’ protectio n in corporate governance plays a critical role during the investment decision-making process. In this case, investors should learn about the rights to access information disclosed in annual reports before making investment decisions. Organizations that respect investors’ rights as well as assisting them exercise their rights provide investors with confidence and certainty in their actions. In most cases, organizations have to communicate openly and effectively with their stakeholders during general meetings to prevent instances of vanishing companies. Consequently, investors get a chance to access the company in terms of its performance and ethical conduct, which influence their investment decisions. Based on transparency and accountability witnessed during the process, investors are protected from corporate frauds and accounting scandals (Kim Nofsinger, 2007). The responsibilities of the board in investors’ protection are addressed within corporate governance. In th is regard, investors’ protection is realized through the relevant skills and management capabilities adopted by the board before making investment decisions. Based on the characters and personalities of the board members, insider trading can be curbed, which prevent the vulnerability of investors to losses. The board influences the performance of a business through their level of independence and commitment. In addition, the board should have skills and knowledge of assessing the organization’s annual reports to evaluate its performance (Colley, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on business corporate law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Integrity and ethical standards are critical in preparation of annual reports as addressed by corporate governance. Through this practice, investors’ protection can be realized during the selection of management leaders and board members, who advocate for integ rity of financial reports. In addition, the codes of conduct formulated to guide directors and executives, should reflect the need to curb exposure of investors to losses. In this regard, the management is liable to undertake decision-making processes in ethical and responsible means. Through these efforts, the higher level of investor protection enhances the perception of good corporate governance for an organization. The level of disclosure and transparency influence the degree of investor protection needs. An organization should clarify and publicize the annual reports, which offer investors with a degree of accountability. Furthermore, an organization should adhere to the procedures, and promote integrity when preparing its financial statements. Meanwhile, the process of disclosing material matters affecting the company should be timely and accurate. This process will ensure that investors are accessible to clear, accurate and factual information (Kim Nofsinger, 2007). Conseque ntly, investors will be protected from the instances of non-disclosure of material facts, which may affect an organization in the future. Notably, it is critical to condemn and fire management of organizations that provide sensible information always regardless of its performance, protect investors from the severity of losses. Similarly, the conduct of business in adherence to the regulations of a country is portrayed in corporate governance. In this case, investors are protected through determination of the legality of the business, before investors can direct their resources to the firm. As a result, investors are protected from firms that practice money laundering activities and terrorist funding. Therefore, investors are made confident and flexible to undertake their investments without severe risks of organizations. These issues addressed by corporate governance with respect to investor protection depict the level of importance, which investors attach to corporate governance.Ad vertising We will write a custom essay sample on Investors’ Protection in Corporate Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Colley, J. L. (2005). What is corporate governance?. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kim, K. A., Nofsinger, J. R. (2007). Corporate governance (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Final Organizational QI Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Final Organizational QI Plan - Essay Example The first and foremost step includes the measures which are taken in order to prevent known infections throughout the hospital. This job is carried out in a hospital by means of not only awareness programs but there is also a need for utmost cleanliness within a hospital. For this reason, hospitals should aptly adhere to the guidelines that are provided by their supervisory committees, for example, hospitals in America have to follow the guidelines of CDC in order to conduct research on different diseases and also to follow protocols in case a rare infectious disease breaks out (, 2013; CDC, 2013). The second thing that involves the plan is the monitoring of the infection, in case someone has it and to find proper ways to eliminate threats that promote the spread of such infections. For this reason a hospital has to be advanced and equipped with proper technology in order to prevent the infections from spreading, especially within the health care facility, in this ca se a hospital. What follows after it are different surveillance regimens where the hospital has to monitor the status of diseases in order to keep them from becoming an epidemic. Another part where hospitals need to focus upon is how they would collect different data about the disease and how to compile it in order to use it for the prevention of new cases from happening. Different tools are to be identified that the hospital needs in order to check the problems that have immediate effect and conduct studies to not only cure the diseases but also make efforts in coming up with a plan to completely eradicate them. It shouldn't always be about finding the cure because there are thousands of diseases with known cure but they still exist alive and kicking. It should be about finding the roots of the diseases; what areas it stems from and its effects, precautions and then devising a plan about nipping these diseases in the bud. This not only provides service to humanity by finding elimin ation methods for diseases but also improves the quality of service of a hospital where it strives to provide information to WHO about the methods that can prevent and eliminate infectious diseases around the globe. Introduction In order to devise a successful plan for the prevention and control of diseases within a hospital, we have to find out what is the core mission of a hospital and what it sees in itself to provide to the humanity as well as its own development. A hospital’s major mission is to provide health care to people who are sick and to also provide them with cures and treatments depending upon the disease they have while providing quality service for the patients. In order to achieve this mission, a hospital that is big in its stature and reputation, not only tries to cure people through doctors but also through research on different diseases and also providing medical training in the form of med school. A hospital also provides ER services which is one of its m ain department because you would never know what emergency might pop up. Apart from that, clinical duties are also a part of major services that hospital adheres to because it is its responsibility to treat even everyday sickness and diseases. Goals and Objectives Like any other profit seeking organization, a hospital has different goals and objectives that it
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Cultural Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Cultural Policy - Essay Example 64). It is remarkable that cultural policies should achieve set objective of society empowerment through avenues as employment provision. Social policies should equally promote the integration of diversity in cultures in the society. Cultural policies should promote equality among members of the society. All the objectives of most cultural policies are entangled in diverse focus points. Policymakers, therefore, should identify the challenge of formulating cultural policies that bring together. Promoting equality, for instance, would require focus on national heritage and culture. Achieving empowerment among the community members would call for focus on the creative industry. Attaining the objective of promoting cultural diversity in the society would require focus on arts. Since attaining all these is imperative, cultural policies should provide a framework of integration and promoting them. Policymakers should not single out the focus sectors, whether arts, national heritage, cultur e or creative industry. Instead, they should formulate cultural policies that ensure the attainment of benefits from all focus points. The case of UK cultural policy is an illustrative framework to integrate all focus areas (Lewis & Miller 2008, p. 7). The culture, media and sport department in the UK aims at improving the citizens’ quality of life through formulation of an inclusive cultural policy that addresses all the concerns and areas of focus. It targets to elevate the economy by promoting employment to citizens through its support to the creative industry. The department has an aim of making the UK an exciting destination for visitors and businessperson through the protection of culture and preserving national heritage (Great Britain, 2006, p. 184). This involves its support to preserving the national heritage as one of the vital areas. It encourages investments in cultures through funding pioneering projects through the support of forty-four agencies including public entities. Cultural policy is an approach to policymaking for promoting culture and art in the society (Craik, 2007, p. 42). Adopting an academic approach to cultural policy is an effective strategy to ensure their effectiveness in promoting culture and heritage. Legal frameworks that govern a society or country’s culture and art are vital components of cultural policy. Setting up institutions mandated to promote culture and art in a society or country is a vital aspect of cultural policy. Fostering cultural diversity in a country or society is an important role of the government and its policy formulation departments and agencies. Every country has its unique and diverse cultures that promote creativity. There are diverse approaches to cultural policy as adopted by different countries. It also provides for proper quality assurance in the management of culture and heritage. Policies should focus on guiding concepts of evaluation of the required standards. Evaluation is impera tive in ensuring scrutiny for spending and quality in the deliverance of services to the public. Policies should promote the administration of culture. Reformist adjustments to cultural policy promote proper financing of culture to achieve social inclusion. Policies should aim at providing funding to failing organizations to enhance their potential. Policies should provide enhanced used of digital technology to in promoting cult
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Marketing Practice From Islamic Perspective Marketing Essay
The Marketing Practice From Islamic Perspective Marketing Essay Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and study the marketing case in Malaysia, particularly, a Malaysian company must be chosen and our choice of company is Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad. Various aspects of study under the subject matter have been considered. This includes the target market analysis, marketing mix consideration which consists of product, pricing, promotion and distribution decision. In order to analyze the internal and external problems facing the company, we have done a SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat).This is to highlight and raise several problems or issues facing the company locally or internationally. Market research on comsumer behavior and competition has also been carried out through a survey questionnaires and the summary or report of the summary have also been done. Mamee Double Decker Went Global Background of the company The company chosen for this case analysis is Mamee Double-Decker Malaysia Berhad. Mamee was founded in 1971 by Datuk Pan Ching Hin and headquartered in Malacca. Mamee Double Decker is Malaysia food processing, snack and diary product company. It mainly produces and sells instant noodles, snack, confectionery and beverages. Mamee Double Decker not only sells its product locally but had penetrated the international market as well. Today Mamee products are exported all around the world to more than 80 countries and area it serves includes Asia, Middle East, Africa, America, Europe and Oceania. Products produce by mamee are popular and well known to most households especially children. Marketing practice from Islamic perspective When mamee first came into existence, its products were only mamee monster noodle snack and double decker snack. Mamee later had gain recognition from several countries because of its distinct and unique feature of the snack that is square-ish noodle like and the adorable face of monster on its packaging while the double-decker snack , is a flavored snack with a choice of prawns chicken and cheese. The company then goes through a major diversification when it produces carbonated drinks under the brand cheers. Mamee instant noodles later was produced. However, different instant noodles are provided to cater different countries, For example mamee bihun, express noodles, and mi goreng are only available in Malaysia as it suits the malaysian taste, while these products are not made for the overseas market. The company has produce mamee oriental noodles for outside market. Marketing Mix Consideration Decision made by the company regarding to the price, promotion and distribution are the elements of marketing mix consideration that is being use in making a decision. . Product decision Initially, mamee mainly focus in producing snacks, but it had diversify its products in producing beverages such as soft drinks, cultured drinks and recently the new products by mamee, a juice under the brand Rio Fiesta a healthier options for drinks produced by mamee. All product produced by mamee comply to the standards required. The company had obtained Hazzard Analysis and Crtical Control Poiint (HACCP) certificate. The obtainment of this certificate means that mamee had adhered to food safety from raw material production, procurement and handling, manufacturing, distribution and the consumption of the finished product. From Islamic point of view, mamee had free from gharar or uncertainty by providing adequate products description and specification for all its products. This includes complete labeling and nutritious information, ingredients used and its expiry date. At the same time, other products evolve in the market under mamee double decker is nutrigen, is a cultured drink for children. Mister Potato was out of the market later after that, now, Mister Potato had officially become the global snack partner with Manchester United. Latest product by Mamee double decker is corntoz, corntoz is a crunchy snack came with different flavours and shapes. The main concern under this food processing, beverages and diary product industry is about whether the product are halal (permitted). Since this company mainly sells their products in Malaysia and in other Muslim countries, therefore mamee double decker products must be certified halal. As reported in Malaysia Halal Directory, Mamee Double Decker had obtained the halal certificate for all of their products. Their products are free from additives made from animal sources that are forbidden in Islamic Law. Stabilizers, Emulsion and colouring used in their production process are deemed as halal. Promotional Activities Mamee Double Decker, like many other companies in this competitive environment are driven to adapt an aggressive promotional strategies in order to gain market share. Mamee Double Decker had use various promotional tools including advertising and sales promotion to capture the market. As reported in The Star newspaper July 17 2002, RM 40 million was allocated solely for promotional activities in Malaysia. On the same year, Mamee had made an aggressive advertising in Myanmar and china to create brand awareness to familiarize their products in these markets. Recently, Mamee had become an official snack partner with Manchaster United. This joint-venture is important as it aims to boost its market share in Asia. One of the interesting activities that has been carried out through this partnership was The Ultimate Manchester United Experience contest. Lucky winners had been treated to a trip to Manchester united to meet their favorite football players. Mamee had also use Malaysia local celebrities, such as Mawi, Felix and Amalyea as ambassadors for mamee sllrpp products in Malaysia. In the recent festive season Hari Raya, Malaysia celebrity Shahizi Sam was featured in mamee sllrrp advertisement and they had conduct a Mamee Kusayang Contest. This shows that Mamee Double Decker had made several aggressive promotion activities throughout the years. Its promotional activities adhered to the basic Islamic principle of business and Mamee had ensure its product reach the target market in all around the world. Any promotional activities to stimulate the demand from consumers are permissible as long as it does not exaggerating or breaching the Islamic principle. Activities like free samples, cash rebates, joint promotion and contest conducted by Mamee are therefore deemed permissible. Pricing Decission Pricing of mamee product are reasonable and affordable for the interest of all. This pricing strategy enables it to capture the market share of various market segments. For example in Malaysia, mamee monster snack only cost 30cents and mamee Double decker snack cost only RM2.50. Mamee had made no price discrimination for all of its product. The company Charge same price for same good in respective countries, irrespective of different markets. Therefore Mamee pricing strategy is considered fair(Adil) and just. Distribution The distribution channels of mamee food and beverages in Malaysia consist of three stages (producer,retailer,consumer). Mamee which is the producer will sell its products in bulks to retailers (Giants, Tesco,etc) , and eventually retailers will sell it to the consumers. In international level, the distribution are being done through appointed subsidiaries. Mamee has favourable access to distribution networks in Malaysia. Mamee Double Decker has 13 distribution centers and has about 150 transport carrier for deliveries to about 1000 point of sales. Mamee Double Decker currently has five manufacturing facilities in Malaysia and one in Myanmar. Mamee Double Decker has centralized marketing and distribution system while Mamee have assigned an export manager in each manufacturing subsidiary. . There are three companies under Mamee Double Decker responsible in producing each of their respective lines and products for example snack food and chilled products (KMM), instant noodles (PP) and beverages (MDDB). Target Market Analysis Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad is good in quality and unique brand which targeted to all group of people according to the product offered. As the company began with a single product and consistently grown to 50 products, targeted people become more. The household products brands like Mamee Monster, Mamee Instant and Mamee sllrrp, and Mamee snacks, are targeted to people whose age is from 6 to 30 years old. Targeted group in this range of age includes, children, teenage, students, working class, and family. This is because not all of its products are targeted to the same group of people. Products like Mamee monster, nutrigen, Double Decker are an examples of products that targets mostly childrens. In Australia, mamee monster snacks is sold in their school canteen. This shows that these products mainly attract children. Nutrigen is a cultured flavored drink that is targeted kids from age 6-12 years old. The second group is students. Mainly, products of Mamee that attracts students are instant noodle like Mamee slrrpp, snacks like double decker, mister potato and jacker. This is because, most students who normally live outside or far from their home need something instant or something to munch in between their meals. This will also eliminate the need to cook or having to buy foods outside. Moreover, snacks like Mamee monster and Double Decker are the loyal companions for students as well especially in times of stress while studying. Teenage like students needs snack during their leisure time. From the family structure perspective, a mother with at least 5 children, usually will buy more groceries and household products. Children love to have snacks like Potato Chips, Potato Crisps and Cheer Beverage because the products are very convenient and it comes with different flavor based on their preferences. Furthermore, families who spend their spare time with picnic and party usually find Mamee products a reasonable choice. In term of target market demographically, though Mamee actually target low to middle income earners, high income earners are attracted to it as well because of its affordable and reasonable price. It is very clear that the size of the companys target market is very large and high. Everyone may be used and consume the product offered because it comes with varieties of food, snacks, beverages, instant noodles and to name a few. SWOT analysis Strength One of the strength pose by Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad is as reported in recent mamee double decker (M) Berhad annual report, the company had experienced 57.3% growth of profit before tax from 9.6 million. Mamee Double Decker(M) Berhad strength also lies in its ability to expand their business network by penetrating into new exports market. This is proved to be true as mamee experienced a growth of 6.2% in 2002 in its effort to venture to new exports market. The second strength of mamee is it has a good reputation among customers, since has become part of the choice made by household largely in Malaysia, mamee so far had not fail to impress its consumers all over the world by providing a tip-top service from the process of production to distribution, we can see that mamee products reach consumer easily as it is easily available in store from a small grocery store to large super markets. The third strength of mamee double decker is we can say that it has a quite strong brand name as according to their annual report, mamee had won several awards locally and internationally. The two local awards that mamee has honoured to receive are first, the chief minister awards for Promising local Company Awards in recognition of Mamee Double Decker Berhad (M) to local industries and the second award is by Malaysian Manufacturer packaging Council of Malaysia, given to one of Mamee Double Decker (M) Berhad product, that is Nutrigen Liteyo. Internationally, mamee had also been rewarded internationally recognized ISO 9002 togethe riwth China Awards Certificates. Weakness This includes the internal and external problem of Mamee Double Decker (M) berhad. The external problem pose by this company is as reported in the star newspapers 2007, mamee has not yet succeed in gaining a market share in China as there is a negative growth in Mamee double decker operation in China particularly,Mamee Double-Decker Food(Suzhou)Co. Ltd, demand for Mamee in China is low, thus generating low sales and revenue and consequently the company had incurred higher loss. however the company did not loose hope and have confidence in its China operation and Mmaee had appointed a consultant to resolve this issue. The second external problem face by Mamee is high dependency of raw material from Europe as such when there is a rise in Euro against USD the mamee double-decker earnings is affected since some of mamee products ingredients such as Mister potatao crips are imported from Europe, ,thus when the price of raw material increases, this gives pressure to its profit margin. In order to overcome this problem, mamee needs to do more reaseach and development to reduce its dependency from outside. One internal problem in mamee double decker lies in its small number of manufacturing facilities, considering that mamee products are marketed all over the world, with only five manufacturing facilities , limited production can be made per day. If mamee want to extend its product line, it will be restricted as there is a limited space for production. Opportunity Since now consumer are becoming more health conscious, one opportunity for Mamee Double Decker is to come up with a product that is more healthy as it will give customer a more options for healthy good food. Mamee Double Decker plans to obtain health food supplier in an effort to expand its product line. Mamee had identified several suppliers and the company plans to negotiates with this suppliers in providing good supplies of food Threat As customer becoming more educated and conscious about the food they consume, consumer tends to compare prices and quality of products with other brands. Currently in market there are various brands and product they offered similar to Mamee Double Decker. Thus, the threat of Mamee Double Decker is the competitors in market like for example, Munchys, Nestle, Unilever Foods. Mamee do not only pose an internal threat, but also external threat for example in terms of competitors in China is also obvious. Mamee face a greater threat especially in Shanghai, this is due to the complexity of market in China in addition to variety of snack food products produced by them. In Shanghai, mamee had to face competitors that have a greater market share like. Report on Consumer Behaviour for Mamee Double Decker In order to evaluate the consumers preferences on Mamee Double-Decker products, a survey has been conducted within a population of 100 respondents and 30 out 100 were taken as a sample to this research. There were 17 male and 15 female involved in this sample. A set of 22 questions were asked during the survey session which majority of the respondents came from different background and the survey were conducted online. Before the surveys were taken in place, a short description of the company was given so that the respondents somehow know what they would be expecting during the session. Questions were separated into three parts started with the personal background information then likert scale questions which evaluate their decision making in making purchases and the last part of the questionnaire cover their own given answer accordingly. Result follow suits right after the research conducted was done. Majority of the respondents were Malays which covers 91percent of the total sample taken. This is explained by the major ethnic in Malaysia is Malay followed by Chinese with 6percent and others 3percent. As for income level, most of the respondents categorized as middle class earners because their income level is range between RM1001 to RM3000 with 47percent are in this group while the remaining 44percent belongs to lower income earner like students and jobless teenagers. Within this sample, most of the respondents are in their bachelor degree staying in urban area and living single life which eventually led them to such consumption with the ration of 63:84:97 for all categories. 84percent of these respondents also admit that they enjoyed eating snack food and beverages with a typical consumption of 1 to 2 packs a day. Why this happening is because during the earlier age like teenagers in university, they are prone to having a quick and light food as on the go. This somehow explained the viability of the result. When it comes to factors to decision making questions, the result was significantly expected. Almost all the respondents agreed that they are very cautious in choosing their favourite snack foods and beverages because this factor has to do with their taste buds. While pricing became the second factor that influenced the decision making; 35percent agreed that price do play a vital role in their purchasing power. Morever, 55percent of the respondents were also somewhat agreed that Mamee Double-Decker do became their preferred brand and offer wide range of products under one roof with their given competitive pricing on the products compared to other brands. So most likely consumers can easily make decision in making purchases and less confusion. Unfortunately, Mamee Double-Decker wasnt still at the par in offering good taste for their products because only 47percent out of the total respondents were somewhat agree with the companys taste performance but the remaining disagree with it. However, 41percent of the respondents agreed that Mamee products are reachable in the market which eases them in making purchases. Majority of the respondents bought Mister Potatoes and Mamee Monster snack which are two of the most popular snack foods from Mamee Double-Decker and they usually bought it at convenience stores like 7-eleven and hypermarkets like Tesco. As for substitution for Mamee brand, they usually go for Jack n Jill brand and Nestle which are two of the top snack foods and beverages producers in the world. Thus this is threat for Mamee Double-Decker because of the stiff competition from these giant producers. Mamee Double-Decker should improve their products taste and perhaps packaging in order to stay competitive in the market despite having cheaper price strategy. In a nutshell, Mamee Double-Decker is a proud home-grown snack foods and beverages producer that went global. However, Mamee Double-Decker cannot be relied truly on domestic markets with their currents products either domestic market or international market, instead they should keep doing product development program in order to come out with new line of foods and beverages that suits the preference of the consumers worldwide. Report on Competition for Mamee Double Decker A survey has been conducted in order to evaluate the competition for Mamee Double-Decker products. Mamee-Double Decker (M) Bhd, which has made a name for itself with its snacks and confectionery products. A survey with a population of 50 was targeted and a sample of 30 was chosen for this research. Respondent consiste of 16 males and 14 females.The survey was a close ended survey requiring customers to answer a multiple chouce question with a 5 asnwer options. A set of 15 questions have been asked regarding their brand preferences. Mamee Double Decker have various competitors on market for example, Munchys, Nestle, Unilver Food. Under this company they too had offered various consumer or food products for example, maggi, a brand for instant noodle.Mamee to had rival branding for their beverages particularly cultured drink, for example, nutrigen cultured drink are competing against other various brands like yakult, vitagen and solivite. In a brief summary, 40% of respondents are quite loyal and repeat buyer for mamee products while 60% of them are somewhat in a middle as they also have other preferences and branding in buying consumer goods products. Based on the survey conducted, consumer prefers brand yakult and vitagen more compared to nutrigen which come from Mamee products. This is believe due to the reason that yakult are better in terms of quality as they contain probiotics . On the other hand their champions products like Mamee Monster, Mamee Noodles, Mister Potato, Double Decker and Nicolet Swiss Herb Candy are more preferred by consumers. In a survey, 65% od consumers prefer more of these products because of it tastes and the prices are affordable as compared to other products such as Pringles, Indo Mee, Maggi and etc. However, the remaining percentage of 35% do prefer other snacks brands like Pringles,Lays, Doritos as they may have perceive this brand are better in quality and tastier compared to mamee products. . Conclusion In conclusion, Mamee Double Decker is a company that have a potential to grow further and to compete aggressively with other products in the market. Since the company have established for quite a long time and has been consistently doing well, they have good prospects to progress in increasing its market share in foods and beverages industry in the future. Looking at its current marketing strategies and programs no doubt that this goal would be attainable. In our opinion, Mamee would not lose to its competitors in the market due to the fact that Mamee is constantly doing Research and Development (RD) to improve its quality of product and extends its product line. However, considering the change in behavior and lifestyle of consumers, that are increasingly, becoming more health conscious mamee should come up with a new products line that suit the changing need of customers.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 28. The Future
Carlisle and Edward had not been able to catch up with Irina before her trail disappeared into the sound. They'd swum to the other bank to see if her trail had picked up in a straight line, but there was no trace of her for miles in either direction on the eastern shore. It was all my fault. She had come, as Alice had seen, to make peace with the Cullens, only to be angered by my camaraderie with Jacob. I wished I'd noticed her earlier, before Jacob had phased. I wished we'd gone hunting somewhere else. There wasn't much to be done. Carlisle had called Tanya with the disappointing news. Tanya and Kate hadn't seen Irina since they'd decided to come to my wedding, and they were distraught that Irina had come so close and yet not returned home; it wasn't easy for them to lose their sister, however temporary the separation might be. I wondered if this brought back hard memories of losing their mother so many centuries ago. Alice was able to catch a few glimpses of Irina's immediate future, nothing too concrete. She wasn't going back to Denali, as far as Alice could tell. The picture was hazy. All Alice could see was that Irina was visibly upset; she wandered in the snow-swathed wilderness – to the north? To the east? – with a devastated expression. She made no decisions for a new course beyond her directionless grieving. Days passed and, though of course I forgot nothing, Irina and her pain moved to the back of my mind. There were more important things to think of now. I would leave for Italy in just a few days. When I got back, we'd all be off to South America. Every detail had been gone over a hundred times already. We would start with the Ticunas, tracing their legends as well as we could at the source. Now that it was accepted that Jacob would come with us, he figured prominently in the plans – it was unlikely that the people who believed in vampires would speak to any of us about their stories. If we dead-ended with the Ticunas, there were many closely related tribes in the area to research. Carlisle had some old friends in the Amazon; if we could find them, they might have information for us, too. Or at least a suggestion as to where else we might go for answers. It was unlikely that the three Amazon vampires had anything to do with the legends of vampire hybrids themselves, as they were all female. There was no way to know how long our search would take. I hadn't told Charlie about the longer trip yet, and I stewed about what to say to him while Edward and Carlisle's discussion went on. How to break the news to him just right? I stared at Renesmee while I debated internally. She was curled up on the sofa now, her breathing slow with heavy sleep, her tangled curls splayed wildly around her face.Usually, Edward and I took her back to our cottage to put her to bed, but tonight we lingered with the family, he and Carlisle deep in their planning session. Meanwhile, Emmett and Jasper were more excited about planning the hunting possibilities. The Amazon offered a change from our normal quarry. Jaguars and panthers, for example. Emmett had a whim to wrestle with an anaconda. Esme and Rosalie were planning what they would pack. Jacob was off with Sam's pack, setting things up for his own absence. Alice moved slowly – for her – around the big room, unnecessarily tidying the already immaculate space, straightening Esme's perfectly hung garlands. She was re-centering Esme's vases on the console at the moment. I could see from the way her face fluctuated – aware, then blank, then aware again – that she was searching the future. I assumed she was trying to see through the blind spots that Jacob and Renesmee made in her visions as to what was waiting for us in South America until Jasper said, â€Å"Let it go, Alice; she's not our concern,†and a cloud of serenity stole silently and invisibly through the room. Alice must have been worrying about Irina again. She stuck her tongue out at Jasper and then lifted one crystal vase that was filled with white and red roses and turned toward the kitchen. There was just the barest hint of wilt to one of the white flowers, but Alice seemed intent on utter perfection as a distraction to her lack of vision tonight. Staring at Renesmee again, I didn't see it when the vase slipped from Alice's fingers. I only heard the whoosh of the air whistling past the crystal, and my eyes flickered up in time to see the vase shatter into ten thousand diamond shards against the edge of the kitchen's marble floor. We were perfectly still as the fragmented crystal bounced and skittered in every direction with an unmusical tinkling, all eyes on Alice's back. My first illogical thought was that Alice was playing some joke on us. Because there was no way that Alice could have dropped the vase by accident I could have darted across the room to catch the vase in plenty of time myself, if I hadn't assumed she would get it. And how would it fall through her fingers in the first place? Her perfectly sure fingers†¦ I had never seen a vampire drop anything by accident. Ever. And then Alice was facing us, twisting in a move so fast it didn't exist. Her eyes were halfway here and halfway locked on the future, wide, staring, filling her thin face till they seemed to overflow it. Looking into her eyes was like looking out of a grave from the inside; I was buried in the terror and despair and agony of her gaze. I heard Edward gasp; it was a broken, half-choked sound. â€Å"What?†Jasper growled, leaping to her side in a blurred rush of movement, crushing the broken crystal under his feet. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her sharply. She seemed to rattle silently in his hands. â€Å"What Alice?†Emmett moved into my peripheral vision, his teeth bared while his eyes darted toward the window, anticipating an attack. There was only silence from Esme, Carlisle, and Rose, who were frozen just as I was. Jasper shook Alice again. â€Å"What is it?†â€Å"They're coming for us,†Alice and Edward whispered together, perfectly synchronized. â€Å"All of them.†Silence. For once, I was the quickest to understand – because something in their words triggered my own vision. It was only the distant memory of a dream – faint, transparent, indistinct as if I were peering through thick gauze†¦. In my head, I saw a line of black advancing on me, the ghost of my half-forgotten human nightmare. I could not see the glint of their ruby eyes in the shrouded image, or the shine of their sharp wet teeth, but I knew where the gleam should be†¦. Stronger than the memory of the sight came the memory of the feel – the wrenching need to protect the precious thing behind me. I wanted to snatch Renesmee up into my arms, to hide her behind my skin and hair, to make her invisible. But I couldn't even turn to look at her. I felt not like stone but ice. For the first time since I'd been reborn a vampire, I felt cold. I barely heard the confirmation of my fears. I didn't need it. I already knew. â€Å"The Volturi,†Alice moaned. â€Å"All of them,†Edward groaned at the same time. â€Å"Why?†Alice whispered to herself. â€Å"How?†â€Å"When?†Edward whispered. â€Å"Why?†Esme echoed. â€Å"When?†Jasper repeated in a voice like splintering ice. Alice's eyes didn't blink, but it was as if a veil covered them; they became perfectly blank. Only her mouth held on to her expression of horror. â€Å"Not long,†she and Edward said together. Then she spoke alone. â€Å"There's snow on the forest, snow on the town. Little more than a month.†â€Å"Why?†Carlisle was the one to ask this time. Esme answered. â€Å"They must have a reason. Maybe to see †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"This isn't about Bella,†Alice said hollowly. â€Å"They're all coming – Aro, Caius, Marcus, every member of the guard, even the wives.†â€Å"The wives never leave the tower,†Jasper contradicted her in a flat voice. â€Å"Never. Not during the southern rebellion. Not when the Romanians tried to overthrow them. Not even when they were hunting the immortal children. Never.†â€Å"They're coming now,†Edward whispered. â€Å"But why?†Carlisle said again. â€Å"We've done nothing! And if we had, what could we possibly do that would bring f/?/sdown on us?†â€Å"There are so many of us,†Edward answered dully. â€Å"They must want to make sure that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He didn't finish. â€Å"That doesn't answer the crucial question! Why?†I felt I knew the answer to Carlisle's question, and yet at the same time I didn't. Renesmee was the reason why, I was sure. Somehow I'd known from the very beginning that they would come for her. My subconscious had warned me before I'd known I was carrying her. It felt oddly expected now. As if I'd somehow always known that the Volturi would come to take my happiness from me. But that still didn't answer the question. â€Å"Go back, Alice,†Jasper pleaded. â€Å"Look for the trigger. Search.†Alice shook her head slowly, her shoulders sagging. â€Å"It came out of nowhere, Jazz. I wasn't looking for them, or even for us. I was just looking for Irina. She wasn't where I expected her to be†¦.†Alice trailed off, her eyes drifting again. She stared at nothing for a long second. And then her head jerked up, her eyes hard as flint. I heard Edward catch his breath. â€Å"She decided to go to them,†Alice said. â€Å"Irina decided to go to the Volturi. And then they will decide†¦. It's as if they're waiting for her. Like their decision was already made, and just waiting on her___†It was silent again as we digested this. What would Irina tell the Volturi that would result in Alice's appalling vision? â€Å"Can we stop her?†Jasper asked. â€Å"There's no way. She's almost there.†â€Å"What is she doing?†Carlisle was asking, but I wasn't paying attention to the discussion now. All my focus was on the picture that was painstakingly coming together in my head. I pictured Irina poised on the cliff, watching. What had she seen? A vampire and a werewolf who were best friends. I'd been focused on that image, one that would obviously explain her reaction. But that was not all that she'd seen. She'd also seen a child. An exquisitely beautiful child, showing off in the falling snow, clearly more than human†¦ Irina†¦ the orphaned sisters†¦ Carlisle had said that losing their mother to the Volturi's justice had made Tanya, Kate, and Irina purists when it came to the law. Just half a minute ago, Jasper had said the words himself: Not even when they were hunting the immortal children†¦. The immortal children – the unmentionable bane, the appalling taboo†¦ With Irina's past, how could she apply any other reading to what she'd seen that day in the narrow field? She had not been close enough to hear Renesmee's heart, to feel the heat radiating from her body. Renesmee's rosy cheeks could have been a trick on our part for all she knew. After all, the Cullens were in league with werewolves. From Irina's point of view, maybe this meant nothing was beyond us†¦. Irina, wringing her hands in the snowy wilderness – not mourning Laurent, after all, but knowing it was her duty to turn the Cullens in, knowing what would happen to them if she did. Apparently her conscience had won out over the centuries of friendship. And the Volturi's response to this kind of infraction was so automatic, it was already decided. I turned and draped myself over Renesmee's sleeping body, covering her with my hair, burying my face in her curls. â€Å"Think of what she saw that afternoon,†I said in a low voice, interrupting whatever Emmett was beginning to say. â€Å"To someone who'd lost a mother because of the immortal children, what would Renesmee look like?†Everything was silent again as the others caught up to where I was already. â€Å"An immortal child,†Carlisle whispered. I felt Edward kneel beside me, wrap his arms over us both. â€Å"But she's wrong,†I went on. â€Å"Renesmee isn't like those other children. They were frozen, but she grows so much every day. They were out of control, but she never hurts Charlie or Sue or even shows them things that would upset them. She can control herself. She's already smarter than most adults. There would be no reason___†I babbled on, waiting for someone to exhale with relief, waiting for the icy tension in the room to relax as they realized I was right. The room just seemed to get colder. Eventually my small voice trailed off into silence. No one spoke for a long time. Then Edward whispered into my hair. â€Å"It's not the kind of crime they hold a trial for, love,†he said quietly. â€Å"Aro's seen Irina's proof in her thoughts. They come to destroy, not to be reasoned with.†â€Å"But they're wrong,†I said stubbornly. â€Å"They won't wait for us to show them that.†His voice was still quiet, gentle, velvet†¦ and yet the pain and desolation in the sound was unavoidable. His voice was like Alice's eyes before – like the inside of a tomb. â€Å"What can we do?†I demanded. Renesmee was so warm and perfect in my arms, dreaming peacefully. I'd worried so much about Renesmee's speeding age – worried that she would only have little over a decade of life†¦. That terror seemed ironic now. Little over a month†¦ Was this the limit, then? I'd had more happiness than most people ever experienced. Was there some natural law that demanded equal shares of happiness and misery in the world? Was my joy overthrowing the balance? Was four months all I could have? It was Emmett who answered my rhetorical question. â€Å"We fight,†he said calmly. â€Å"We can't win,†Jasper growled. I could imagine how his face would look, how his body would curve protectively over Alice's. â€Å"Well, we can't run. Not with Demetri around.†Emmett made a disgusted noise, and I knew instinctively that he was not upset by the idea of the Volturi's tracker but by the idea of running away. â€Å"And I don't know that we can't win,†he said. â€Å"There are a few options to consider. We don't have to fight alone.†My head snapped up at that. â€Å"We don't have to sentence the Quileutes to death, either, Emmett!†â€Å"Chill, Bella.†His expression was no different from when he was contemplating fighting anacondas. Even the threat of annihilation couldn't change Emmett's perspective, his ability to thrill to a challenge. â€Å"I didn't mean the pack. Be realistic, though – do you think Jacob or Sam is going to ignore an invasion? Even if it wasn't about Nessie? Not to mention that, thanks to Irina, Aro knows about our alliance with the pack now, too. But I was thinking of our other friends.†Carlisle echoed me in a whisper. â€Å"Other friends we don't have to sentence to death.†â€Å"Hey, we'll let them decide,†Emmett said in a placating tone. â€Å"I'm not saying they have to fight with us.†I could see the plan refining itself in his head as he spoke. â€Å"If they'd just stand beside us, just long enough to make the Volturi hesitate. Bella's right, after all. If we could force them to stop and listen. Though that might take away any reason for a fight___†There was a hint of a smile on Emmett's face now. I was surprised no one had hit him yet. I wanted to. â€Å"Yes,†Esme said eagerly. â€Å"That makes sense, Emmett. All we need is for the Volturi to pause for one moment. Just long enough to listen* â€Å"We'd need quite a show of witnesses,†Rosalie said harshly, her voice brittle as glass. Esme nodded in agreement, as if she hadn't heard the sarcasm in Rosalie's tone. â€Å"We can ask that much of our friends. Just to witness.†â€Å"We'd do it for them,†Emmett said. â€Å"We'll have to ask them just right,†Alice murmured. I looked to see her eyes were a dark void again. â€Å"They'll have to be shown very carefully.†â€Å"Shown?†Jasper asked. Alice and Edward both looked down at Renesmee. Then Alice's eyes glazed over. â€Å"Tanya's family,†she said. â€Å"Siobhan's coven. Amun's. Some of the nomads – Garrett and Mary for certain. Maybe Alistair.†â€Å"What about Peter and Charlotte?†Jasper asked half fearfully, as if he hoped the answer was no, and his old brother could be spared from the coming carnage. â€Å"Maybe.†â€Å"The Amazons?†Carlisle asked. â€Å"Kachiri, Zafrina, and Senna?†Alice seemed too deep into her vision to answer at first; finally she shuddered, and her eyes flickered back to the present. She met Carlisle's gaze for the tiniest part of a second, and then looked down. â€Å"I can't see.†â€Å"What was that?†Edward asked, his whisper a demand. â€Å"That part in the jungle. Are we going to look for them?†â€Å"I can't see,†Alice repeated, not meeting his eyes. A flash of confusion crossed Edward's face. â€Å"We'll have to split up and hurry – before the snow sticks to the ground. We have to round up whomever we can and get them here to show them.†She zoned again. â€Å"Ask Eleazar. There is more to this than just an immortal child.†The silence was ominous for another long moment while Alice was in her trance. She blinked slowly when it was over, her eyes peculiarly opaque despite the fact that she was clearly in the present. â€Å"There is so much. We have to hurry,†she whispered. â€Å"Alice?†Edward asked. â€Å"That was too fast – I didn't understand. What was – ?†â€Å"I can't see!†she exploded back at him. â€Å"Jacob's almost here!†Rosalie took a step toward the front door. â€Å"I'll deal with – â€Å" â€Å"No, let him come,†Alice said quickly, her voice straining higher with each word. She grabbed Jasper's hand and began pulling him toward the back door. â€Å"I'll see better away from Nessie, too. I need to go. I need to really concentrate. I need to see everything I can. I have to go. Come on, Jasper, there's no time to waste!†We all could hear Jacob on the stairs. Alice yanked, impatient, on Jasper's hand. He followed quickly, confusion in his eyes just like Edward's. They darted out the door into the silver night. â€Å"Hurry!†she called back to us. â€Å"You have to find them all!†â€Å"Find what?†Jacob asked, shutting the front door behind himself. â€Å"Where'd Alice go?†No one answered; we all just stared. Jacob shook the wet from his hair and pulled his arms through the sleeves of his t-shirt, his eyes on Renesmee. â€Å"Hey, Bells! I thought you guys would've gone home by now___†He looked up to me finally, blinked, and then stared. I watched his expression as the room's atmosphere finally touched him. He glanced down, eyes wide, at the wet spot on the floor, the scattered roses, the fragments of crystal. His fingers quivered. â€Å"What?†he asked flatly. â€Å"What happened?†I couldn't think where to begin. No one else found the words, either. Jacob crossed the room in three long strides and dropped to his knees beside Renesmee and me. I could feel the heat shaking off his body as tremors rolled down his arms to his shaking hands. â€Å"Is she okay?†he demanded, touching her forehead, tilting his head as he listened to her heart. â€Å"Don't mess with me, Bella, please!†â€Å"Nothing's wrong with Renesmee,†I choked out, the words breaking in strange places. â€Å"Then who?†â€Å"All of us, Jacob,†I whispered. And it was there in my voice, too – the sound of the inside of a grave. â€Å"It's over. We've all been sentenced to die.â€
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