Tuesday, December 17, 2019

A Community Meal And The Gas Stove - 1132 Words

One of the first things that we need to do to formulate a strategy and immediate one or an emerging one is to evaluate all the assets that the congregation has. This falls into two categories The physical assets of property and the assets of members of the congregation’s meaning what their gifts and graces are on a personal level that could help the ministry of the church that they would be to give. This being said we know from the case study the size of the building and when it was last renovated but we need to be checking in making sure there’s not anything that could be inhibit the use of any of the equipment or rooms that may not have been used in a while. Such as making sure classrooms don’t have a leaks as well as making sure the†¦show more content†¦The size of the congregation and the number in our team is beneficial because there are not too many congregants yet at the same time there is enough staff that we can break up and tackle all of the co ngregation at once or break up and assignment a few members of our team to interview all of the congregants either through home visits or meals with the congregants. The congregants interviews would be two fold to first ask them what you think are the strengths of the congregation and what they think the congregation can bring to the community. The second would be to get to know the congregants on an individual basis to ascertain their level of involvement as well as what their gifts and graces are. Another avenue to finding these things out can be a survey or what I have seen it in some congregations A volunteer form with different ideas for new ministries and see what people would be willing to help with. Not only would we use these forms and interviews to find out what they would be willing to help with more importantly what they are in need of that as well. We have to remember The congregation is at the top of priorities and so there needs need to be evaluated as well. Wall int erviewing congregants and beginning to work at the church through preaching and leading worship a part of the team needs to begin surveying the surrounding area. We have some of this information that there are new shops and a new population but to begin to look

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