Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees Essay

Insurance Is non Always Beneficial to Emplyees - Essay ExampleIn the United States, for example, many employees die Insurance policy through their employers where the employers help pay the Insurance policy. When the employer insures one, it is usually through a managed care mean that are wellness insurance plans that provide health care facilities to members at reduced costs by laying down contracts with medical facilities and health care providers. Employer based Insurance is often lots cheaper as compared to buying individual Insurance, hence many people rather have their insurance bill cut from their salaries. The United States unlike other industrialised countries has a different case in that it does not have a national Insurance System. It is important to be insured because one cannot always fork when they are going to need the medical attention. There are vast advantages of getting employee-based health insurance. In the essay, I will look at health insurance in stem ver ses individualized context, explore the advantages of employer based health insurance plan and discuss that insurance is not always beneficial. Group verses tell apart Insurance Employment based Insurance is an example of group based Insurance. ... e of group insurance policy is that it is much easier to obtain in that on that point are little procedures to be followed, which would in turn delay or even terminate the whole application process like inquiring about the health history of individual members. Group insurance policy is definitely the cheapest form of insurance available. However, as compared to group insurance, there are numerous advantages of individualized insurance plans. Firstly, one is able to customize the provisions they may want included or neglected in their package. They may also choose to mildew on the deductible amount of payment that the insurance company does. It also enables individual to choose the doctor that would be conducting their services. Here the price range may be elevated as compared to group insurers, but the services are better. It may also be exceptionally costly particularly when one runs a high risk being ill or has high health risk qualities. Advantages of Employment Based Health Insurance Plans A health plan would gain more if groups of individuals with low health risks were enrolled in it as compared to unhealthy list of individuals. In the United States where the employee health insurance benefit scheme is purely voluntary, there is a great chance that a group of highly unhealthy individuals are registered in the plan. Insurers would often prefer to enroll a group of individual as compared to the specific individual. Employment based insurance groups are one of the individual groups that are always considered to be formed for the sole bearing to offer their employees health insurance. It does not discriminate and whether the individual in the group posses a high health risk than the other, they will automat ically qualify for the system. Not only are employers capable of

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