Thursday, May 9, 2019

Communication and Learning Skills in Computer Science Essay

Communication and Learning Skills in Computer Science - Essay ExampleThe digital elbow room of communion has facilitated creation and development of websites and software programs that carry to better and eased how people communicate. Social networking is some other name for interconnectivity of kind sites like human verbalism books and twitters among others. Social networking and its complementary loving sites have had serious and substantial impacts on how people communicate within their respective environments. Social networking has had both negative and positive impacts on the manner in which people communicate in various societies. Positive Impacts of Social Networking on How hatful overstep Social networking has worked to enhance the manner and speed of talk within our various societies. To communicate through and through social network, one requires having special skills to read, write and interpret the abbreviations used in communicating. Due to the ease of theme t hese abbreviations, social networking makes it very easy for people to exchange and share information. Moreover, social networking has worked positively towards improving communication skills and efficiency of shy people who fear communicating on face to face setting (Tyson 2010, p. 9). Since communication only requires participants to write their thoughts, shy people registered in social networks have no reason to go on from communication. In precise, social networking has enhanced confidence and courage required of people during communication (Mcnamara 2010, p. 13). The use of social networks in business organizations has significantly changed the manner in which institutional management coordinate operations. Instead of compose paper memos for eveningts, managers can nowadays write soft memos and post them on the face book or twitter account of the organization for all friend workers to access. Negative Impacts of Social Networking on How People Communicate Social networking v ia sites such as Facebook, twitter, Google, and MySpace among others has greatly compromised writing skills and the art of communication as a unit of measurement (Jung 2012). Though communications conducted through social networking entails writing, the process is usually in the form of short core services (SMS). Real SMSs involve construction and writing of messages and sentences in their short forms that may be unwieldy for some people to understand. For example, instead of writing the goodbye, a person using SMS while communicating via social networking will write gudby or gdby. Such kinds of communication and very influential and people easily change to them, despite their unofficial nature that makes them inappropriate for business communications (Goodall, Goodall and Schiefelbein 2010, p.17). The confidence people tend to have while communicating via social networks has negatively worked to increase cyber-bullying. This has been possible especially in sites like face book where making friends only requires one to send a request and receive confirmation even from anonymous people. The anonymous friend understanding the level of anonymity to the other friend may be tempted to start sending inflammatory messages that translate into bullying. Bullying is usually difficult on a face to face basis of communication as perpetrators fear of their identity to the victim, which may ease accusation and criminal prosecution on the basis of threatening

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