Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress Essay Example
Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress Paper I have chosen two poems by Robert Browning, Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess, and one by the earlier poet Andrew Marvell, To His Coy Mistress. In this essay I plan to compare the contrasting approaches to love in these three poems, and how the poets achieve their aims through language. This can be done using poetic devices such as enjambment, rhyme scheme and meter and language including diction, metaphors and similes. My last Duchess is a dramatic monologue. This means that only one person is talking and therefore only his point of view is shown. This point of view shows his personality and how he feels towards his wife. The poem begins, Thats my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call. That piece a wonder, now: Fra Pandolfs hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. This gives the reader the impression that the man does not care about his wife, but more about the value of the painting and how a famous painter spent lots of time painting it. Straight away the reader can see that this man is cold and not passionate towards his deceased wife. We will write a custom essay sample on Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Porphyrias Lover, My Last Duchess and To His Coy Mistress specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Two easily impressed: she liked whateer She looked on, and her looks went everywhere. Here the man believes that his wife was too easily impressed and affectionate towards others and other things. He wants his wife to adore him and no other, and therefore is a selfish man. This also includes enjambment which makes the dramatic monologue seem more like a speech which he is dictating and shows him as very egotistical and self absorbed. The speech becomes very disturbing when he says: Then all smiles stopped together. Here he is morbid and cold hearted as he is saying that because she did not completely adore him, he killed her, or at least that is the impression the reader gets. His selfish personality has become disgustingly evil as he is willing to kill his own wife just because he did not have her complete admiration. How horrid and mean must a man be to do that? Together down, sir, Notice Neptune, though Taming a sea horse, thought a rarity, Which Claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me! Here he has moved on from showing his guest the painting to another one of his prized objects, and that is what he sees her as, an object. Just like an object she was disposed of just as easily as she was obtained. The reader by the end of the poem understands that the man has no passion towards his previous wife, only the disgust of how his wife was too easily impressed, which to most people would be seen as a good quality. This is in great contrast to Porphyrias Lover as this shows no passion at all, and Porphyrias Lover is all about passion and emotion. The rain set early in to-night, The sullen wind was soon awake. The rain and hard wind show the mans mood, and this is an unhappy and loveless one. This mood however is completely reversed, When glided in Porphyria; straight She shut out the cold and the storm. Now the cold and storm have gone, showing his previously discontented mood has been rid of , and he is now full of love and happiness due to a beautiful damsel fleeing from the storm and seeking shelter. This poem is inclusive of the weather and another character unlike My Last Duchess which includes only one character, the rich man. This poem may be less egotistical but still just as sinister, unpleasant and inclusive of death. He falls deeply in love with Porphyria and wishing that time would stand still he took her hair in one long string, and wound it Three times her little throat around, And strangled her. Unlike seeing her as an object, he sees her as a wonderful woman, on a higher level, but the twist is whilst they are in such deep love with each other he kills her. This may be seen as selfish as in the last poem but she loved him too so in his twisted mind it was fine to keep this moment where they love each other forever, and to do this he kills her. He still is in just as much praise of her as before and believes she is such a brilliant woman. Like the last poem this is sinister, but is very passionate. To His Coy Mistress is also very passionate, but is not cold like the others. It is more for comic purposes as the way in which the man talks to the mistress to get her in bed with him is comic. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise. He rudely and comically uses vegetable love as a metaphor for his penis erecting and then says how he wants to praise her. The first stanza therefore is all about the lustful man saying that if there was time enough he would spend it praising her. This is all very comic and would seem so to the coy lady. I believe it would make her laugh and blush and the man to her would seem witty and appealing. However, unlike in the last poem where the woman is seen as a wonderful woman who is on a higher level, here he is trying to reduce her and bring her down to his level and in to his bed, literally. It retains however the passion. This passion is in the form of lust and Porphyrias Lover is more passion in the form of love, however disturbing it may be. In conclusion love in these poems is portrayed in a number of different ways. My Last Duchess is very cold poem where the woman is objectified and there is a distorted view of love. There is also little passion shown. Porphyrias lover is quite a passionate poem, which portrays the woman as respectable and brilliant. However the love becomes sinister as in My last Duchess. To his Coy Mistress is much more light hearted than the others and is comic. The poem is quite passionate, but lust is the form of passion and that is not true love, but a love that like in My Last Duchess objectifies the woman. Also the women in the two poems are seen as less important as in Porphyrias Lover which represents the woman as the most important thing in the world. Therefore Browning poems are more sinister and different to Marvell which is more like Donne as their poems are more co mic and lustful.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Investors Protection in Corporate Governance
Investors Protection in Corporate Governance The adoption of corporate governance ensures that investors are protected in an organization. Corporate governance provides guidelines in which business objectives are realized through ethical and lawful means. For this reason, investors’ protection needs are stipulated, which increases an organization stakeholders’ confidence and benefits in the long term.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Investors’ Protection in Corporate Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Based on the recent global financial crisis and corporate financial scandals, it is vital to understand the issues addressed by corporate governance. In this case, the adoption of corporate governance influences the behavior of investors and the overall performance of the business (Colley, 2005). Therefore, investors evaluate their investment decisions based on the annual reports published by the companies. Investors’ protectio n in corporate governance plays a critical role during the investment decision-making process. In this case, investors should learn about the rights to access information disclosed in annual reports before making investment decisions. Organizations that respect investors’ rights as well as assisting them exercise their rights provide investors with confidence and certainty in their actions. In most cases, organizations have to communicate openly and effectively with their stakeholders during general meetings to prevent instances of vanishing companies. Consequently, investors get a chance to access the company in terms of its performance and ethical conduct, which influence their investment decisions. Based on transparency and accountability witnessed during the process, investors are protected from corporate frauds and accounting scandals (Kim Nofsinger, 2007). The responsibilities of the board in investors’ protection are addressed within corporate governance. In th is regard, investors’ protection is realized through the relevant skills and management capabilities adopted by the board before making investment decisions. Based on the characters and personalities of the board members, insider trading can be curbed, which prevent the vulnerability of investors to losses. The board influences the performance of a business through their level of independence and commitment. In addition, the board should have skills and knowledge of assessing the organization’s annual reports to evaluate its performance (Colley, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on business corporate law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Integrity and ethical standards are critical in preparation of annual reports as addressed by corporate governance. Through this practice, investors’ protection can be realized during the selection of management leaders and board members, who advocate for integ rity of financial reports. In addition, the codes of conduct formulated to guide directors and executives, should reflect the need to curb exposure of investors to losses. In this regard, the management is liable to undertake decision-making processes in ethical and responsible means. Through these efforts, the higher level of investor protection enhances the perception of good corporate governance for an organization. The level of disclosure and transparency influence the degree of investor protection needs. An organization should clarify and publicize the annual reports, which offer investors with a degree of accountability. Furthermore, an organization should adhere to the procedures, and promote integrity when preparing its financial statements. Meanwhile, the process of disclosing material matters affecting the company should be timely and accurate. This process will ensure that investors are accessible to clear, accurate and factual information (Kim Nofsinger, 2007). Conseque ntly, investors will be protected from the instances of non-disclosure of material facts, which may affect an organization in the future. Notably, it is critical to condemn and fire management of organizations that provide sensible information always regardless of its performance, protect investors from the severity of losses. Similarly, the conduct of business in adherence to the regulations of a country is portrayed in corporate governance. In this case, investors are protected through determination of the legality of the business, before investors can direct their resources to the firm. As a result, investors are protected from firms that practice money laundering activities and terrorist funding. Therefore, investors are made confident and flexible to undertake their investments without severe risks of organizations. These issues addressed by corporate governance with respect to investor protection depict the level of importance, which investors attach to corporate governance.Ad vertising We will write a custom essay sample on Investors’ Protection in Corporate Governance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Colley, J. L. (2005). What is corporate governance?. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kim, K. A., Nofsinger, J. R. (2007). Corporate governance (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
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