Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Ethics of Sampling essays
The Ethics of Sampling essays I do not support sampling. I feel that sampling is equivalent to someone breaking into your house and stealing a picture you painted. Or perhaps a better analogy would be if they broke into your house and stole a home-made cookie you made and then used computer software to analyze the contents of your cookie so they could sell the recipe. Sampling is wrong and, for good reason, illegal. Without regard to law I believe that sampling a previously recorded sound without compensation or permission does amount to stealing. I feel like sampling is something that should never be done because there are many more opportunities and avenues one can explore to get the same vibe from a song without stealing. Anytime you take someone elses music you are stealing, if you did not recreate that sound yourself. The Beastie Boys have been known for their sampling, but in recent years have gone against it and actually use their own instruments and sounds to rerecord anything they wish to sample. That fully absolves them of any blame and it makes it morally correct. It should not matter that only a slight amount of material is used for the new composition. Copyright laws make that very clear and that is the correct assumption. You should never be able to steal anything even if its only a fraction of a second. You could use 200 milliseconds of James Browns voice and I could identify it immediately therefore NO sampling without permission should be legal. You can always get permission if you go about the correct measure and if you cant there are other avenues that you can explore, because thats the way copyright law is written. Parody is making fun of a song using the same composition, not recording. I personally think parody is great because it doesnt make use of the original recording and allows a hilarious take on the original song. Usually those parodies turn out to be better than the real thing in my opinio...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Acids and Bases Terms and Definitions
Acids and Bases Terms and Definitions There are several methods of defining acids and bases. While these definitions dont contradict each other, they do vary in how inclusive they are. The most common definitions of acids and bases are Arrhenius acids and bases, Brà ¸nsted-Lowry acids and bases, and Lewis acids and bases. Antoine Lavoisier, Humphry Davy, and Justus Liebig also made observations regarding acids and bases, but didnt formalize definitions. Svante Arrhenius Acids and Bases The Arrhenius theory of acids and bases dates back to 1884, building on his observation that salts, such as sodium chloride, dissociate into what he termed ions when placed into water. acids produce H ions in aqueous solutionsbases produce OH- ions in aqueous solutionswater required, so only allows for aqueous solutionsonly protic acids are allowed; required to produce hydrogen ionsonly hydroxide bases are allowed Johannes Nicolaus Brà ¸nsted - Thomas Martin Lowry Acids and Bases The Brà ¸nsted or Brà ¸nsted-Lowry theory describes acid-base reactions as an acid releasing a proton and a base accepting a proton. While the acid definition is pretty much the same as that proposed by Arrhenius (a hydrogen ion is a proton), the definition of what constitutes a base is much broader. acids are proton donorsbases are proton acceptorsaqueous solutions are permissiblebases besides hydroxides are permissibleonly protic acids are allowed Gilbert Newton Lewis Acids and Bases The Lewis theory of acids and bases is the least restrictive model. It doesnt deal with protons at all, but deals exclusively with electron pairs. acids are electron pair acceptorsbases are electron pair donorsleast restrictive of the acid-base definitions Properties of Acids and Bases Robert Boyle described the qualities of acids and bases in 1661. These characteristics may be used to easily distinguish between the two sets up chemicals without performing complicated tests: Acids taste sour (dont taste them!)- the word acid comes from the Latin acere, which means souracids are corrosiveacids change litmus (a blue vegetable dye) from blue to redtheir aqueous (water) solutions conduct electric current (are electrolytes)react with bases to form salts and waterevolve hydrogen gas (H2) upon reaction with an active metal (such as alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, zinc, aluminum) Common Acids citric acid (from certain fruits and veggies, notably citrus fruits)ascorbic acid (vitamin C, as from certain fruits)vinegar (5% acetic acid)carbonic acid (for carbonation of soft drinks)lactic acid (in buttermilk) Bases taste bitter (dont taste them!)feel slippery or soapy (dont arbitrarily touch them!)bases dont change the color of litmus; they can turn red (acidified) litmus back to bluetheir aqueous (water) solutions conduct an electric current (are electrolytes)react with acids to form salts and water Common Bases detergentssoaplye (NaOH)household ammonia (aqueous) Strong and Weak Acids and Bases The strength of acids and bases depends on their ability to dissociate or break into their ions in water. A strong acid or strong base completely dissociates (e.g., HCl or NaOH), while a weak acid or weak base only partially dissociates (e.g., acetic acid). The acid dissociation constant and base dissociation constant indicates the relative strength of an acid or base. The acid dissociation constant Ka is the equilibrium constant of an acid-base dissociation: HA H2O ⇆A- H3O where HA is the acid and A- is the conjugate base. Ka [A-][H3O] / [HA][H2O] This is used to calculate pKa, the logarithmic constant: pka - log10 Ka The larger the pKa value, the smaller the dissociation of the acid and the weaker the acid. Strong acids have a pKa of less than -2.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Review of the US Autism Websites Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Review of the US Autism Websites - Research Paper Example â€Å"The Autism Society of America is the nation’s premier autism resource†(Rudy, 2007). This organization is a chapter and member-based organization, which provides us with an opportunity to join it and help people deal with the problem of Autism. The website provides us with an unbiased introduction and explanation of autism. It also includes useful information regarding diagnosis, causes, and treatment of autism. Autism is a genetic problem. â€Å"Autism is influenced by complex, yet strong genetic factors†(Cook, 1998). Some knowledge, which I gained from this website, is that it appears in the first 3 years of a child’s life. It also made me aware of some signs of autism, which included, delay in speaking, lack of peer relationships, and repetitive use of language. It also made me know that almost 1.5 Americans have the problem of autism and only 50 to 55 percent of autistic children become able to finish high school level studies. The third website, which I reviewed, was firstsigns.org. This website is dedicated to creating awareness and educating parents about autistic disorders. It not only creates awareness about the diagnosis and treatment of autism but also makes parents aware of the use of different types of screening tools. Autism appears in the first three years of a child’s life. â€Å"The average age of diagnosis is still around 6 years†(Howlin & Moorf, 1997). I found this website very useful because it provided me with a good amount of knowledge regarding screening tools. I became aware of how to use screening tools. It also made me know that the best screening tools are those, which are accurate, flexible, and affordable. The fourth website, which I reviewed, was autismresearchnetwork.org. â€Å"The National Institutes of Health Autism Resource Network is a terrific resource for medical information and links to the latest research and findings†(Rudy, 2007). This website is based on the current research related to the problem of autism. As all other websites, this website also provided me with a good amount of knowledge regarding causes, symptoms, and treatment of autism.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The War of 1812 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The War of 1812 - Essay Example At the same time, these military campaigns are considered to have had serious influence on the development trajectories of both Russia and USA: whereas Russia had proved to be the ruler of destinies in Europe, USA began expansion westwards. The set of causes and preconditions that had triggered the outbreak of war between United States and its former metropolis, British Empire, is rather rich. These were primarily maritime and commercial reasons related to the Napoleonic War in Europe (Tucker). Americans treated Britain with contempt, while the British disapproved their former fellow citizens for betraying the king and didn’t take the new state seriously. The period preceding the warfare was marked by the military campaign between France and British Empire, and USA keeping neutrality got between two fires. America had commercial relations with many countries including the two warring parties at that time; and American merchants got into trouble finding themselves between the Napoleonic Continental System and the British Orders in Council that did their best to prohibit the trade with the enemies (i.e. they tried to damage trade systems of each other) (Tucker). British Empire blocked French ports and demanded an additional fee from the American merchants to enter them (America’s Library). The escalation of the conflict was triggered by the search of American commercial ships and impressment of the sailors by the British Navy (McNamara). In 1807, British hostility went as far as to attacking the naval frigate Chesapeake in the coastal waters of Virginia with the intention to capture â€Å"deserters†: three sailors were killed and eighteen were wounded in this attack (Heidler). This incident triggered the outburst of cries for vengeance in the United States, and the majority demanded to declare the war to British Empire.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Little thing Essay Example for Free
Little thing Essay Of the five poems I have selected beforehand, I happen to choose the poem â€Å"The Pebble†. It took me awhile to choose which poem to talk about but somehow, I keep coming back in reading this poem. I favour this poem compared to the other four because of the simplicity it implies. It starts off with the title which gives out a plain imagery of the thing that will be talked about. The poem struck me in the way that it talked about a very little thing. A thing that is often taken for granted. Nobody would actually pay much attention to a pebble. Usually, the pebble is just an add-on to an aquarium or a little thing to beautify a garden. Even so, be it in an aquarium or a garden, the object of concentration is not the pebble. But in this poem, the pebble holds the main attraction. My attention was taken away by the description given to a pebble. And as to how the poem unfolds, the comparison and contrast of a pebble and that to a person was stated plainly, but not directly though. Often times we think of a use for a certain thing and eventually we talk about it or write about it. In any case, we share that what is important. So, in the case of this poem, a pebble never seemed to be something important. Most of the time, people don’t seem to bother about anything regarding a pebble. A poem expresses the emotions of a writer and usually in the state of turmoil. What is captivating about this poem is that there isn’t much of a turmoil expressed in words for this. It describes what a pebble is, how a pebble could be and compared it as to how a person could feel. I feel a certain depth in this poem, though I doubt if I could eventually express that depth. I somehow could feel that this poem has something more than what it is giving. The problem is just that I’m still trying to measure up the feeling conveyed by this poem. Somehow, I have a strange idea of being able to fathom what the poem holds, but because of its vividness, I’m having a hard time grasping the concept it implies. Such ironic feelings are extracted from my mind but I’m trying though to put it into words. The poem has an intrinsic impact on me. I don’t have much of an idea of the author but as I read the poem over and over again, and internalize it somehow, I gain knowledge to the truth it may imply. With how I describe it, the poem may seem to be a prayer, but actually, it’s not. It’s not everyday that we read a poem which is presented so simply. I just have a feeling that the writer wrote this according to how he perceives the truth of the pebble. A pebble which is a little stone that eventually could last longer than any other thing. Part four The Pebble is a very interesting poem. From the title itself, it projects a literary piece about simplicity. As we have seen pebbles and grasp a meaning of this thing, it is an object that is pretty much of little value. But this thing has been often times used as an instrument for symbolism. It doesn’t actually become the symbol, but yet, it is used as a contributor for the statement of the symbol. Like the ripples on the water, to make the ripples, the pebble is used as the object that is thrown to create the ripples. But in this situation, the impact was made by the pebble but the symbol was the ripple. Interpretation of the Poem At the start of the poem, the pebble is described as a perfect creature. It is here that we can see that the object has been given the traits as that of a person. Attributing the perfection that the writer is talking about for the pebble would be on its physical aspect. The physical description of pebbles which are often perfectly oval in shape with a smooth surface, having no cracks or lumps, would suit the description of excellence or perfection. In comparison to a person, a perfect creature would then be one without cracks or perhaps loopholes and one who doesn’t have any lumps. Perfection in our own view would be that of someone who doesn’t possess any frailties, errors and does all things without mistakes and stands as clean as ever. But as the writer proceeds with the poem, it mentioned that it could only be equalled to itself and is aware of its limits. A perfect thing that cannot be compared by anything except itself and has limits, were the descriptions emphasized by the poet. Still, this has been compared to that of a person. Perfection does not imply that the person has no limits. With this description then, we could imply that in perfection, it is being and doing something flawlessly but in the range of one’s limits. Often, when we talk about perfection, it is in comparison already to supreme beings or gods. But the poet has stated that what could be compared to one creature would not be anyone else, but only with it. Indeed, the concept of uniqueness has been unfolded. As the poem proceeds, it has been defined by the author that the meaning this object holds, is the meaning it holds from the time it has been made. â€Å"A pebbly meaning†would mean the identity that this object holds and whatever that is, that is the true meaning of the thing. Same goes if related again to a person, that the definition or meaning of who we are is the self. It is not somebody else that hold the meaning of our life, but it is our self, the one with us from the beginning, that defines what we are. Another idea of the â€Å"pebbly meaning†would be the concept of a pebble which is not of great significance but just possesses the simplicity that it is as an object. It is not a big rock that could smash something smaller or a stone which may be small but definitely holds weight. It is not a mountain that shows greatness just by looking at it. It is emphasizing a pebble, small, perhaps insignificant, and does not hold much weight. But as we ponder on the purpose as to why it exists, it holds more than what it is actually letting us see. The poem describes further that the pebble is one thing that doesn’t have a specific characteristic that would be intimidating and though it is unique and different, it stands with its uniqueness without any other factor that might entice anybody. As all other things or people would need more than what they have, like they would go for enhancing the appearance or develop any form of attractive facilities for others to see or witness, the pebble sticks with what it has. Despite the simplicity or plainness it holds, it still has its dignity and pride. It is contradicting to the idea that without pride is simplicity. Being simple does not mean that one does not hold any value of himself. It doesn’t also mean that there is no regard for the self. Instead, inside that simplicity, an aura of pride and dignity emanates. It’s just that people don’t get to see it because they are more aware of the obvious things. As the poem proceeds, the writer was somehow humbled down to the value of the pebble that in the changing world, struggling all the time for attention and importance, the pebble or anyone that could be related to a pebble, simply sits quietly and wait. In the end, all the others vanish, and it’s just the pebble that remains. Those who do not live such complicated lives could eventually see all that is happening and live longer than most of the people. Conclusion The poem is written as a realization in life. Often times people would prefer to have the symbol of a mountain, or something powerful and bigger. This is so because of how we see our life, we prefer to have the control especially when we are not in control in reality. We want to be in power when in reality we are weak and helpless. Our symbols tell what we really are and it’s has always been the opposite of what we are. In this poem, the concept of simplicity and the awakening of humility are emphasized. Simplicity is held in the object of the pebble. The object of no complications and the writer is in the point of using this imagery to a person’s life. The awakening of the humility is expressed in the last two stanzas of the poem where the writer has gone to see the impact of a pebble and how it absorbs everything there is without complaining. This is a contradiction to people where complaining has been made a hobby and dissatisfaction always a companion. Before going to the point of appreciating, people tend to complain, grumble and then when the worse has come, perhaps, mellow down and bear with the idea of appreciating something. The poet has created a very good concept of life. The poem written is also expressed the same way as that of the idea it intends to convey. Simplicity indeed is beauty and only few have seen it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Social Environment Essay -- Business and Management Studies
The Social Environment Ethics and Social Responsibilities ---------------------------------- Ethics are moral principles and judgements that many people believe should be considered when a business makes any decision (for example, what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’? What is ‘good’ and ‘bad’?). Social Responsibilities are the duties that a business has towards the people who are affected by its activities, for example, customers, employees, suppliers, and the local community. A ‘good’ business is deemed to be one which acts in a socially responsible fashion, and takes ethical decisions and actions at all times. It minimises waste, it creates wealth, it treats its employees well, it respects the environment, it does not employ ‘fat cat’ executives, it is efficient in its use of resources, it meets consumers’ expectations and it returns some of its profit to the community in which the sales are generated. Topical ethical issues in today’s business world include: 1. The exploitation of cheap labour in foreign ‘sweatshops’. 2. The use of child labour. 3. Dealing with corrupt foreign governments and businesses. 4. Causing damage to the environment. There are many advantages that businesses can gain from taking a highly ethical and socially responsible stance: 1. Attracting and retaining high quality employees. 2. Attracting new consumers. 3. Generating good publicity. 4. Attracting ethically-minded investors. However, taking a highly ethical and ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Althete Safety
No matter what age. Gender, or ethnicity sports are universal. Whether the sports are American or otherwise, anyone can play/do sports. Thousands of people sign up to play sports in this country every day. In America, sports are one of the top hobbies people do every day. There are so many sports; It is in fact difficult to choose a few among them. However each sport has Its own set of rules. Sports are more popular for teens nowadays but they are the top reason teens are getting injured these days.Rules used to be very minimal when sports were first rated, but as of today each sport has its own specific set of rules to follow by. At every sporting event It Is mandatory to have some type of medical team or medical kit with you at all times. Concussions are the biggest concern when it comes to injuries. Especially playing football, or boxing or other head to head sports. In each sport they make rules to try and prevent the cause of concussions. The rules in each sport nowadays are so advanced that they try so hard to push the Importance of how bad a concussion can be toward an athlete.A concussion could ruin a player's season, or even career. This doesn't happen to teen athletes. This could occur to those playing in the NIL (National Hockey League), the NFG (National Football League) and even boxing along with many other sports. Many people believe that the new set of rules and regulations set for each sport to try to protect athletes from being injured is unnecessary; while others believe that they're great and can definitely save people. Many people are all for the rules and regulations to protect the athletes.Most of the reason they have these rules and isolations Is to prevent lawsuits and of course concussions According to past experiences with teammates it should be a requirement for student athletes or any athlete for this matter to be provided with training in recognizing symptoms of certain medical issues such as; concussions, asthma, or other head and neck injuries. Being both healthy and safe will help you become a better athlete and obviously will help you stay safe of other injuries.Injuries at teenage levels can be taken very serious, even if it's Just a sprain or a pulled muscle. Stretching out each day when you aka up, before and after you work out will not only loosen up your muscles but it'll reduce the percentage of injuries. According to â€Å"USA Today†1. 35 million youth athletes have a serious injury each year due to sports and not being healthy with your body. The top youth sports injuries occur with contact of the head or your ankles.The highest percentage rate of injuries Is your ankles at 15%. The second highest Is your head with 14%. Surprisingly enough the lowest percentage injury Is your knees at 9%. The most common sports for these types of Injuries to happen are in football and basketball. According to â€Å"USA Today' the number of people with concussions this past year at ages 19 and under is at 3 94,350 playing football. The number of concussions due to playing basketball is at 389,610 this past year.These Injuries are due to no safety training to these student athletes. By age the highest percentage rate for concussions is 47% at ages 12-15. The lowest percentage rate for concussions is at 5% for athletes 7 and under. Increasing. Athletes would rather focus on playing the game and getting ready to compete then focusing on their warm up and being provided with training. However, any Americans frequently utilize the healthcare system for treatment of injuries resulting from everyday activities such as sports.Whether the sports are for the school or an intramural the number of injuries is still pretty high due to the fact of not training the symptoms of injuries. Every year the percentage rate goes up because of the different rule changes. Many suffer from minor or even serious sports-related injuries. Throughout the years of sports so many rules have changed that the injury l evel on student athletes keeps changing. However, the number of injuries occurs a lot wrought bigger level sports, such as; the NFG, NIL and boxing or other head on sports.The sports don't have to be head on Just to injure yourself. You can play any sport and injure anything in your body if you use it the wrong way. The more you don't focus on training for the symptoms the easier it is to injure yourself. It could change your life in a negative way. Whether you train yourself or not for the symptoms of injuries there's still a possibility you can get injured. You can't prevent getting injured 100%, but if you trained yourself for the symptoms then you have a better chance to prevent injury.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Summary of Radical Idea of Marrying for Love
In the essay â€Å"The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love†, Stephanie Coontz discusses the change marriage has made among the different cultures around the world and how it went from being an act that was necessary to something that was done for personal joy and fulfillment. For most cultures marriage was an act that was done as a necessity. Couples married because they needed to reproduce and ensure that their family continued to have money and power. The romance of marriage did not exist and it was discouraged in most cultures for the couples to fall in love before marriage. Most marriages were arranged by the family, the couples did not marry because of being in love. In the Chinese culture the man could return the wife to her father if it appeared the husband and the wife were too in love. The husband had duties to perform as well as the wife and if those duties were neglected because the couple was too in love it was looked down upon. Couples weren’t supposed to love their spouses. It was common for each partner to have a mistress. The mistress was the one they were to be intimate with. In fact it was common for the couples to explore intimacy outside the marriage openly. The couples depending on culture would share spouses with other couples, or even siblings. In the Bari culture it was common for the women to be with other men even during pregnancy. However at time of birth the women could name all the partners she had been with since she knew she was prengnat. The men would help support the child. Acts such as this are not accepted in all cultures. In more recent centuries couples began to fall in love before they married; although it is still looked down upon in certain cultures. Certain critics felt that if women and men were in love before marriage that things would change in marriage. They felt that men and women would choose mates based on what made them happy at the moment and then could decide to not be married if they were no longer happy. The idea of marriage and love has changed over history and many cultures still have mixed beliefs on what is acceptable within the marriage. Being in love is not a necessity before marriage and those that believe this also feel that it is acceptable to find intimacy outside the marriage. While other cultures believe that you should marry for love and be faithful to your spouse. Marriage is one of the many things that vary depending on culture and the beliefs among those cultures regarding marriage has also changed over the centuries.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Collection of Zulu Proverbs
A Collection of Zulu Proverbs Much of Africas history has been passed on through the generations orally. One consequence of this is that traditional wisdom has been crystallized in the form of proverbs. Zulu Proverbs Here is a collection of proverbs attributed to the Zulu of South Africa. You can learn wisdom at your grandfathers feet, or at the end of a stick.Meaning: If you pay attention to what your elders are telling you and follow their advice, you wont have to learn things the hard way through experience. If you dont absorb what they have to say, you will have to learn your lessons by making mistakes and accepting the often-painful consequences.A walking man builds no kraal.Meaning: A kraal is a homestead. If you keep moving, you wont settle down or be forced to settle down.You can not know the good within yourself if you can not see it in others.Meaning: If you want to build self-esteem, you need to practice looking for good qualities in others and appreciating them. This in itself is a virtue, which will build goodness in you.When you bite indiscriminately, you end up eating your own tail.Meaning: Think before you act, especially when acting out of anger or fear. Plan your actions carefully so you dont make things worse.The lion is a beautiful animal when s een at a distance.Meaning: Things arent always as they seem at first glance, so be careful what you wish for; it may not be what is best for you. The bones must be thrown in three different places before the message must be accepted.Meaning: This refers to a divination ritual; you should consider a question multiple times in multiple ways before reaching a decision.Guessing breeds suspicion.Meaning: When you dont have all of the facts, you may come to false conclusions or experience paranoia. Its better to wait for solid evidence.Even immortals are not immune to fate.Meaning: Nobody is too big to take a fall. Your wealth, intelligence, and success wont protect you from random negative events.You cannot fight an evil disease with sweet medicine.Meaning: Fight fire with fire rather than turning the other cheek. This proverb advises war over diplomacy and not showing mercy to an enemy.Old age doesnt announce itself at the gate of the kraal.Meaning: Old age sneaks up on you; it doesnt simply arrive one day when you are expecting it.Almost doesnt fill a bowl.Meaning: You dont get partial credit for a failure; you will still suffer the consequences of the failure. You must complete a task and carry through to enjoy success. Dont bother to use the excuse that you tried and you almost succeeded. This is similar to Yodas, Do. There is no try. Even the most beautiful flower withers in time.Meaning: Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy it while you have it.The sun never sets that there has not been fresh news.Meaning: Change is the one constant.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Ultimate ACT Writing Study Guide Tips, Strategies, and Practice
The Ultimate ACT Writing Study Guide Tips, Strategies, and Practice SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips We've written the best study guide to ACT Writing section and the ACT essay available anywhere. This is a bold statement, but it's not an exaggeration.We have read many, many different ACT prep books and thoroughly studied ACT, Inc’s resources. Based on our research, we believe that this guide is the best resource available by farfor ACT Writing. In this guide, we cover each aspect of the ACT essay in detail, from what kinds of prompts you'll be asked to write abouttothe essential underlying skills the essay prompt is testing.You'll learn the best ACT writing tips and strategies as well as how to get the most out of ACT writing practice and prep. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to ACT Writing and how to improve your ACT Writing score, you'll find this resource invaluable.By mastering the skills tested, practicing with realistic ACT Writing prompts, and zeroing in on your weak spots, you'll have the tools to dramatically boost your ACT Writing score. I've organized this article into fivedifferent sections,based on the level of detail covered in the articles.We'll start with understanding the general structure of theACT Writing section and having the right mindset for the essay. Next, we'll cover why colleges care about the ACT essay and which colleges require or recommend it. In the third section of this article, we'll go into ACT Writing in more detailand examinethe rubric, prompts, and format. We'll then take a look at how to fit ACT Writing prep into yourstudy plan and how to get the most out ofyour study time for score improvement. Finally, we'llend with a couple of special guides aboutavoiding plagiarism and dealing with ACT Writing scoring issues. We suggest reading this guide in order to start, then using itas a reference page to come back to as you progress in your test prep. ACT Writing: The Basics The articles in this first section of our ultimate ACT Writing Guide introduce you to the ACT essay task and scoring without getting too far into the details.Use these articles to learn the best way to approach the ACT essay. The New Enhanced ACT Writing Test (2016): Complete Guide This article serves as an introduction to ACT Writing test changes that were implemented September 2015. We gointo the difference between the current ACT essayand the previous ACT Writing test, which is great if you took the old ACT Writing and aren't sure what the new one looks like. It's also a helpful general overview of what's in the section and how it differs from other essays you might have written in the past. How Long Is the ACT With Writing? In this guide, we walk you through the layout of the ACT test and how long each of the sections and breaks is. You'll find informationfor regular and extended time, along with tips for dealing with the extreme length of the test and maintaining stamina and focus through the essay. ACT Essay Scoring: Completely Explained Read this guide to get anoverview of the way the ACT essay is scored and a brief discussion of each of the rubric criteria. You'll get a taste of what the essay graders are looking for and high-level advice on how to meet those expectationswith your ACT essay. What Is a Good ACT Writing Score? As with the ACT overall, it's important to have a score goal in mind when you study for ACT Writing. Because the weight placed on ACT Writing scores varies from school to school and schools' average ACT Writing scores are not always in line with their other ACT scores, you'll want to set your ACT Writing score goal based on the specific requirements of the schools you're applying to and nothing else. What's an Average ACT Writing Score? We do the work of keeping up with ACT Writing score data releases and percentile rankings for you and give you the big picture of what it all means in this article. How Do Colleges View ACT Writing? One of the things that distinguishes ACT Writing from the other sections of the ACT is thatyou have the option not to take it every time you take the test.These guides are designed to help you navigate the confusing world of what "optional" means when it comes to the ACT essay. Is ACT Writing Important? Expert Guide It can be a little tricky to figure out what impact ACT Writing has on your college application, particularly since it's not required (or even recommended) by all schools. Read this article to better understand the rationale behind schools requiring ACT Writing and what rolethe ACT essayplays in the college admissions process. Should You Take the ACT With or Without Writing? There are both pros and cons to choosing to take the ACT essay. This article will help youlearn what all the factors are and whether they apply to you. Complete List: Which Colleges Require ACT Writing: 500+ Schools Do you even need to take the ACT with Writing? A lot of whether or not you decide to take theACT with Writing depends upon which colleges you'll be applying to. Find out if the schools you want to get into recommend or require you to take ACT Writing in this article. Understanding ACT Writing Prompts and the ACT Essay Rubric The articles mentioned in this section break down the ACT essay prompt and discuss the different ways to approach writing the essay.Learn what skills are needed to excel on ACT Writing and strategies for developing and sharpening those skills. Follow along with our step-by-step walkthroughs of practice ACT essays and put your new knowledge to work by writing practice essays. How To Attack ACT Essay Prompts and Raise Your Score Dive into the ACT essay with this dissection of how ACT essay prompts are constructed. You'll learn about the three core perspectives and what the implications are for your essay's organization. ACT Writing Prompts: The Complete Guide You'll need to practice with official ACT Writing prompts to truly excel at the ACT essay. This article includes all of the free and public official ACT essay prompts, along with five other prompts I constructed based on those official prompts.I also discuss the core question each prompt is asking and how to preplan examples to use in any ACT essay. How To Get A Perfect 12 on the ACT Writing Essay To get a 12 on the ACT essay, youmustunderstand what the differences are between an almost-perfect and a perfect-scoring essay.I've distilled the essentials of my analysis of the ACT essay into this article. Plus, you'll get advice on what to do and what to avoid doing in your essay. How To Write An ACT Essay: Step Learn how to construct a top-scoring essay, one step at a time, by following along as I go through the planning, organizing, writing, and revising stages of the ACT essay. Try the strategies in this article to streamline your essay planning and writing process. ACT Writing Rubric: Full Analysis and Essay Strategies Get into the nitty-gritty of the scoring rubric and the skills the ACT wants to see displayed in your essay with this article. You'll learn about the four different domains (ideas analysis, development support, organization, and language use) and what you need to do to max out your score in each domain. You'll also discover the most effective ways to use the ACT essay rubric in your own studying. ACT Essay Format and Templates You Can Use Because the prompts and perspectives you'll be asked to write about on the ACT essay fall into predictable categories, it's possible to plan out the structure of your essay ahead of time.Follow our tips for creating your own ACT essay template that you can use and reuse on the actual ACT. ACT Writing Strategies and Tips We've gone over the generalities of the ACT essay, the importanceplaced on ACT Writing by colleges, andthe skills it takes to get a top-scoring ACT essay.The only thing left is tolearn how tosynthesize all that knowledgeinto concrete actions you can take to improve your essay writing. That's where the articles in this sectioncome in. The strategies and tips in thefollowingguides are based on our deep knowledge of ACT Writing. From larger issues like writing a long enough essayto smaller issues like including an introduction and conclusion, the advice we offer is designed to maximize your potential essay score improvement. How Does ACT Essay Length Affect Your Score? The ACT essay doesn't have a specified length, but that doesn't mean you can just answer the question in a few sentences and be done. This article discusses the minimum requirements your essay has to meet to score well and what this means for the length of your essay. ACT Writing Tips: 15 Strategies to Increase Your Essay Score You'll want to make sure you're allocating your time and energy during ACT Writing practice to activities that will yield the greatest score improvement. Read these tips for quick strategies that can have a big impact on your score. Does Messy Handwriting Hurt Your ACT Writing Score? It's unlikely you'll score a zero on the essay because your handwriting is so illegible, but that doesn't mean that messy handwriting can't hurt your essay score in other ways. Find out what the impact of bad handwriting on essay scores really is and strategies to avoid getting into that kind of mess. Pargon/Flickr Avoid ruining your essay score with messy handwriting as expertlyas this cat is avoiding the invisible water being sprayed at him. Special Guides for the ACT Essay The two articles included in this sectiongive special guidance ontwo specific aspects of ACT Writing that are unique to this section of the ACT: plagiarism and systematic scoring errors. Why You Shouldn't Copy Skeleton Templates for the SAT/ACT Essay What's the line for what is and is not acceptable when it comes to using ACT essay templates?I draw upon my essay grading experience and ACT Writing expertise to advise you on how to prepare yourself for the essay without plagiarizing. Think Your New ACT Writing Score Is Wrong? Recent Issues, Explained In this article, wediscuss the issues ACT, Inc. had with the rollout of the new ACT essay in September 2015 including scoring delays, scoring inconsistencies, and student complaints. This guideisanessential read if you're trying to decide whether you want to take the SAT with essay or ACT Plus Writing. Even though some of these issues have been resolved with the essay scoring change implemented September 2016, other issues may still be active and affect your ACT Writing score. What's Next? There's a lot of information to take in from thisguide, becausethere's a lot to understand about ACT Writing if you want to write a high-scoring essay.Reading these articles is just the first stage of your test prep, though. After making your way through all the resources linked to in this guide, you should... Go out and forage for high-quality study materials Diagnose your weaknesses and review your mistakes Stay motivated! Don't forget to review our other great ACT ultimate guides for English, Math, Reading, and Science for even more articles, strategies, and practice! If all the information in this guide is overwhelming you and you're not sure you'll be able to adequately prepare for the ACT essay on your own, consider trying out our ACT prep platform. Builtby Harvard grads, our program learns your individual strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics and then uses that information to customize your prep toyou. Our product alsoincludesscoring and custom feedbackforreal ACT essay prompts. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this ACT Writing lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get your ACT essays hand-graded by a master instructor who will give you customized feedback on how you can improve. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The purpose of ventilatory management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The purpose of ventilatory management - Essay Example So Mr. Bryants condition did not deteriorate. Oxygen therapy, bronchodilator and antibiotic therapy worked effectively. As to the further entilatory management it is possible to use non-invasive ventilation to reduce a need of hospitalization and future complications or respiratory failure. To avoid so called late failure it is necessary to continue monitoring the patient, have an intubation available and receive NIV in a place with trained staff of nurses. Taking into account the age, lifestyle and diagnosis of Mr. Bryant all the precautions must be followed. As initial level of ph was 7, 25 it is possible to say that Mr. Bryant’s condition was unsatisfactory. Taking into consideration that patient had an acute exacerbation of COPD and a respiratory failure it was necessary to manage support ventilation by means of oxygen therapy. An effect of the therapy was positive, ph factor increased, so it is possible to say that treatment corresponded to the situation. It is also possi ble to use long term oxygen therapy during the time of hospitalization. Ventilatory management in cases of COPD and pneumonia is of a great importance. The survival of the patient and his further recovery depend upon appropriate managing respiratory failure. 6. Scientific and technological revolution provided a wide use of technology in different spheres of life. Medical care achieved a high level due to the technological innovations. The work of the medical men is speeded up and supported by means of technology.
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